Greiner Summer Business Accelerator
Take a step to start your business
What's included?
- $4,000 scholarships per individual/team evenly disbursed twice over the course of the 8-week summer program. Once at the end of June and the other at the end of July. (scholarship awards will be reduced for individuals/teams who fail to meet program requirements)
- One-on-one mentorship from assigned faculty mentor, experienced entrepreneurs, and industry experts.
- Weekly required workshops focused on topics specific to startups to support, validate, and drive your idea to success. Workshop topics include funding opportunities, legal advice, how to build a board, etc.
- Co-working and private office space in the Riata Center for Entrepreneurship or 36 Degrees North.
- Engagement with fellow student entrepreneurs
- Current OSU student with a 3.0 GPA or higher.
- Your team is committed to the idea and available to work full-time (40+hrs/week) in the Riata Center or 36 Degrees North and plans to continue work after the eight-week accelerator has concluded. (weekly hours are flexible depending on deliverables)
- At least one team member attends mandatory workshop sessions (1x/week), but all team members are encouraged to attend.
- Have completed Phase One and Two of the Riata Startup Experience Program or completed the CIE Scholars course with support from the course professor.