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March Graduate Global Student of the month

Friday, March 5, 2021

Maryam Taheririna


The CAGLE and the Spears School of Business are excited to announce the March 2021 Graduate Global Student of the Month is Maryam Taherirani.


Taherirani is currently a master's student at Oklahoma State University pursuing a degree in Business Analytics and Data Science.


She was born in Isfahan, Iran, and remained there until 2019. A native of Iran, Taherirani is very proud of her culture and the vast diversity it pulls from. Persian culture is among the oldest in the world and serves as one of civilization's cradles. Iran has heavily influenced cultures from Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian subcontinent and East Asia.


It is important to note that Iran is more diverse than people might think. The country speaks more than ten dialects other than Persian. This gives many Iranians the ability to endeavor far past their borders in the name of education and business.


"I decided to study abroad to broaden my education and become familiar with various cultures and traditions," Taherirani said. "I looked to begin my next adventure in the United States. While I am an engineer at heart, I decided to be a part of the Spears School of Business, so in Fall 2019, I started studying Business Analytics and Data Science, and now I am proud of being a member of its great culture."


Maryam Taherirani


Taherirani decided three years ago to pursue her education abroad with the United States in mind. In her search for a university, she landed on OSU, noting that the university is renowned for its diversity and global reach. Along with the university's world-class education programs and facilities, Taherirani said she chose the school for its ability to prepare students for the future.


"I chose to attend OSU, America's Brightest Orange, because it has world-class educational programs and facilities. OSU is renowned for its diversity and includes students from more than 91 countries and has great international organizations, which encourage students to learn about different cultures," she said.


Within her program, Taherirani believes her cultural background gives her a hand up in math and business. As a country, Iran has one of the highest learning standards in Mathematics compared to other countries. Iranians have a rich history in mathematics dating back to ancient Persia. 


Maryam Taherirani


"In this sense, I believe that my math ability and knowledge set me apart from my classmates," she said.


Apart from being a skilled student carrying a high grade-point average, Taherirani enjoys spending time with her classmates, friends and husband. She loves to paint, watch movies and play instruments like piano and guitar.


Taherirani's favorite thing from her time at Oklahoma State is the variety of friends she has been exposed to, indicating this has helped her build her skills in collaboration and as an overall communicator and professional.


The CAGLE is honored to recognize Maryam Taherirani and proud to have her as part of the Spears family!

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