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Spears School of Business

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Land, labor, capital and optimization

The department’s faculty members conduct research in areas such as, regional/urban economics, macroeconomics, international economics, microeconomics, development economics and economic education. Our faculty members regularly publish their research in top-ranked academic journals, serve as presidents of academic associations and are elected as fellows of prestigious economic societies. This expertise translates into high quality instruction at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Development economics

Mehtabul Azam

Poverty, inequality, mobility, program evaluation, teacher quality

Harounan Kazianga

Field experiments, agriculture, human development, social protection, Sub-Saharan Africa

Dynamic macro and macroeconometrics

J.B. Kim

Macroeconomics/international macroeconomics, time series econometrics, empirical financial economics, international economics

Wenyi Shen

DSGE models, fiscal policy, applied time series econometrics, international economics

Economic education

Laura Ahlstrom

Economic education, student achievement, economics majors, gender economics, role model effect

International economics

Bidisha Lahiri

Trade, FDI, labor market, corruption, technology, development economics


Michael D.S. Morris

Household education, debt, fertility, labor, inequality

Eric Gonzalez Sanchez

Mechanism design, bargaining and game theory, decision theory, political economy

Regional/urban economics

Rui Du

Regional/urban economics, applied microeconomics, economic geography, Chinese economy

Dan Rickman

Regional economic development, state public finance, economic forecasting

Hongbo Wang

Regional development, public policy, energy, economic forecasting

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