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Spears School of Business

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Follow and tag us in all of your study abroad posts @osu_cagle

You have a story

to be told

You have an incredible story full of lessons learned and adventures had! We love featuring student-sourced content on our website, print materials, and social media so please consider sharing as the world is ready to hear it. Whether you're a video expert or writing content is calling your name, there's an opportunity for you to share your unique global experiences. Check out these ways to have a voice and spread the impact of study abroad and global engagement far and wide.

Time to tell it

Share your photos and videos

Email your photos to

  • Photo guidelines
    Please attach them with naming convention so we can keep track who sends them in.
    • Program Name_Year_short description

    • Photos could include:

      • Cultural sites

      • Students and faculty interacting on our study abroad programs both culturally and at business visits

      • We love photos that have our students in them, especially group photos

      • We like a good mix of horizontal, vertical, and ones with and without people.

    • Photos should not include:

      • Alcohol

      • You out at a club or bar

      • Illegal drugs

      • And more

  • Video guidelines
    • Tips for capturing a great video

      • Make sure footage is well lit, steady, and not blurry

      • Always shoot horizontal mode

      • 60 seconds max

    • Videos should not include:

      • Alcohol

      • You out at a club or bar

      • Illegal drugs

      • And more

Study abroad reflection

Select 5 questions to highlight in your submission.

  • Questions
    • What did you learn about yourself while studying abroad? 

    • Why did you choose to study abroad? 

    • What was one of your favorite parts of your program? 

    • What advice do you have for future study abroad students? 

    • How did your study abroad experience prepare you for your future career? 

    • How does study abroad still have an impact on your life today? 

    • Explain a situation you experienced abroad in which will stick with you or a skill you learned? 

    • How did study abroad change your perspective of the world and yourself? 

    • Share a completely unexpected experience you had while you were abroad. What did you learn from it? 

    • What do you wish you would have known before you studied abroad? 

    • How did studying abroad positively affect your personal, professional, or academic life? 

    • What experiences did you have while studying abroad that you feel you could not have had if you had stayed at OSU? 

    • Share an experience where you interacted with someone in your host culture in a way that taught you something. 

    • What was the transition like between class in the States and your destination abroad? 

    • Share a completely unexpected experience you had while you were abroad. What did you learn from it? 

    • Describe the food! What did you survive on? 

    • Describe a time in which you were immersed in your host culture. What was challenging or exciting about this? 

    • If you could give only one reason, why would you suggest other students study abroad? 

    • If you could go abroad again, what would you do differently? 

    • What specific factors influenced your decision to go abroad? 

    • What concerns/fears did you have about studying abroad, and how did you overcome them? 

    • What was it about your program specifically that fit your personal goals over other programs? 

    • What did you and your friends do for fun outside of school activities and class? 

    • How affordable was studying abroad? 

    • Did you receive financial assistance? 

    • What advice would you give to another student? 

    • What was the most surprising thing you did or saw? 

    • Describe your favorite day. 

    • How safe did you feel there? 

    • What was the weather like? 

    • Were there any clichés that were proven true or false? 

    • Did you learn anything about politics there, or here? 

    • Was there anything unique about studying abroad in that place at this time? For example, any current events that happened? 

    • Did you listen to local music? What was it like? 

    • What is in style there? 

    • How did you get around? 

    • What was public transportation like? 

    • What was your favorite travel experience? 

    • What was your favorite place that you traveled to? 

    • Did you find any cool places that you weren’t expecting? 

    • What is one touristy thing you would not recommend doing? 

    • What is one touristy thing that is totally worth it? 

  • Submit your story


Important Advisory

All submissions become the property of the CAGLE, which will enjoy full rights of display and circulation on our website, social media and promotion materials.  If you submit a photograph it is understood that you have granted this right.