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Oklahoma State University



Department of Economics
Regents Professor of Economics
OG&E Chair in Regional Economic Analysis and Professor of Economics

Phone: 405-744-1434


Dan Rickman's research focuses on rural and urban economies. Specific topics that he has examined include: the effects of energy extraction and the natural environment on regional growth and development; regional business cycles; regional migration and immigration; regional modeling for economic forecasting and policy analysis; regional poverty; and the long-standing influence of the rural-urban hierarchy on regional growth and development. His recently published research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Urban Economics, Land Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Regional Studies, and Southern Economic Journal.


  • Ph D, University of Wyoming, Economics, 1987
  • Other, University of Wyoming, Public Administration (MPA), 1982
  • BS, University of Wyoming, Political Science, 1980


  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2024). "COVID-19 and Beyond: Economic Outcomes in Republican vs. Democratic States". Applied Economics. 20.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2024). "Estimating the Economic Effects of US State and Local Fiscal Policy: A Synthetic Control Method Matched Regression Approach ". Growth and Change. (55), 2, 1-25.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2023). "Creating and Maintaining Film Clusters: Synthetic Control Method Analysis of the Enactment and Repeal of US State Film Incentives". Papers in Regional Science. (102), 2, 363-392.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2022). "Industry Aggregation and Assessment of State Economic Development from Motion Picture and Television Production Incentives". Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. (52), 1, 82-104.
  • Jing Wang, Dan Rickman, and Yihua Yu. (2022). "Dynamics between Global Value Chain Participation, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Panel Vector Autoregression Model". Energy Economics. (109), 1-20.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2020). "Whither the American West Economy? Natural Amenities, Mineral Resources and Nonmetropolitan County Growth". Annals of Regional Science. (65), 3, 673-701.
  • Hongbo Wang and Dan Rickman. (2020). "Housing Price and Population Growth across China: The Role of Housing Supply ". International Regional Science Review. (43), 3, 203-228.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2020). "U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: Do We Know More Now?". Journal of Economic Surveys. (34), 2, 424-465.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2020). "What Goes Up Must Come Down? The Recent Economic Cycles of the Four Most Oil and Gas Dominated States in the US". Energy Economics. (86), February, 1-16.
  • Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang, and John Winters. (2019). "Adjusting State Public School Teacher Salaries for Interstate Comparison". Public Finance Review. (47), 1, 142-169.
  • Hongbo Wang and Dan Rickman. (2018). "Regional Growth Differences in China for 1995-2013: An Empirical Integrative Analysis of their Sources". Annals of Regional Science. (60), 1, 99-117.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2018). "Two Tales of Two U.S. States: Regional Fiscal Austerity and Economic Performance". Regional Science and Urban Economics. (68), 46-55.
  • Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang, and John Winters. (2017). "Relative Teacher Salaries and the Decision to Teach". Contemporary Economic Policy. (35), 3, 542-550.
  • Dan Rickman. (2017). "Regional Science Research and the Practice of Regional Economic Forecasting: Less is Not More". Regional Research Frontiers. (1), 135-149.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, M. Rose Olfert, and Ying Tan. (2017). "International Trade and Local Labor Markets: Do Foreign and Domestic Shocks Affect Regions Differently?". Journal of Economic Geography. (17), 2, 375-409.
  • Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang. (2017). "U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: Natural Amenities or Urban Agglomeration?". Papers in Regional Science. (96), S1, S69-S90.
  • Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang, and John Winters. (2017). "Is Shale Development Drilling Holes in the Human Capital Pipeline?". Energy Economics. (62), 283-290.
  • Dan Rickman and John Winters. (2016). "Ranking Authors and Institutions by Publications in Regional Science Journals: 2010-2014". Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy. (47), 2, 312-336.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, M. Rose Olfert, Ying Tan, and . (2015). "When Spatial Equilibrium Fails: Is Place-Based Policy Second Best?". Regional Studies. (49), 8, 1303-1325.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Ying Tan, and M. Rose Olfert. (2015). "U.S. Regional Poverty Post-2000: The Lost Decade". Economic Development Quarterly. (29), 1, 38-48.
  • Dan Rickman and Mouhcine Guettabi. (2015). "The Great Recession and Nonmetropolitan America". Journal of Regional Science. (55), 1, 93-112.
  • Abdul Munasib and Dan Rickman. (2015). "Regional Economic Impacts of the Shale Gas and Tight Oil Boom: A Synthetic Control Analysis". Regional Science and Urban Economics. (50), 1-17.
  • Belal Fallah, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (2014). "Geography and High-Tech Employment Growth in U.S. Counties". Journal of Economic Geography. (14), 4, 683-720.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2014). "Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis and Land Use Economics". Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. 23-51.
  • Dan Rickman. (2014). "Assessing Regional Quality of Life: A Call for Action in Regional Science". The Review of Regional Studies. (44), 1, 1-12.
