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Spears School of Business

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Making it count

Faculty members in the School of Accounting have diverse research interests ranging from financial reporting to auditing, tax, international accounting and accounting pedagogy.  They have published in top accounting and finance journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Economics and Review of Financial Studies. Several faculty members serve on the editorial boards of prominent accounting journals.


Ashleigh Bakke

Auditor incentives, audit markets and regulation, financial reporting quality, internal controls, non-GAAP earnings

Audrey Gramling

 Auditor judgment, external auditor independence, internal controls, internal auditing, auditing education 

Bradley Lawson

Auditing and corporate governance-related topics, including audit pricing and quality, audit market structure, earnings quality 

Financial/Capital Markets/International

Bryan Brockbank

Non-GAAP earnings, managerial discretion, disclosure, earnings management

Sandeep Nabar

Earnings management, earnings quality, disclosure, corporate governance, national culture

William C. Schwartz, Jr.

Pension accounting, financial analysts, accounting anomalies, cost of debt, equity and capital, earnings management, capital investment, pro-forma earnings

Craig Sisneros

Earnings components, persistence and management, financial regulation, assumed and marginal tax rates, corporate investment and governance, marketable securities

Angela Wheeler Spencer

Off-balance sheet financing, sustainability reporting, pedagogy

Michael Stuart

Financial reporting quality, managerial discretion, accounting valuations, market efficiency, corporate governance, managerial incentives, auditing

Elizabeth Tori

Financial and nonfinancial voluntary disclosure, legal and regulatory environments

Michael C. Wolfe

FinTech, determinants and consequences of financial reporting attributes, corporate governance, international accounting


Rick Laux

Corporate tax, accounting for income taxes, how taxes affect economic decisions, tax avoidance, tax policy

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