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Spears School of Business

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Developing the next generation of leaders

This year-long program leads a cohort of selected Fellows through monthly personal discovery and professional skill development sessions. Each session is designed to complement curriculum by engaging in deep-dive workshops focused on critical professionalism concepts and skills. These hands-on sessions mix content, practice and networking to sharpen Fellow’s self-awareness, social effectiveness and professional savvy. 

What you'll learn

Example topics covered:
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Personal Pitch
  • Negotiating
  • Professional Networking
  • Career-mapping

How to support

leadership development for our students
To support Leadership Spears and to assist business students as they prepare for future endeavors, please visit the OSU Foundation website.

What we are looking for

All Spears majors welcome

We encourage applicants to be but are not limited to:

  • Non-traditional

  • First-generation students

  • Transfer students

Key Dates:

Applications are open until end of day on Wednesday, April 17.


Selection criteria

Leadership Spears is purposeful on selecting future applicants that will create a cohort of individuals who represent diverse backgrounds and experiences.


To be considered for the Leadership Spears program you must:

  1. Sophomore or Junior standing for the year applying

  2. Complete the online application

  3. Submit a résumé

  4. Submit 1 letter of recommendation

  5. Commitment to participate fully in the Leadership Spears program; provided that fellows can commit to monthly meetings.

Leadership Spears Fellows show…

Potential: Shows professional and personal capacity to grow into their individual leadership potential

Self-awareness: Is mature and has the capacity to reflect on one’s own personal strengths and weaknesses

Curiosity: Is interested to learn and expand their own knowledge outside the classroom

Impact: Articulates and demonstrates interest in making a difference for students in their own community

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