  • Yihua Yu and Dan Rickman. (2013). "U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policies and Nonmetropolitan Area Economic Performance: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis". Papers in Regional Science. (92), 3, 579-597.
  • Dan Rickman. (2013). "Should Oklahoma Be More Like Texas? A Taxing Decision". The Review of Regional Studies. (43), 1, 1-22.
  • Alessandra Faggian, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (2012). "Cultural Avoidance and Internal Migration in the USA: Do the Source Countries Matter?". Edward Elgar. 203-226.
  • Kamar Ali, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (2012). "International Immigration and Domestic Out-Migrants: Are Domestic Migrants Moving to New Jobs or Away from Immigrants?". Annals of Regional Science. (49), 397-415.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, M Rose Olfert, and Kamar Ali. (2012). "Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of Spatial Equilibrium or Structural Shifts in Local Labor Markets?". Regional Science and Urban Economics. (42), 1-2, 375-388.
  • Michael E. Davidsson and Dan Rickman. (2011). "U.S. Micropolitan Area Growth: A Spatial Equilibrium Growth Analysis". New Jersey: The Review of Regional Studies. (41), 2,3, 179-203.
  • Dan Rickman and Shane Rickman. (2011). "Population Growth in High Amenity Nonmetropolitan Areas: What's the Prognosis?". Journal of Regional Science. (51), 5, 863-879.
  • Stephan Goetz, Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, and Shibalee Majumdar. (2011). "Sharing the Gains of Local Economic Growth: Race to the Top vs. Race to the Bottom Economic Development Policies". Environment and Planning C. (29), 3, 428-456.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2010). "CGE Modelling for Regional Economic Development Analysis". Regional Studies. (44), 10, 1311-1328.
  • Peter McGregor, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (2010). "Innovations in Regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling ". Regional Studies. (44), 10, 1307-1310.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, K Ali, and M Rose Olfert. (2010). "Recent Spatial Growth Dynamics in Wages and Housing Costs: Proximity to Urban Production Externalities and Consumer Amenities ". Regional Science and Urban Economics. (40), 6, 440-452.
  • Dan Rickman. (2010). "Modern Macroeconomics and Regional Economic Modeling". Journal of Regional Science. (50), 1, 23-41.
  • Todd Cherry and Dan Rickman. (2010). "Environmental Amenities and Regional Economic Development". Routledge. 336 pages.
  • Todd Cherry and Dan Rickman. (2010). "Introduction to Environmental Amenities and Regional Economic Development". Routledge. 1-14.
  • Dan Rickman. (2009). "Neighborhood Historic Preservation Status and Housing Values in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma". Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. (39), 2, 99-108.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, and Kamar Ali. (2009). "Recent Immigration: The Diversity of Economic Outcomes in Metropolitan America". Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. (11), 3, 29-58.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2009). "Agglomeration Spillovers and Wage and Housing Cost Gradients across the Urban Hierarchy". Journal of International Economics. (78), 1, 126-140.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2009). "Do New Economic Geography Agglomeration Shadows Underlie Current Population Dynamics across the Urban Hierarchy?". Papers in Regional Science. (88), 2, 445-466.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2009). "Canadian Regional Labour Market Evolutions: A Long-Run Restrictions SVAR Analysis". Applied Economics. (41), 15, 1855-1871.
  • Dan Rickman, Steven Miller, and Russell McKenzie. (2009). "Spatial and Sectoral Linkages in Regional Models: A Bayesian Vector Autoregression Forecast Evaluation". Papers in Regional Science. (88), 1, 29-41.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, and Hui Li. (2009). "Who Wins from Local Economic Development? A Supply Decomposition of U.S. County Employment Growth". Economic Development Quarterly. (13), 13-27.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, and . (2008). "Recent Immigration and Economic Outcomes in Rural America". American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (90), 5, 1326-1333.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2008). "Distance from Urban Agglomeration Economies and Rural Poverty". Journal of Regional Science. (48), 2, 285-310.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2008). "Does a Rising Tide Lift All Metropolitan Boats? Assessing Poverty Dynamics by Metropolitan Size and County Type". Growth and Change. (39), 2, 283-312.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2008). "Employment Growth in the American Urban Hierarchy: Long Live Distance". The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Contributions to Macroeconomics. (8), 1, 1-36.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2008). "Place-Based Policy and Rural Poverty: Insights from Urban Spatial Mismatch Theory". Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. (1), 1, 131-156.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2008). "The Geographic Diversity of U.S. Nonmetropolitan Growth Dynamics: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach". Land Economics. (84), 2, 241-266.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2008). "Lost in Space: Population Growth in the American Hinterlands and Small Cities ". Journal of Economic Geography. (8), 6, 727-757.
  • Dan Rickman. (2007). "A Brief on When and How Rural Economic Development Should be Done". Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. (37), 1, 36-39.
