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Oklahoma State University



Department of Economics
Aso Prof

Phone: 405-744-7530


  • Ph D, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, International Trade and Development Economics, 2007
  • MS, Indian Statistical Institute, Quantitative Economics, 1998
  • BS, Calcutta University, Economics, 1996


  • Bidisha Lahiri and William A. Darity. (2024). "Global North-South reparations: Demand-side and Supply-side Policies with a Dynamic View of International Trade and Finance". Development and Change.
  • Chandra Putra, Mahmut Yasar, Ankita Aggarwal, Bidisha Lahiri, and Roderick M. Rejesus. (2024). "International Linkages and Female Share of Employment: Plant-Level Evidence from a Developing Country". The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development.
  • Qinghe (Sunny) Su and Bidisha Lahiri. (2023). "Does the Belt and Road Initiative boost Chinese Automobile Exports? A Staggered Adoption Approach". Applied Economics. ((Forthcoming)),
  • Bidisha Lahiri and Richard Daramola. (2023). "Effects of Credit and Labor Constraints on Microenterprises and the Unintended Impact of Changes in Household Endowments: Use of Threshold Estimation to detect Heterogeneity". Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
  • Bidisha Lahiri and Haider Ali. (2022). "Inspections, Informal Payments and Tax Payments by Firms". Finance Research Letters. (46),
  • Bidisha Lahiri and Anurag Deb. (2022). "Effect of the Indian De-monetization Policy on its Exports". Empirical Economics. (62), 6,
  • Bidisha Lahiri and Luyi Han. (2020). "Effect of Product Obsolescence on Wages: Role of International Trade and Skill Levels". Economics Letters.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2018). "Racial Earnings Disparities with Endogenous Labor Market Participation". Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2017). "Dissimilar Relations Between Income and Environmental Quality for Open Economies in a Growth Model". Eastern Economic Journal. (43), 1, 104-127.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2015). "Role of labor intensity interaction in the relation between abatement expenditure and production". Economics Bulletin. (35), 1, 407-413.
  • Naneida Lazarte-Alcala, Lee Adkins, Bidisha Lahiri, and Andreas Savvides. (2014). "Remittances and Income Diversification Strategy for Bolivia's Rural Sector". Applied Economics. (46), 8, 848–858.
  • Atef Al Rashidi and Bidisha Lahiri. (2013). "The effect of exchange rate volatility on trade: correcting for selection bias and asymmetric trade flows". Applied Economics Letters. (20), 11, 1121-1126.
  • Bidisha Lahiri, Xi Tian, and . (2013). "Structural Break between Small and Large Firms’ Behavior in Trade Credit and Bank Credit: Evidence from India's Retail Sector". Applied Economics Letters. (20), 2, 199-202.
  • Bidisha Lahiri and Feroz Khan Masjidi. (2012). "Landlocked Countries: A Way to Integrate with Coastal Economies". Journal of Economic Integration. (27), 4,
  • Atef Al Rashidi and Bidisha Lahiri. (2012). "Trade-Weighted Exchange Rate Indices: Explaining Industrial Production". ”. Journal of International and Global Economic Studies. (5), 2, 24-31.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2012). "Input Intensity: A Missing Link between Production, Trade Patterns, and Environmental Standards". Review of International Economics. (20), 1, 108-118.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2011). "The Welfare Synergy of Bundling International Environmental Agreements with International Trade Treaties". Review of International Economics. (19), 5, 909-921.
  • A. Blackman, Bidisha Lahiri, and W. Pizer. (2010). "Voluntary environmental regulation in developing countries: Mexico’s Clean Industry Program". Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. (60), 3, 182-192.
  • W. Darity, Bidisha Lahiri, and D. Frank. (2010). "Reparations for African-Americans as a Transfer Problem: A Cautionary Tale". Review of Development Economics. (14), 2, 248-261.
  • Bidisha Lahiri. (2008). ""Understanding the Relation Between Income and Environment" in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences". New York: MacMillan.


