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Spears School of Business

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What we look forJudges score posters and oral presentations on the following factors using a 5-point scale.

Round one

  • Poster quality
    • Clarity of message, attractiveness and professional preparation.
    • Does the poster generate interest in the concept without verbal explanation?
  • Presentation quality
    • Is the team informing or persuading?
    • Is the team knowledgeable, in command of the situation and on top of the information?
    • Have they presented enough information and explanation to justify their ideas?
  • Professional presence
    • Was the team dressed in business attire?
    • Did they hold eye contact, project their voice and speak reasonably?
    • Did they conduct themselves in a professional manner?
  • Judges impressions
    • Did the poster and presentation convey enough important insight into the business proposition that a potential investor would want to see more and ask the team to come back to present a complete business plan?
  • Intangible or wow factor
    • Did the team and poster leave a lasting impression?
  • Overall impression
    • Each judge will provide a numeric score for each of the criteria sections for each presentation they review.  After scoring, judges will discuss the results to decide on the overall competition winner.
    • Judges are encouraged to provide critiques for each of the participants reviewed.  The purpose of these critiques is to provide an educational experience for all competition participants.

Round two

  • Pitch contents
    • Did the team effectively communicate the problem and their solution?
    • Is the team convincing, knowledgeable and in command of the situation and on top of the information?
    • Have they presented enough information and explanation to justify their ideas?
  • Presentation quality
    • Is the team informing or persuading?
    • Is the team convincing, knowledgeable and in command of the situation and on top of the information?
    • Did the team convey a sense of energy and enthusiasm?
  • Professional presence
    • Was the team dressed in business attire?
    • Did they hold eye contact, project their voice and speak reasonably?
    • Did they conduct themselves in a professional manner?
  • Judges impressions
    • Did the poster and presentation convey enough important insight into the business proposition that a potential investor would want to see more and ask the team to come back to present a complete business plan?
  • Intangible or WOW Factor
    • Did the team and presentation leave a lasting impression?
  • Overall Impression
    • Each judge will provide a numeric score for each of the criteria sections for each presentation they review.  After scoring, judges will discuss the results to decide on the overall competition winner.
    • Judges are encouraged to provide critiques for each of the participants reviewed.  The purpose of these critiques is to provide an educational experience for all competition participants.