  • Dan Rickman and Mark Snead. (2007). "A Regional Comparative Static CGE Analysis of Subsidized Childcare". Growth and Change. (39), 2, 283-312.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2007). "Persistent Pockets of Extreme American Poverty and Job Growth: Is There a Place-Based Policy Role?". Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. (32), 1, 201-224.
  • Mark D. Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2007). "Persistent Pockets of Rural Poverty: Is It Simply Remoteness and Scale?". Review of Agricultural Economics. (29), 3, 430-436.
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Kamar Ali, and M. Rose Olfert. (2007). "The Landscape of Urban Influence on U.S. County Growth". Review of Agricultural Economics. (29), 3, 381-389.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2006). "Fluctuations in Aggregate U.S. Migration Flows and Regional Labor Market Flexibility". Southern Economic Journal. (72), 4, 958-980.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2006). "The Geography of American Poverty: Is There a Need for Place-Based Policies?". Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. 370 pages.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2005). "Changes in Asymmetric Shocks in an Optimal Currency Area: An Analysis Using U.S. State Data". Oxford Economic Papers. (5), 373-397.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2005). "High-Poverty Counties in Nonmetropolitan America: Can Economic Development Help?". International Regional Science Review. (28), 4, 415-440.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2005). "Why Some U.S. Nonmetropolitan Counties Moved Out of Persistent High Poverty Status in the 1990s". Applied Economics Letters. (12), 8, 473-478.
  • Lee Adkins, Dan Rickman, and Abid Hameed. (2003). "Bayesian Estimation of Production for Regional CGE Modeling". Journal of Regional Science. (43), 4, 641-661.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2003). "Do We Know Economic Development When We See It?". The Review of Regional Studies. (33), 1, 17-39.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2003). "The Waxing and Waning of State Economies: The Chicken Egg Issue of Jobs vs People". Journal of Urban Economics. (53), 1, 76-97.
  • Dan Rickman. (2002). "A Bayesian Forecasting Approach to Constructing Regional Input Output Based Employment Multipliers". Papers in Regional Science. (81), 4, 483-498.
  • Dan Rickman and Steven Miller. (2002). "An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies for Incorporating Inter Industry Relationships into a Regional Employment Forecasting Model". The Review of Regional Studies. (32), 1, 133-147.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (2002). "Did the New Economy Vanquish the Regional Business Cycle?". Contemporary Economic Policy. (20), 4, 456-469.
  • Ricardo Gazel, Dan Rickman, and William Thompson. (2001). "Casino Gambling and Crime: A Panel Study of Wisconsin Counties". Managerial and Decision Economics . (22), 65-75.
  • Dan Rickman. (2001). "Using Input-Output Information for Bayesian Forecasting of Industry Employment in a Regional Econometric Model". International Regional Science Review . (24), 2, 226-244.
  • Ricardo Gazel, Dan Rickman, and William Thompson. (2000). "The Sources of Revenues for Wisconsin Native American Casinos: Implications for Casino Gaming as a Regional Economic Development Tool?". The Review of Regional Studies . (30), 259-274.
  • William Levernier, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (2000). "The Causes of Regional Variations in U.S. Poverty: A Cross-County Analysis". Journal of Regional Science. (40), 3, 473-497.
  • William Levernier, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (1999). "Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Distinctions in the Determinants of Family Income Inequality". The Review of Regional Studies . (28), 3,
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1999). "Static and Dynamic Externalities, Industry Composition and State Labor Productivity: A Panel Study of States". Southern Economic Journal. (66), 2, 319-335.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1999). "A Note on the Benefits to Current Residents of State Employment Growth: Is There an Industry Mix Effect on Migration". Journal of Regional Science. (39), 1, 167-181.
  • William Thompson, Ricardo Gazel, and Dan Rickman. (1999). "Social Costs of Gambling: A Comparative Study of Nutmeg and Cheese State Gamblers". Gaming Research & Review Journal. (5), 1, 1-15.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1999). "Which Comes First, Jobs or People? An Analysis of the Recent Stylized Facts". Economics Letters. (64), 1, 117-123.
  • William Levernier, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (1998). "Differences in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan U.S. Family Income Inequality: A Cross-County Comparison". Journal of Urban Economics. (44), 272-290.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1998). "Regional Computable General Equilibrium Modeling: A Survey and Critical Appraisal". International Regional Science Review. (21), 3, 205-248.
  • Jamie Partridge, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (1998). "State Patterns in Family Inequality". Contemporary Economic Policy. (16), 3, 277- 294.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1998). "Regional Differences in Chronic Long-Term Unemployment". Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. (38), 2, 193-215.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1998). "Generalizing the Bayesian Vector Autoregression Approach for Regional Interindustry Employment Forecasting". Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. (16), 1, 62-72.
