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Spears School of Business

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We live in a world

where business is personal.
Companies rise and fall based on the strength and success of the relationships they forge.
The Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University prepares our students in an environment where personal connections are paramount, and academic excellence is strengthened by interpersonal prowess.


departments at Spears Business.


business students at Spears Business for the fall 2023 semester.

We take business seriously.

We take soft skills seriously. We study business collaboratively. We use technology to include and never to exclude.
Community isn’t just a byproduct of what we do. At Spears, we empower students to follow their own dreams, not the dream we have for them. Because the purpose of business isn’t just individual gain but a gain for every individual.
With an emphasis on people and community, we ensure our students are just as real as they are ready. In a rapidly changing world, the only constant is people. This is why students choose Spears, why employers choose our graduates and why we make business personal.

Our values


We are always open to new people and new ideas. We know the value of different people and points of view—in fact, these are essential to business today. We welcome all and encourage diverse discussions and points of view.


We value honesty and candor as an organization. We know the importance of relationships and interpersonal connections. We understand the value of candor, integrity and the ability to stand by what we say. To us, business and the business of education is personal.


We depend on each other to succeed. We share best practices, no matter where we live and work. From Tulsa to Stillwater and even online, collaboration is the only way to learn and grow as one organization. As the place where business is personal, our relationships with faculty, alumni and students strive to build deep, long-lasting connections.


We always anticipate what comes next. At Spears, we know what it means to be a young person in business today. We pride ourselves on being future-focused and prepare our students for the road ahead. Our sensitivity to people and their needs ensures that we remain relevant and effective far into the future. After all, in business, people are the only constant.

Who we are

Student at the career fair


We stand for a critical business truth. As leaders who represent the importance of a ‘personal’ approach to business, we know that when we speak, others will listen. This requires that we always share our opinions in a direct, poised and self-assured manner.

Professor Rackley do the "go pokes" sign with a student at an event.


We push everyone to participate and contribute. We strive to be personable in our communication—to be clear and spur action. It is important for us to interact, to share and to build and learn together.

Student at graduation


We aim to speak in an approachable and accessible manner. We see the value of human interactions and the role they play in business today. We strive to communicate in a welcoming, warm and inviting manner—and aim to never come across as cold or mechanical.

Our Message

To students

At Spears Business, we offer a tight-knit community where business is personal. Our unique point of view adds a layer to the education and experience our students receive. We strive to provide students with the best combination of real-world technical and personal skills possible, equipping them with abilities and tools they’ll need to accomplish their own individual goals — in business and in life.

To faculty and staff

Spears Business is an environment that encourages faculty to tackle unique research topics while giving them the chance to be involved in the personal formation of tomorrow’s businesspeople. We strongly value our scholarly accomplishments and intellectual muscle, which are essential to who we are. These strengths are focused on personal skills and experiences, allowing faculty to connect with each other and the student base. In this way, our students graduate great at accounting and as great accountants, great at marketing and great marketers, great at the science of leadership and just as good at the practice of it.

To alumni and donors

Spears Business serves an increasingly engaged alumni network that is fueling exciting growth at the school. This growth is not unfocused, but rather is responding to the educational challenges of today through a business education that’s personal. As the place where business is personal, we strive to provide our alumni network with opportunities to express their own personal experiences in both life and business—and aim to equip them with a tightknit network that emphasizes interpersonal relationships and lifelong professional interaction.

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