School of Marketing & International Business
Aso Prof
Phone: 405-744-5085
Ajay Sukhdial (Ph.D., University of Oregon) is Associate Professor of Marketing in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. His research interests include the role of values and emotions in consumer behavior. His research has been published in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Marketing Letters, and Sports Marketing Quarterly among other journals and conference proceedings. Ajay teaches consumer behavior, and international marketing strategy.Education
- Ph D, University of Oregon, Marketing/Consumer Behavior, 1989
- MBA, Wake Forest University, Marketing, 1984
- Other, Davidson College, Economics and American History, 1982
- BS, St. Stephens College, Delhi, India, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, 1981
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2023). "The Sport Marketing Portfolio Matrix: A Theory-Integrative Exploration of Fans’ “Buy,” “Hold,” and “Sell” Behaviors". Statesboro, Georgia: Journal of Applied Marketing Theory. (10), 1, 33-50. ISSN 2151-3236.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2022). "An Exploration of Comfort Brands and the Theory of Brand Comfort". London, United Kingdom: Journal of Brand Strategy. (Autum/Fall, Volume 11), 4, 1-14. 2045855X, 20458568.
- , Ajay Sukhdial, , and . (2020). "Investigating Sport Fan Attitudes towards Tanking: The Role of Values-Based Connections". Morgantown, West Virginia: Sport Marketing Quarterly. (29), 4, 256-265. 1061-6934 .
- , , Ajay Sukhdial, and Ajay SUKHDIAL. (2019). "Exploring the Wisdom of Brand Comfort: An Investigation of Comfort Foods and Comfort Brands". Stillwater: Proceeding of the Association of Consumer Research.
- , , Ajay Sukhdial, and Ajay SUKHDIAL. (2019). "Make my Brand Great Again: Exploring the Wisdom of Political Brand Personality". Stillwater: Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research (Forthcoming).
- Ajay S Sukhdial and Damon Aiken. (2018). "Testing the Personal Values – Advertisement Values Congruence Hypothesis". .
- Ajay Sukhdial, Damon Aiken, Richard Campbell, and Aubrey Kent. (2017). "A Foundational Examination of Fans’ Attitudes towards Tanking and the Values-Based Connections that Lie Beneath Them". Proceedings of the Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial, K. Damon Aiken, and Goutam Chakraborty. (2017). "Old-school Sports Fans: An Investigation of Value Connections and Congruence". The International Journal of Sport and Society. (8), 2, 25-36.
- Damon Aiken, Richard Campbell, Aubrey Kent, and Ajay Sukhdial. (2016). "Further Explorations of Unusual Fan Phenomena: An Investigation of BIRFING, CORSING, and Attitudes Towards Tanking". Proceedings of the Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial, Damon Aiken, and Goutam Chakraborty. (2016). "Old School Sports Fans: An Investigation of Values Connections and Congruence". Proceedings of the Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference.
- D. Aiken, Ajay Sukhdial, L. Kahle, and J. Downing. (2015). "Linking Fan Values and Sponsorship Effectiveness: The Case of Old School Values". Sports Marketing Quarterly. (24), 1,
- Ajay Sukhdial, Alex Zablah, and David Boush. (2013). "A Two-Dimensional Scale of Eating Guilt". Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2013). "Seeing Red, Feeling Red: How Does Changing Field Color Influence "Old School" Fans?". Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2013). "A Two-Dimensional Scale of Eating Guilt". AMA Winter Educators Conference.
- K Damon Aiken, Richard M Campbell, and Ajay Sukhdial. (2010). "An investigation of Old School Values in Arena Football League". Sport Marketing Quarterly. (19), 3, 125-131.
- K. Damon Aiken, Richard Campbell, Jr., and Ajay Sukhdial. (2008). "Old School Values in a New School Consumption Environment: A study of the Arena Football League". Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. .
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2007). "The Obesity Epidemic in the Urban Middle Class Consumer in India: A Critical Review of What We Know and What We Need to Know". Proceedings of the Great Lakes–NASMEI Annual Conference.
- D. Aiken and Ajay Sukhdial. (2004). "Are You Old School? Defining a Market Segmentation Dimension". Sports Marketing Quarterly. (13), 2, 73-81.
- D. Aiken and Ajay Sukhdial. (2003). "Are You Old School? ". American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (2003). "Eating Guilt: Measurement and Relevance to Consumer Behavior". Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial, D. Aiken, and L. Kahle. (2002). "Are You Old School? A Scale for Measuring Sports Fans’ Old School Orientation". Journal of Advertising Research. (42), 4, 71-81.