  • “Trade liberalization as a vehicle for realizing intergenerational upward economic mobility”
    Southern Economic Association’s Annual Conference
    New Orleans, LA - November 2023
  • Horizontal and Vertical Foreign Direct Investment Linkages, Absorptive Capacity, and Domestic Investment: Evidence from Indonesian Plant-Level Data”
    Missouri Valley Economic Association’s Annual Conference
    Kansas City, MO - October 2023
  • “International Linkages and Female Share of Total Employment: Evidence from Indonesian Plant-Level Panel Data”
    Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Conference
    NYC, NY - February 2023
  • “Does the Belt and Road Initiative boost Chinese Automobile Exports? A Staggered Adoption Approach”
    Southern Economic Association’s Annual Economic Conference
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL - November 2022
  • Horizontal and Vertical Foreign Direct Investment Linkages, Absorptive Capacity, and Domestic Investment: Evidence from Indonesian Plant-Level Data
    Midwest Economic Conference
    Minnesota, MN - March 2022
  • Demarcating the Effects of Corruption on Firms in the Short and Long Horizons
    Annual Conference of the Sustainability and Development Initiative at the University of Michigan
    Virtual Platform - January 2022
  • Inspections, Informal Payments and Tax Payments by Firms
    Missouri Valley Economic Conference
    Missouri Valley Economic Association
    Initially Kansas City (MO), moved to Virtual - October 2021
  • Low level equilibrium trap for women
    Paper accepted at 2020 Western Economic Association International 95th Annual Conference (but cancelled due to COVID)
    June 2020
  • Impact of the Indian “De-monetization” policy: A Synthetic Control Approach
    Missouri Valley Economic Association
    Kansas City, MO - October 2019
  • Intertemporal preference as a candidate for explaining differences in gender specific outcomes
    Annual Conference of Southern Economic Association
    Washington D.C. - November 2018
  • “Entrepreneurial Effect of Employment program in India”
    Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association
    Boston, MA - March 2018
  • Racial Income Disparity in the USA with Endogenous Labor Market Participation
    Missouri Valley Economic Association Annual Conference
    Kansas City, MO - October 2017
  • “Heterogenous Effect of Remittances across Households of Different Wealth Levels”
    Annual Conference of Missouri Valley Economic Association
    St. Louis, MO - October 2016
  • Access to imported inputs and differential regional growth in India
    Missouri Valley Economic Association, Annual Conference
    Kansas City, MO - October 2015
  • Role of Remittances on International Development
    Missouri Valley Economic Association's Annual Conference
    St. Louis, MO - October 2014
  • Effect of Environmental Tax Policy on Steady State Production
    the Southern Economic Association’s Annual Conference
    Tampa, FL - November 2013
  • Pollution Haven: The Role of Interaction of Labor Intensity and Pollution Intensity
    Missouri Valley Economic Association’s Annual Conference
    Kansas City, MO - October 2013
  • The elusive effect of exchange rate volatility on trade in gravity models
    Missouri Valley Economic Association Annual Conference
    Memphis, TN - October 2012
  • International Trade in a Surplus Economy
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    Washington, D.C. - November 2011
  • Economic Constraints of Land-Locked Economies: Looking forward to potential solutions
    Missouri Valley Economic Association Annual Conference
    Kansas City, MO - October 2011
  • Use of trade credit and bank credit by small and large firms
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    Atlanta, Georgia - November 22 2010
  • Empirical Analysis of the Use of Supplier Credit and Bank Credit
    Missouri Valley Economic Association Annual Conference
    Kansas City MO - October 23 2009
  • Is There a Synergy in Linking Trade and Environmental Agreements?
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    Washington DC - November 2008
  • Factor Intensities: A Missing Link Between Production and Environmental Standards
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    New Orleans LA - November 2007
  • Reparations for African Americans as a Reparations Problem
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    New Orleans LA - November 2007
  • An Econometric Evaluation of Mexico's Voluntary Environmental Program: Clean-Industry Using Survival Analysis
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    Charleston SC - November 2006
  • Environmental Kuznets Curve in the Presence of International Trade and Capital Mobility
    Southern Economic Association Annual Conference
    Charleston SC - November 2006

Editorial and Review Activities

  • Finance Research Letters
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    October 2023 - November 2023
  • The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    October 2023 - October 2023
  • Applied Economics
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    May 2023 - May 2023
  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    November 2022 - December 2022
  • The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    September 2022 - October 2022
  • Journal of Economics, Race and Policy
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    April 2022 - May 2022
  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    October 2021 - November 2021
  • Social Forces
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    July 2021 - August 2021
  • Journal of Economic Studies
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    February 2021 - March 2021
  • Journal of International Development
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    February 2021 - March 2021
  • Journal of Development Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    2020 - 2020
  • Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    2020 - 2020
  • Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    2020 - 2020
  • Social Forces
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    2020 - 2020
  • Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics Bulletin, Applied Economics, Economic Modelling, Environment and Development Economics, • The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Review of Applied Economics, International Economic Journal, Applied Economics, Journal of Economics of Race and Policy, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    2012 - 2020

Awards and Honors

  • Featured Research article, IHDS Newsletter (2023)
  • International Fellow Scholarship, American Association for University Women (2006)
  • Tuition Scholarship and Stipend, Indian Statistical Institute (1998)
  • National Scholar, Graduate Level, Govt. of India (1996)

Academic, Military, and Professional Positions

  • Department of Economics, Oklahoma State University, Graduate Studies Coordinator, June 2021
  • Department of Economics, Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, July 2015
  • Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business, Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, August 2007 - June 2015
  • Department of Economics, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Teaching and Research Assistant, 2001 - 2006
  • Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C., Summer Research Assistant, May 2005 - August 2005
  • World Bank Project, "Sustainable Growth in India," Indian Statistical Institute, Project Linked Research Assistant, 2000 - 2001
  • Indian Statistical Institute, Research Fellow, 1999 - 2000

Courses Taught

  • ECON 2103 (10 Semesters)
  • ECON 6633 (5 Semesters)
  • ECON 3613 (29 Semesters)
  • ECON 6000 (15 Semesters)
  • ECON 4850 (1 Semester)
  • BHON 4990 (2 Semesters)
  • ECON 2203 (18 Semesters)
  • ECON 4993 (1 Semester)
  • ECON 5633 (4 Semesters)
  • ECON 5003 (1 Semester)
  • ECON 5010 (1 Semester)