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Spears School of Business

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Student and Alumni Publications


  • Adamiec, L., & Rhoads, R. (2018). Estimating 90-day market volatility with VIX and VXV. Journal of Global Business Management, 14(2), 20-33.
  • Adamiec, L., Cernauskas, D., & Rhoads, R. (2019). Optimal number of assets for reduction of market risk through diversification. International Journal of Economics, Business, and Management Research, 3(3), 45-54.
  • Beverly, H.T. (2017). Lean startings: A novel about creating a lean startup and life’s interruptions. Amazon Kindle and Paperback.
  • Beverly, H.T. (2018). Navigating your way to startup success. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
  • Biswas, D., Szocs, C., Chacko, R., & Wansink, B. (2017). Shining light on atmospherics: How ambient light influences food choices. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(1), 111-123.
  • Bosman, M., & Swart, J. (2017). Which drivers of user engagement support the cost-effectiveness of online self-help programs? Amazon turkers tell web managers what matters. Muma Business Review, 1, 115-124.
  • Delen, D., Zolbanin, H.M., Crosby, D.H., & Wright, D. (2021). To Imprison or not to Imprison: An Analytics Model for Drug Courts. Annals of Operations Research, 303(1), 101-124.
  • Erdmann, M., Edwards, B., & Adewumi, M.T. (2022). Effect of electronic portal messaging with embedded asynchronous care on physician-assisted smoking cessation attempts: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA network open, 5(2), e220348-e220348.
  • Flaherty, K.E., & Schroeder, C.S. (2022). An institutional logics perspective on salesperson responses to environmental disruptions. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 42(4), 377-391.
  • Flaherty, K.E., & Schroeder, C.S. (2024). Salesperson intra-career mobility perceptions: Exploring the role of professional versus organizational identities. Journal of Business Research, 186.
  • González, C. & Ruiz Massieu, D. (2021). Universally-enabling and context-binding resources in new venture internationalization: Evidence from venture capital backed start-ups in an emerging market. International Business Review, 30(6), 101851.
  • Greenbaum, R., Gray, T., Hill, A., Lima, M.S.M., Royce, S., & Smales, A. (forthcoming). Coworker narcissism: Employee emotional and behavioral reactions as moderated by bottom-line mentality and trait competitiveness. Journal of Management.
  • Grumbles, L.H., Phillips, D., & Rutherford, M.W. (2020). Opaque costly signals and debt contracts in entrepreneurial ventures. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 19720.
  • Joplin, T. (2020). Can Ethical Leadership Curb Employee Entitlement? CPA Focus, 21(1).
  • Joplin, T., Greenbaum, R.L., Wallace, J.C., Edwards, B. (2019). Employee Entitlement, Engagement, and Performance: The Moderating Effect of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 168(4), 813-826.
  • Keeler, J.B., Goodman, M.B., Faught, K.S., and Whaley, K.D. (2020). Rethinking how to manage harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13(2), 219-224.
  • Keeler, J.B., & Webster, R. (2018). Work role stressors and bottom-line mentality. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9(8), 35-42.
  • Kim, J., Kim Y., Wang, C.S., Aime, F., Greenbaum, R.L., & Utley, J. (2017). Behaving unethically to benefit the organization: The role of team relational stability and conformity pressure. Presented at the 2017 International Association for Conflict Management Conference, Berlin, Germany.
  • Kirkland, J.R., Edwards, B.D., & Flaherty, K.E. (2021). The effect of honest and humble leadership on salesperson customer orientation. Journal of Business Research, 130, 49-58.
  • Kirn, H. (2021). Impact of investor relations on M&A outcomes. Presented at the 2021 American Accounting Association Southwest Virtual Region Meeting.
  • Kirn, H., Ravenscraft, J., Desgroseilliers, R., & Rao, R. (2020). Investor relations (IR) and crash risk. Presented at the 2020 American Accounting Association, Southwest Region Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Krukowski, K.A., Pollack, J.M., & Rutherford, M.W. (2021). Human capital across the life cycle of entrepreneurial ventures. Presented at the 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, MA.
  • Krukowski, K. A., Pollack, J. M., & Rutherford, M. W. (2022). Winning the opportunity to pitch: Piquing startup investors’ interest by sending the right signals in executive summaries. Business Horizons.
  • Krukowski, K.A., Flink, N.A., & Edwards B.D. (2023). Why are you selling your business? Understanding signaling effects of seller rationale at time of entrepreneurial exit. In press at Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20(C).
  • Lambert, L.S., Gray, T., Davis, A., Erdmann, M., & McDermott, R. (2021). An overlooked aspect of measurement: Does the content of verbal anchors matter? Presented at the 2021 Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Lima, M.S.M., & Delen, D. (2021). Predicting and explaining corruption across countries: A machine learning approach. Government Information Quarterly, 37(1), 396-407.