  • Douglas Dalenberg, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (1998). "State Public Infrastructure: Jobs Creator or Pork?". Public Finance Review. (26), 1, 24-52.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1997). "The Dispersion of U.S. State Unemployment Rates: The Role of Market and Non-market Factors". Regional Studies. (31), 6, 593-606.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1997). "Has the Wage Curve Nullified the Harris-Tovar Model? Further U.S. Evidence". Economics Letters. (54), 3, 277-282.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1997). "Long-Term Unemployment and U.S. State Wages". Applied Economics Letters. (4), 8, 465-468.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1997). "State Unemployment Differentials in the 1990s: The Role of Equilibrium Factors versus Differential Employment Growth". Growth and Change. (28), 3, 360-379.
  • William Thompson, Ricardo Gazel, and Dan Rickman. (1997). "The Social and Legal Costs of Compulsive Gambling". Gaming Law Review. (1), 1, 81-89.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1996). "The Role of Industry Structure, Costs, and Economic Spillovers in Determining State Employment Growth Rates". The Review of Regional Studies. (26), 3, 235-264.
  • William Levernier, Mark Partridge, and Dan Rickman. (1996). "Variations in State Income Inequality: 1960-1990". International Regional Science Review. (18), 3, 355-378.
  • William Morgan, John Mutti, and Dan Rickman. (1996). "Tax Exporting, Regional Economic Growth, and Welfare". Journal of Urban Economics. (39), 2, 131-159.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1996). "County Unemployment in Georgia: The Causes and Potential Role for Economic Development Policy". The Review of Regional Studies. (26), 1,
  • Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, and William Levernier. (1996). "Trends in U.S. Income Inequality: Evidence from a Panel of States". Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. (36), 1, 17-39.
  • Dan Rickman. (1995). "A Bayesian Analysis on the Use of Pooled Coefficients in a Structural Regional Economic Model". International Journal of Forecasting. (11), 477-490.
  • Dan Rickman and R. Keith Schwer. (1995). "Multiplier Comparisons of IMPLAN and REMI across Versions: Illuminating Black Boxes". Environment and Planning A. (26), 143-151.
  • Dan Rickman and R. Keith Schwer. (1995). "A Comparison of the IMPLAN, REMI, and RIMS II Multipliers: Benchmarking Ready-Made Models for Comparison". Annals of Regional Science. (29), 4, 363-374.
  • Ricardo Gazel, Willliam Thompson, and Dan Rickman. (1995). "The Economic Impact of Native American Casino Gaming on the State of Wisconsin". Gaming Research & Review Journal. (2), 2, 43-62.
  • John Brown, Thomas Carroll, Dan Rickman, and R. Keith Schwer. (1995). "Estimating the Economic Impacts of a Hub Airline Serving a Tourist Destination: The Case of America West Airlines and Las Vegas, Nevada". International Journal of Public Administration. (18), 1, 167-182.
  • Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman. (1995). "State Differences in Unemployment Rates: The Role of Labor and Product Market Shifts". Southern Economic Journal. (62), 1, 89-106.
  • Dan Rickman and R. Keith Schwer. (1993). "A Systematic Comparison of the REMI and IMPLAN Models: The Case of Southern Nevada". The Review of Regional Studies. (23), 143-161.
  • Dan Rickman and George Treyz. (1993). "Alternative Labor Market Closures in a Regional Model". Growth and Change. (24), 34-50.
  • Dan Rickman and R. Keith Schwer. (1993). "The Issue of Regional Definition in Ready-Made Regional Economic Impact Models: The Case of the REMI Model and Clark County, Nevada". Economic Systems Research. (5), 4, 419-431.
  • Dan Rickman, Gang Shao, and George Treyz. (1993). "Multiregional Stock Adjustment Equations of Residential and Nonresidential Investment in Structures". Journal of Regional Science. (33), 2, 207-219.
  • Nasser Daneshvary, R. Keith Schwer, and Dan Rickman. (1993). "The Determinants of Demand for Professional Rodeo Attendance". Journal of Cultural Economics. (17), 2, 77-92.
  • George Treyz, Dan Rickman, Gary Hunt, and Michael Greenwood. (1993). "The Dynamics of Internal Migration in the U.S.". The Review of Economics and Statistics. (75), 2, 209-214.
  • Dan Rickman. (1992). "Estimating the Impacts of Regional Business Assistance Programs: Alternative Closures in a Computable General Equilibrium Model". Papers in Regional Science. (71), 4, 421-435.
  • George Treyz, Dan Rickman, and Gang Shao. (1992). "The REMI Economic-Demographic Forecasting and Simulation Model". International Regional Science Review. (14), 3, 221-253.
  • Michael Greenwood, Gary Hunt, Dan Rickman, and George Treyz. (1991). "Migration, Regional Equilibrium, and the Estimation of Compensating Differentials". American Economic Review. (81), 5, 1382-1390.


