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Spears School of Business

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is for everyone.
Open to all OSU students, the goal of the Riata Business Plan Competition is to promote entrepreneurship and small business development by focusing on student created, managed and owned ventures.

Richard L. Tourtellotte

Family Scholarship
The Richard L. Tourtellotte family established this scholarship to honor their father's dedication to hard work and problem-solving. With over 50 years as an Oklahoma business owner and two decades in public service, including roles with U.S. Senators Henry Bellmon and Don Nickles, he addressed critical business challenges affecting the state.
*2025 Tourtellotte Scholarship recipient, Brooklyn Hawkins

Competition tracks

Main Street Lifestyles

This category is for small business startups whose products or services are readily available to the general public. Businesses in category may have a brick and mortar location or run a retail operation completely online. Main Street businesses innovate through execution and differentiation strategies.

Big City/High Tech

This category is for high tech startups that have some sort of intellectual property at the core of their technology offerings. Businesses in this category will usually have patents to disclose or have a unique offering that can scale into large industries. High Tech businesses innovate through technology and go-to market strategies.


         Category Sponsor

School of Entrepreneurship

Social Enterprise

This category is for social endeavors that are trying to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural or environmental issues. Businesses in this category could focus on either domestic or international issues in an attempt to better society.

Rising Entrepreneurs

Previous competition winners go head-to-head as they prepare and present their best presentation to date.