  • Lima, M.S.M., Eryarsoy, E., & Delen, D. (2021). Predicting and explaining pig iron production on charcoal blast furnaces: A machine learning approach. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. 51(3), 213-235.
  • Parker, O., Gong, K., Mui, R., Titus, V., Du, J., & Kwarteng, G. (2021). Order matters: How altering the sequence of performance events shapes perceived quality formation. Journal of Business Research, 126, 48-63.
  • Purtell, C.T. (2020). How to increase your odds of fundraising success with mental movies. Presented at the 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Research Translation Showcase Doctoral Consortium, Boston, MA.
  • Purtell, C.T., Caston, M., Grumbles, L., & Flink, N. (2019). The phantom opportunity: Bridging the gap between idea and equity investors. MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics, 7(3), 559-576.
  • Purtell, C.T., Rutherford, M.W., Phillips, D., Pollack, J.M., & Edwards, B.D. (2024). Pitch envisaging: The role of narrative transportation in pitching success. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 22, e00501.
  • Ramesh, N., & Delen, D. (2018). Why do enterprise transformations fail? HINT: IT’S not what you think. Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 8(3), 238-253.
  • Ramesh, N., & Delen, D. (2021). Digital transformation: How to beat the 90% failure rate?  IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49(3), 22-25.
  • Reddy, B.K., & Delen, D. (2018). Predicting hospital readmission for lupus patients: An RNN-LSTM-based deep-learning methodology. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 101(1), 199-209.
  • Reid, R.J. (2018). Blurred boundaries: A new world for some foundation/grantee partnerships. The Nonprofit Quarterly.
  • Reid, R.J. (2018). Foundation transparency: Opacity - it’s complicated. The Foundation Review, 10(1), 10.
  • Reid, R.J, Palmer, E.A., Reid, M.R., Murillo, X.L. (2020). Rural Foundation Collaboration: “Houston we have a problem”. International Journal of Community Well-Being.
  • Schuster, W.M., Davis, R.E., Schley, K., & Ravenscraft, J. (2020). An empirical study of patent grant rates as a function of race and gender. American Business Law Journal, 57(2), 281-319.
  • Scott, E., Smith, A., & Wang, C. (2017). Inclusion strategies: The effect of blacks’ perspective-taking in white-dominated spaces. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), 15961.
  • Scrimpshire, A., Edwards, B., Crosby, D., & Anderson, S. (forthcoming). Investigating the effects of high-involvement climate and public service motivation on engagement, performance, and meaningfulness in the public sector. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
  • Skeen, J., Miller, G., & Hill, A. (2017). The circle blueprint: Decoding the conscious and unconscious factors that determine your success. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Smith, M.B., Wallace, J.C., & Jordan, P. (2016). When the dark ones become darker: How promotion focus moderates the effects of the Dark Triad on supervisor performance ratings. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(2), 236-254.
  • Utley, J. (2017). Talent dilution caused by firm growth, reaction to complexity, and the relation of Learning to the Inverse-U Stress Curve. Presented at the 2017 Six Sigma & TPM Knowledge-Share Summit hosted by Krones AG, Neutraubling, Germany.
  • Volpers, S., Schroeder, C.S., Hochstein, B.W., & Plouffe, C.R. (2024), Salesperson knowledge sourcing inside the vendor organization: Examining the performance-relationship continuum given selected boundary conditions. Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 212-230.
  • Wang, C.S., Ku, G., Smith, A.N., Edwards, B.D., Scott, E., & Galinsky, A.D. (2024). Increasing black employees’ social identity affirmation and organizational involvement: Reducing social uncertainty through organizational and individual strategies. Organization Science.
  • Wang, C.S., Smith, A.N., Scott, E., Edwards, B.D., & Smart, S.E. (2024). Reducing turnover intentions of Black employees in the accounting profession: The roles of racial centrality, racial identity affirmation and supervisor closeness. Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 113, 101572. 
  • Webster, B.D., Greenbaum, R.L., Mawritz, M.B., & Reid, R.J. (2022). Powerful, high performing employees and psychological entitlement: The detrimental effects on citizenship behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior136, 103725.
  • Zabinski, A., Hayden, N., Davis, A., & Creech, A. (2020). Too much of a good thing? Prosocial fit predicting job satisfaction and pride. Presented at the 2020 Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
  • Zolbanin, H.M, Delen, D., Crosby, D.H., & Wright, D. (2019). A predictive analytics-based decision support system for drug courts. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-20.


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