  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2024
    63rd Southern Regional Science Association Conference
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Virtual - April 4 2024
  • Promise: Investing in Community
    Promise: Investing in Community
    W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
    Kalamazoo, MI (Virtual Attendance) - June 7 2023
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2023
    62nd Southern Regional Science Association Conference
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Virtual - March 30 2023
  • Promise: Investing in Community
    Promise: Investing in Community
    W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
    Kalamazoo, MI (Virtual Attendance) - June 6 2022
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    60th Southern Regional Science Association Conference
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Virtual - April 4 2021
  • Better Tax Policies for Economic Growth
    Better Economic Development Policies for Local Prosperity
    W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
    Virtual - October 23 2020
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    58th Southern Regional Science Association Conference
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Arlington, VA - April 4 2019
  • U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: Do We Know More?
    65th North American Regional Science Conference
    Regional Science Association International
    San Antonio, TX - November 9 2018
  • Natural Amenities, the Energy Boom and Economic Growth in the U.S. Continental Northwest (Keynote Address)
    PNREC 2018
    Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Association
    Tacoma, WA - May 23 2018
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    57th Annual Meetings Southern Regional Science Association
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Philadelphia, PA - March 15 2018
  • Panel Discussion on Professional and Business Services in Tulsa
    2017 State of the Economy
    Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, Ok - December 14 2017
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2018
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 6 2017
  • Panel Discussion
    State of the City
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 15 2017
  • The Recent U.S. Oil Boom and Bust: A Synthetic Control Method State-level Analysis
    64th North American Regional Science Conference
    Regional Science Association International
    Vancouver, Canada - November 11 2017
  • Two Tales of Two States: Regional Fiscal Austerity and Economic Performance
    Tweeten Policy Lecture
    Ohio State University
    Columbus, OH - October 6 2017
  • Two Tales of Two U.S. States: Regional Fiscal Austerity and Economic Performance
    Seminar Series
    Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank
    Cleveland, OH - August 8 2017
  • Regional Growth Differences in China for 1995-2013: An Integrative Analysis of their Sources
    56th Annual Meeting
    Western Regional Science Association
    Sante Fe, NM - February 16 2017
  • The Most Essential Regional Science Publications for my Career
    56th Annual Meetings
    Western Regional Science Association
    Sante Fe, NM - February 16 2017
  • Panel Discussion
    Economic Outlook: 2017
    Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, Ok - December 13 2016
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2017
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 6 2016
  • Panel Discussion
    State of the City
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 30 2016
  • Determinants of Regional Growth in China for 1999-2013: An Integrative Analysis
    63rd North American Regional Science Conference
    Regional Science Association International
    Minneapolis, MN - November 12 2016
  • Two Tales of Two States: Storytelling with Regional Science
    Presidential Address
    North American Regional Science Council
    Minneapolis, MN - November 10 2016
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2017
    Regional Economic Roundtable
    Oklahoma City Federal Reserve Bank
    Oklahoma City - November 2 2016
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2016
    55th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Washington, D.C. - March 31 2016
  • Regional Housing Supply Elasticity in China 1999-2013: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
    55th Annual Meetings
    Western Regional Science Association
    Waikoloa Village, HI - February 15 2016
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2016
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 8 2015
  • 2016 Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    Economic Outlook
    Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, OK - December 2 2015
  • Is Shale Development Drilling Holes in the Human Capital Pipeline?
    62nd Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Portland, OR - November 12 2015
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2016
    Regional Economic Roundtable
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
    Kansas City, MO - November 2 2015
  • U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: Natural Amenities or Urban Agglomeration?
    Tsinghua University
    Beijing, China - June 8 2015
  • Regional Housing Supply Elasticity in Spatial Equilibrium Growth Analysis
    4th International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China
    Beijing, China - June 6 2015
  • U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: Natural Amenities or Urban Agglomeration?
