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Spears School of Business

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Guide students

as they enter their careers.
The MS BAnDS mentoring program allows business professionals (mentors) the opportunity to assist students as they prepare for a career in business analytics. The program offers students the opportunity to develop industry contacts while gaining valuable insights from experienced and successful professionals.

How can I participate?


This is an excellent opportunity to receive personalized advice from a business analytics professional. As a student who aspires to a successful career in the field, your mentor will assist you in navigating your career, insight on networking skills and other valuable career building advice.


Assisting and providing guidance to students as they prepare for their careers is a great way to give back to the OSU MS BAnDS program. Mentors are asked to spend about an hour a month sharing your expertise, including tips on creating an appealing resume, industry knowledge and providing help on setting yourself apart in a job interview.

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