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Spears School of Business

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Frequently asked questions

  • What goes into the Statement of Purpose?

    The statement of purpose is used to gauge your specific interests related to a Ph.D. in management.

    • Your long-term career plans
    • Your research interests. You do not necessarily need to have a specific research project in mind, but it does help to describe the general topics you are interested in studying and which professors your research interests match.
    • Your reasons for choosing OSU (looking for a good match)
    • Any prior research experience
    • Your motivation for pursuing a degree in management
  • How do I find a faculty member who will work with me?

    You do not need to identify a faculty member prior to submitting an application. If admitted, all students are assigned to work as a research assistant to a faculty member from the first day of the program. Students may continue to work with that faculty member but may also join the research teams with other faculty. By the end of their program, most students are engaged in multiple projects with multiple faculty, some of which may lead to publications. Students select a dissertation chair by mutual arrangement with faculty.

  • Do I need to know the topic of my dissertation when I apply?

    No. We anticipate that your choice of dissertation topic will be influenced by the content of your coursework and by the faculty you work with as a research assistant.

  • Is there a chance for an application fee waiver?

    The Graduate College fee is required to pay for processing costs and cannot be waived. If you have specific hardships from your host country with regard to paying those fees, please reach out to the Program Coordinator, Bryan Edwards, and we will try to assist you. 

  • Can I submit unofficial test scores and transcript?

    Yes. You can submit unofficial scores for us to evaluate your application. If you are selected to the Ph.D. program in management, the Graduate College will need official scores before you are admitted.

  • Is the GRE/GMAT required?

    Yes, we require standardized test scores for admission to the Ph.D. program in management. We accept either test.

  • My GRE or GMAT test score is ###. How likely am I to be admitted to the PhD program?
    Test scores are important however, all aspects of the application are reviewed. There is no minimum test score. We actively seek to admit individuals who have the skills necessary to succeed. We evaluate research potential and perseverance.
  • Who should write my letters of recommendation?
    Your current supervisor or advisor should be one of your letter writers. Ideally, you would select letter writers who can speak to your academic experiences and abilities.
  • What if my letter writers are delayed in their ability to submit a letter on my behalf?
    Applications must be submitted by Jan. 1, but we will continue to accept letters of recommendation through Jan. 15.
  • What benefits do you offer?

    If admitted to the program, we pay your tuition and fees. We also provide you with a position as a research assistant that will pay a stipend for living expenses of approximately $30,000 plus medical insurance.

  • How many applications do you receive and how many students do you admit?

    The number of applications varies from year to year, but it is typically in the 30-50 range. Of these, we admit one to three students per year. We typically have eight Ph.D. students in any given year.

  • What type of writing sample should I submit?

    Examples of good writing samples are papers you wrote for a class, business memos, technical reports and professional articles. These need to be solo-authored by you.

  • Should I reach out to faculty to let them know I’ve applied?
    It is not necessary nor recommended that applicants communicate to faculty outside of the admissions process. Faculty are unable to respond to every email and individual faculty members do not sponsor students. Admissions decisions are made by the academic department.