    Jinan University
    Guangzhou, China - June 3 2015
  • Fully Adjusting State Public School Teacher Salaries for Comparison
    54th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Mobile, AL - March 27 2015
  • U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: A Microdata Spatial Equilibrium Decomposition
    54th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Mobile, AL - March 27 2015
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2015
    54th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Mobile, AL - March 26 2015
  • Panel Discussion
    Oklahoma Budget Summit
    Oklahoma Policy Institute
    Oklahoma City - January 29 2015
  • 2015 Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    Economic Outlook
    Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, OK - December 11 2014
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2015
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 2 2014
  • Panel Discussion
    State of the City
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 19 2014
  • Regional Economic Impacts of the Shale Gas and Tight Oil Boom: A Synthetic Control Analysis
    61st Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Bethesda, MD - November 15 2014
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2015
    Regional Economic Roundtable
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
    Omaha, NE - October 30 2014
  • Panel Discussion
    Oklahoma's Fiscal Challenges
    Oklahoma Policy Institute
    Tulsa, OK - August 4 2014
  • Long-Term Economic Outlook: 2014-2024
    Declining Rate of Electricity Demand Growth Forum
    OG&E Energy Corporation
    Oklahoma City, OK - July 28 2014
  • Assessing Regional Quality of Life: A Call for Action in Regional Science (Fellows Address)
    53rd Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    San Antonio, TX - March 28 2014
  • 2014 Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    Economic Outlook Conference
    Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, OK - December 11 2013
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2014
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 4 2013
  • Panel Discussion
    State of the Economy
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 22 2013
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2014
    Regional Economic Roundtable
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Denver Branch
    Denver, CO - November 4 2013
  • 2013 Payne County Economic Outlook
    2013 Stillwater Economic Summit
    Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
    Stillwater, OK - October 29 2013
  • Should Oklahoma Be More Like Texas? A Taxing Decision
    50th Missouri Valley Economic Conference
    Missouri Valley Economic Association
    Kansas City, MO - October 19 2013
  • U.S. Regional Poverty Post-2000: The Lost Decade
    Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Seminar Series
    University of Wisconsin
    Madison, WI - October 11 2013
  • Assessing Regional Quality of Life in China (Keynote Address)
    The Second International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China
    Peking University
    Beijing, China - June 27 2013
  • Should Oklahoma Be More Like Texas? A Taxing Decision
    Presidential Address
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Washington, D.C. - April 6 2013
  • The Great Recession and Nonmetropolitan America
    Nations and Cities/Regions after the Great Recession
    Erasmus University
    Rotterdam, Netherlands - December 13 2012
  • 2013 Economic Outlook: National, State and Local Forecasts
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 5 2012
  • Panel Discussion
    State of the Economy
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 29 2012
  • Oklahoma Economic Outlook 2013
    Regional Economic Roundtable
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Oklahoma City Branch
    Oklahoma City, OK - November 14 2012
  • When Spatial Equilibrium Fails: Is Place-Based Policy Second Best?
    59th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Ottawa, Canada - November 8 2012
  • Geography and High-Tech Employment Growth in U.S. Counties
    Department of Economics Seminar Series
    University of Cincinnati
    Cincinnati, OH - May 11 2012
  • Geography and High-Tech Employment Growth in U.S. Counties
    Department of Economics Seminar Series
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, CO - April 13 2012
  • 2012 Payne County Economic Outlook
    2012 Stillwater Economic Summit
    Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
    Stillwater, OK - March 15 2012
  • 2012 Oklahoma Economic Outlook
    Economic Outlook Conference
    Tulsa Metro Chamber of Commerce
    Tulsa, OK - December 16 2011
  • 2012 Economic Outlook: National, State and Local Forecasts
    Oklahoma State University Economic Outlook Conference
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma City, OK - December 13 2011
  • Geographic Determinants of High-Tech Employment Growth in U.S. Counties
    58th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Miami, FL - November 11 2011
  • Place-Based Policy Making: Comments
    2011 Congress
    European Regional Science Association
    Barcelona, Spain - September 1 2011
  • Geographic Determinants of High-Tech Employment Growth
    50th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    New Orleans, LA - March 26 2011
  • U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policies and Nonmetropolitan Area Economic Performance: A Spatial Hedonic Analysis
    57th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Denver, CO - November 12 2010
  • Spatial Growth Dynamics in Wages and Housing Costs: The Role of Distances from Urban Production Externalities and Consumer Amenities
    Visiting Scholars Seminar Series
    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
    Kansas City - June 15 2010
  • The Downfall of U.S. Migration: Toward Spatial Equilibrium?
    49th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Washington DC - March 25 2010
  • Population Growth in High Amenity Nonmetropolitan Areas: A Devil’s Bargain?
