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Michelle Salazar

Coffee Talk: Michelle Salazar, Miss Hispanic Latina OSU

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Welcome to this episode of Coffee Talk with Avery. I'm here today with Michelle Salazar, a first-generation student at Oklahoma State University studying international business and marketing. This year, Salazar earned the honor of Miss Hispanic Latina OSU 2023. 

Salazar’s journey to the Spears School of Business was not an easy one. When Salazar was a junior in high school, she felt determined to attend OSU. Salazar took concurrent classes in high school, and following graduation she attended a community college in Tulsa while working to financially prepare for school. As a first-generation student, Salazar attributes hard work and initiative to succeeding in college. 

“Being a first-generation student has its ups and its downs," said Salazar. "You have to learn a lot through your journey. There's no one there to guide you. You're following everything and creating your own pathway.” 

Salazar’s parents had limited high school education, and many of her friends and family had not attended college. Salazar felt a lack of guidance when it came to navigating university life. 

“It was hard without that guidance, especially because you turn to your parents for so much," she said. "This does create block ways throughout your path, but it's all about setting the tone and overcoming that. Something that was important to me was simply asking for help. Thankfully, my parents instilled in me a strong work ethic. They always taught me to push through, and I was able to do that.” 

Despite the difficulties faced, Salazar learned to count on hard work ethic and push through adversity. Although her parents may not have known much about college applications, they knew how to support her from home and push her to become successful.   

Starting at OSU and Spears Business last year, Salazar came with a plan and a purpose. Salazar did her research about organizations on campus that aligned with her values. She decided to take part in the Mr. And Miss Hispanic Latino OSU pageant, joined Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc., the Latino Business Student Association and Women in Business.  

It can be overwhelming to choose which organizations and clubs to be part of on campus. Although it’s extremely beneficial to get involved, it can be difficult learning where to put your time and effort. 

“My experience being involved in so many different organizations here on campus was difficult at first, because I felt like I just tried to compensate by joining every organization that I could," said Salazar. "As a junior, I felt like I was a little behind. I ended up biting off a lot more than I could chew. Thankfully, I learned that it's okay to explore, and it's okay to kind of put yourself out there. Then once you're there you follow those values and the things that are more most important to you.” 

Coming in without knowing anyone at OSU, Salazar built up a community of connections. Reymundo Maruffo, coordinator for Latin Affairs, helped Salazar to feel welcomed and at home. Salazar has been able to receive help from supportive friends that guide and positively influence her. 

To any students struggling to get connected on campus, Salazar recommends putting yourself out there and getting your foot in the door. As well as taking that first step, Salazar stresses the importance of a good community.  

“Find the community where you feel safe and welcomed," she said. "It takes some time, but I'm very thankful that we have so many opportunities, whether that be at Spears Business or OSU in general, there are so many clubs and organizations here on campus that you can call home.” 

OSU has several programs and opportunities on campus to help first-gen students whether financially, socially or professionally. Programs such as TRIO, RISE and F1rst2Go are available to first-gen students. 

“They're good programs where you can get involved on campus and make a difference," she said. "It’s a great opportunity to be around other students that are in the same position that you're in. And it's a good community to be able to uplift each other and really help one another throughout college.” 

Thank you for joining me on Coffee Talk with Avery, Michelle. I'll catch you all in the next episode! 

Story By: Avery Russell |