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Spears School of Business

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Statement of Responsibilities and Behavior


I understand and agree that as a participant in an Oklahoma State University education abroad program I am subject to the student conduct regulations of Oklahoma State University as well as the standards of conduct of the host institutions. I understand that the program leader or faculty leader shall have the right to enforce appropriate standards of behavior and that I may be dismissed from the program at any time for failure to comply with such standards.


I understand that I am required to participate fully in all portions of the program and I am aware that any deviation I make from the program design must be approved in advance by the program leader/faculty leader. I understand that in the event that I become detached from the group due to failure to meet the group at an assigned time, I will bear all responsibility to seek out, contact, and reach the group at its next available destination, and will bear all costs affiliated.


I understand that this is an academic program, and will follow the rules set for program and participation by each instructor, including doing all assigned work and special programs. I understand that I will turn in all materials and forms by the due date, and further that failure to turn in these items by the date indicated may result in my being withdrawn from the program.

Violation of Rules

I understand that as an American citizen or an Oklahoma State University student in a foreign country, I will be subject to the laws of that country. I am aware that I have to comply with those laws, as well as with the regulations of the host university. Behaviors that violate local laws or disrespects the program, host country, housing rules, or host family will be considered in violation of the standards of behavior and potentially affect participation in the program. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Damage to property.
  • Violation of housing rules with host families, hotels, university housing, or other housing, arranged by Oklahoma State University.
  • Violation of rules provided during orientation while on field study seminars or course-related field trips.
  • Disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and/or excessive use of alcohol.
  • Use or distribution of illegal drugs
  • Endangering others or myself.
  • Conduct is considered to be detrimental or incompatible with the best interest and welfare of the program.

I understand that if my participation in the program is terminated by the program leader, I will be sent home with no refund of fees. If I am sent home before completion of the program, I agree that I will be responsible for any and all costs and expenses associated with my return home. I also understand that if I leave the program voluntarily for any reason, including illness, I will be responsible for any and all costs and expenses associated with my return home and that there will be no refund of any fees.


In addition, I understand that should I have any legal problems in the host country that I will be responsible for any legal costs incurred as a result. Oklahoma State University cannot provide legal counsel in such circumstances.

Motor Vehicle Usage

Oklahoma State University strongly discourages operating motor vehicles while participating in education abroad, due to the inherent dangers of driving in a country with different traffic laws, driving habits, and regulations relating to insurance. If, however, I decide to operate a motor vehicle while abroad, I recognize that Oklahoma State University assumes no financial responsibility for any legal aid, car repairs or medical care if I am involved in an accident while operating a motor vehicle in the host country.

Program Cost

I am aware of the nature and the cost of the program and the due dates of payment and will guarantee that all financial obligations will be met.

Personal Travel

I understand that if I choose to travel independently during my free time in the program, such travel will be unsupervised by Oklahoma State University. I understand that Oklahoma State University shall have no responsibility or liability for any injury, damage or loss suffered by me during such periods of independent travel. I understand that I need to notify the program leader if I am planning extended individual travel during the program. Where possible, I will provide the program leader with details of the proposed trip including plane, bus, and train schedules.

Program Cancellation

I understand that Oklahoma State University reserves the right to cancel programs in the case of insufficient participation or for other reasons deemed appropriate. Oklahoma State University also reserves the right to make changes to the program (such as program leader) or alterations in the program’s proposed schedule and itinerary. Minor alterations in programs will not result in refunds.


To help protect my educational investment, Oklahoma State University has strongly encouraged me to purchase supplemental travel insurance to cover any non-refundable costs associated with my travel program. I understand that, should my travel program be cancelled, Oklahoma State University bears no responsibility for the compensation of my non-refundable costs.