    56th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    San Francisco CA - November 19 2009
  • Neighborhood Historic Preservation Status and Housing Values in Oklahoma County
    44th Annual Meetings
    Missouri Valley Economics Association
    Kansas City MO - October 22 2009
  • Sharing the Gains of Local Economic Growth: Race to the Bottom versus Race to the Top Economic Development
    Race to the Top Workshop
    Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
    Cambridge MA - September 10 2009
  • Modern Macroeconomics and Regional Economic Modeling
    Journal of Regional Science’s 50th Anniversary Symposium
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    New York City - April 22 2009
  • Neighborhood Historic Preservation Status and Housing Values in Oklahoma County
    48th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    San Antonio TX - April 2 2009
  • Neighborhood Historic Preservation Status and Housing Values in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
    Oklahoma Historical Society
    Oklahoma City - January 2009
  • Spatial Growth Dynamics in Wages and Housing Costs: The Role of Distances from Urban Production Externalities and Consumer Amenities
    55th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Brooklyn NY - November 22 2008
  • A Hedonic Analysis of State and Local Fiscal Policy on Nonmetropolitan Economic Performance
    66th International Atlantic Economic Conference
    Montreal Canada - October 09 2008
  • 47th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Arlington, VA - March 2008
  • 54th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Savannah GA - November 2007
  • 42nd Annual Meetings
    Missouri Valley Economic Association
    Kansas City MO - October 2007
  • Seminar
    Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Economics
    Stillwater, OK - October 2007
  • 2007 European Congress
    Regional Science Association International
    Cergy-Pontoise, France - September 2 2007
  • 46th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Charleston SC - March 29 2007
  • 53rd Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Toronto, Canada - November 2006
  • Regional Research Institute Workshop
    West Virginia University
    Morgantown WV - October 26 2006
  • 45th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    St. Augustine FL - April 2006
  • Central Florida Departmental Seminar
    University of Central Florida Economics Department
    Orlando, FL - March 30 2006
  • 52nd Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Las Vegas NV - 2005
  • 40th Annual Meetings
    Missouri Valley Economic Association
    Kansas City MO - October 2005
  • 2005 European Congress
    Regional Science Association International
    Amsterdam, Netherlands - August 2005
  • 44th Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Arlington VA - March 2005
  • 51st Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Seattle, WA - 2004
  • State of the Art in Regional and Urban Modeling Workshop
    Seville, Spain - October 2004
  • University of Saskatchewan Department of Agricultural Economics
    Saskatoon, SK - October 1 2004
  • 43rd Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    New Orleans, LA - March 2004
  • 2003 Western Regional Science Association Annual Meeting
    Western Regional Science Association
    Rio Rico, AZ - 2003
  • 50th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    Philadelphia, PA - 2003
  • 42nd Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Louisville, KY - March 2003
  • 2002 International Symposium on Forecasting
    International Institute of Forecasters
    Dublin, Ireland - 2002
  • 49th Annual North American Meetings
    Regional Science Association International
    San Juan, Puerto Rico - 2002
  • Annual Conference
    International Input Output Association
    Montreal Canada - 2002
  • University of Oklahoma Department of Economics Workshop
    University of Oklahoma
    Norman, OK - October 2002
  • 41st Annual Meetings
    Southern Regional Science Association
    Arlington, VA - April 2002

Editorial and Review Activities

  • Reaching Regions
    Editorial Board Member
    January 1 2024
  • Papers in Regional Science
    Editorial Board Member
    January 2016
  • Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
    Editorial Board Member
    January 2009
  • The Review of Regional Studies
    Editorial Board Member
    May 2007
  • Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis
    Editorial Board Member
    June 2006
  • Journal of Regional Science
    Associate Editor
    June 2001
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 16 2024 - October 16 2024
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 7 2024 - October 6 2024
  • Annals of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 9 2024 - September 13 2024
  • Economic Systems
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 9 2024 - August 11 2024
  • Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 8 2024 - August 11 2024
  • Journal of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 24 2024 - August 6 2024
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 6 2024 - July 8 2024
  • Economic Modelling
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    April 22 2024 - May 22 2024
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    February 17 2024 - March 6 2024
  • Fiscal Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    January 30 2024 - March 6 2024
  • Annals of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    December 29 2023 - January 14 2024
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    December 10 2023 - January 7 2024
  • Southern Economic Journal
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 20 2023 - December 11 2023
  • The Review of Regional Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 30 2023 - December 3 2023
  • Journal of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 3 2023 - December 2 2023
  • Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 4 2023 - November 23 2023
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 22 2023 - October 30 2023
  • The Review of Regional Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 8 2023 - September 10 2023
  • Regional Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 13 2023 - August 14 2023
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 10 2023 - August 13 2023
  • Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 6 2023 - July 7 2023
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 3 2023 - July 5 2023
  • Annals of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    June 19 2023 - July 4 2023
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    April 15 2023 - April 22 2023
  • Technological Forecasting & Social Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    April 5 2023 - April 19 2023
  • Annals of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    March 1 2023 - April 10 2023
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    March 14 2023 - April 3 2023
  • Contemporary Economic Policy
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    January 30 2023 - March 3 2023
