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Spears School of Business

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Leap ahead

of your academic timeline
Students currently enrolled in select undergraduate degree programs at OSU can become eligible to begin the Masters in Business Analytics and Data Science (MS BAnDS) graduate degree program during their senior year and finish the MS BAnDS degree within 1 year after they complete their undergrad degree.

4 + 1 options

Business to MS BAnDS

Do you want to apply advanced analytics and data science concepts to solve problems and add value to business? Then, Accelerated Entry into Masters in Business Analytics and Data Science for Spears undergraduate business students is what you are seeking.


The OSU College of Arts and Sciences and Spears School of Business Accelerated MS BAnDS program allows students to finish a master's degree in Business Analytics and Data Science in as little as one year of completing a bachelor's degree.

Industrial Engineering to MS BAnDS

Do you want to apply advanced analytics and data science concepts to design, build, operate and improve production systems as well as the bottom line of the business enterprise?

Mechanical Engineering to MS BAnDS

Unlock a robust skill set which our alumni use to enhance their career trajectories, overall influence as a business professional and impact organizations.

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