  • The Review of Regional Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    January 27 2023 - February 27 2023
  • Technological Forecasting & Social Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    January 1 2023 - January 20 2023
  • USDA Economic Research Service Report
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    January 6 2023 - January 18 2023
  • Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    December 16 2022 - January 1 2023
  • Empirical Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    October 2 2022 - December 6 2022
  • Growth and Change
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 22 2022 - December 3 2022
  • Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    October 3 2022 - November 2 2022
  • Journal of Regional Science
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    September 4 2022 - September 25 2022
  • Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 13 2022 - August 19 2022
  • Economics & Politics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 21 2022 - August 7 2022
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    May 30 2022 - June 8 2022
  • Economics & Politics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    June 4 2022 - June 5 2022
  • Economic Inquiry
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    April 7 2022 - May 17 2022
  • Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    November 23 2021 - February 23 2022
  • Growth and Change
    Editor or Co-Editor
    April 2010 - December 31 2021
  • Policy Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 7 2021 - September 8 2021
  • Small Business Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 4 2021 - August 14 2021
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    August 2 2021 - August 14 2021
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    July 24 2021 - July 26 2021
  • Journal of Economic Geography
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    June 8 2021 - July 4 2021
  • Regional Studies
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    February 14 2021 - March 11 2021
  • Energy Economics
    Invited Manuscript Reviewer
    January 2 2021 - February 21 2021
  • Regional Studies
    Special Issue Editor
    January 2010 - December 2010
  • Growth and Change
    Editorial Board Member
    August 2009 - April 2010
  • The Review of Regional Studies
    Editor or Co-Editor
    April 2002 - April 2007

Awards and Honors

  • David Boyce Award for Outstanding Service to Regional Science (2019)
  • Regional Science Association International Fellow (2018)
  • Spears School of Business Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Graduate Teaching Award (2013)
  • Southern Regional Science Association Fellow (2013)
  • Regents Distinguished Research Award (2006)
  • Spears School of Business Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Graduate Teaching Award (2003)
  • Spears School of Business Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Undergraduate Teaching Award (1999)

Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research

  • Tulsa Economic Forecasts
    Tulsa Regional Chamber
    November 1 2011 - August 12 2024
  • Oklahoma State Econometric Model
    Oklahoma Tax Commission
    July 1 2011 - June 30 2024
  • Oklahoma City and Fort Smith Metropolitan Area Forecasts
    June 1 2011 - March 31 2024
  • Oklahoma County Economic Outlook
    Oklahoma County Clerk's Office
    November 13 2011 - November 30 2023
  • Oklahoma’s Film and TV Industry: Growth Prospects and State-Level Incentives
    Prairie Surf Media
    June 1 2020 - July 20 2020
  • The Economics of Tax Reform in Oklahoma: Evaluation of the Current System and Policy Recommendations
    State Chamber of Oklahoma
    January 2018 - April 2018
  • 2012 Stillwater Economic Outlook
    Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
    January 1 2012 - March 31 2012
  • 2012 Owasso Economic Outlook
    City of Owasso
    January 1 2012 - March 2 2012
  • 2012 Bartlesville Economic Outlook
    Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce
    January 1 2012 - January 27 2012
  • The Economic Impact of the Greater Oklahoma City Metro Region Aerospace and Aviation Sector
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    January 2011 - August 2011
  • The Oklahoma City Metro Region Aerospace and Aviation Sector: Industry Assessment
    Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
    January 2011 - August 2011
  • Examination of Oklahoma Manufacturing Patterns and Barriers to Federal Contracts
    OSU Center for Innovation and Economic Development
    January 1 2011 - June 30 2011
  • Sharing the Gains of Local Economic Growth: Race to the Top vs. Race to the Bottom Economic Development Policies
    Lincoln Institute for Land Policy
    February 2009 - December 2009
  • Neighborhood Historic Preservation Status and Housing Values in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
    Rutgers University, Oklahoma Historical Society
    May 2008 - August 2008
  • Profiling UI Claimants to Allocate Reemployment Services in Oklahoma
    Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
    January 2006 - July 2006
  • The Geography of American Poverty
    W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
    2002 - 2004
  • Oklahoma Econometric Forecasting Project
    OG&E Electric Services
    2001 - 2004
  • Oklahoma Econometric Forecasting Project
    Oklahoma Tax Commission
    1997 - 2004
  • Oklahoma Econometric Forecasting Project
    Oklahoma City Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
    1997 - 2004
  • Oklahoma Econometric Forecasting Project
    Tulsa Metro Chamber
    1997 - 2004
  • Increasing Child Support Collection Success in Oklahoma
    Oklahoma Department of Human Services
    2002 - 2003
  • Simulating the Economic Effects of the Governor's Task Force Tax Reform Proposal using the REMI Model
    Oklahoma Office of State Finance
    2002 - 2002

Academic, Military, and Professional Positions

  • W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Research Affiliate, November 2019
  • Oklahoma State University, Regents Professor of Economics, June 2006
  • Oklahoma State University, OG&E Chair in Regional Economic Analysis and Professor of Economics, September 1996
  • Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank, Visiting Scholar, August 8 2017 - August 9 2017
  • Colorado State University Department of Economics, Visiting Professor of Economics, January 2012 - May 2012
  • University of Saskatchewan, Visiting Professor, July 2004 - December 2004
  • Georgia Southern University, Associate Professor of Economics, University Professor of Economic Development, and Director of the Bureau of Business Research and Economic Development, July 1 1993 - June 30 1996
  • University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Assistant Professor of Economics and Associate Director of the Center for Business and Economic Research, July 1 1991 - June 30 1993
  • Regional Economic Models, Inc, Research Director, June 1 1988 - June 30 1991
  • University of Texas-San Antonio, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, August 30 1987 - May 31 1988