- G. Chakraborty, A. Allred, Ajay Sukhdial, and T. Bristol. (1997). "A Use of Negative Cues to reduce Demand for Counterfeit Products". Advances in Consumer Research.
- Surendra Singh, Denise Linville, and Ajay Sukhdial. (1995). "Enhancing the Efficacy of Split: 30 Television Commercials: An Encoding Variability Application". Journal of Advertising. (24), 3, 13-23.
- Sanjay Mishra, Ajay Sukhdial, and Surendra Singh. (1995). "Estes Stimulus Sampling Theory and Massed versus Spaced Advertising Schedules". Marketing Letters. (6), 4, 297-308.
- Ajay Sukhdial and Eric Steger. (1995). "Measuring Values Can Sharpen Segmentation In The Luxury Auto Market". Journal of Advertising Research. (35), 1, 9-22.
- Ajay Sukhdial and Kristina Frankenberger. (1994). "Segmenting Teens for AIDS Preventative Behaviors (APB's) with Implications for Marketing Communications". Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. (13), 1,
- Ajay Sukhdial, G. Chakraborty, P. Arias, and D. Amyx. (1993). "Differences in Values Between Hispanic and Anglo-American Consumers: What We Know and What We Need to Know". Proceeding of the Fourth Symposium on Cross Cultural Consumer and Business Studies.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (1993). "Emotional Advertising: The Attitude Toward the Ad and Attitude Toward the Brand Relationship for Pleasant, Neutral, and Irritating Advertisements". Proceeding of the Academy of Marketing Science.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (1993). "Measuring Attitude Toward the Ad: A Methodological Review". Proceeding of the Southwestern Marketing Association Conference.
- Ajay Sukhdial and J. Wiener. (1990). "Recycling of Solid Waste: Directions for Future Research". Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, Summer Educators Conference.
- Lynn Kahle, Basil Paulos, and Ajay Sukhdial. (1988). "Changes in Social Values in the United States During the Past Decade". Journal of Advertising Research. (28), 1, 35-41.
- Ajay Sukhdial. (1987). "Ethnic Attitudes and Values Among Americans and Asians in America: Implications for Marketing Strategy". Proceedings of the American Marketing Association conference on "Cultural and Subcultural Influences in Consumer Behavior and Marketing II,.
- Exploring the Wisdom of Brand Comfort: An Investigation of Comfort Foods and Comfort
Association for Consumer Research, Annual Conference
Association for Consumer Research
Atlanta - October 19 2019 - Make my Brand Great Again: Exploring the Wisdom of Political Brand Personality
Association for Consumer Research
Association for Consumer Research
Atlanta - October 18 2019 - Testing the Personal Values-Advertisement values Congruence Hypothesis
Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference
Sport Marketing Association
Dallas, Texas - October 26 2018 - Linking Fan Values to behaviors: An Investigation of Old School Values in Relationship
to BIRGing, CORFing, BIRFing, and CORSing
Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference
Sposrt Marketing Association
Boston, MA - 2017 - Foundational Examination of Fans’ Attitudes towards Tanking and the Values-Based Connections
that Lie Beneath Them
Sports Marketing Association Annual Conference
Sports Marketing Association
Bostan, MA - 2017 - Further Explorations of Unusual Fan Phenomena: An Investigation of BIRFing, CORSing,
and Attitudes towards Tanking
Sporst Marketing Association Annual Conference
Sports Marketing Association
2016 - Old School Fan Values: An Investigation of Motivations, Congruence, and Commitment
Sports Marketing Association Annual Conference
Sports Marketing Association
2016 - "Seeing Red, Feeling Red: How Does Changing Field Color Influence "Old School" Fans?"
Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference
Albuquerque - October 2013 - "A Two-Dimensional Scale of Eating Guilt,"
AMA Winter Educators Conference
Las Vegas - February 2013 - The Obesity Epidemic in the Urban Middle Class Consumer in India: A Critical Review
of What We Know and What We Need to Know
2007 Annual Conference
Great Lakes–NASMEI
Chennai, India - 2007 - Eating Guilt: Measurement and Relevance to Consumer Behavior
Annual Conference
Association of Consumer Research
Awards and Honors
- Top Paper in Track Award (2022)
- Top Paper in Track Award (2020)
- Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Teaching Award (2018)
- Regents Distinguished Teaching Award (2018)
- Business Student Council Professor of the Month (2017)
- Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Teaching Excellence Award (2016)
- Outstanding Stillwater Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2015)
- Faculty Excellence Award (2011)
- American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Representative (1987)
- Charles H. Babcock Fellowship (1984)
- Mukherji Memorial Award (1981)
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Department of Marketing, Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, 1995
- Charles H. Lindquist College of Business, University of Oregon, Visiting Associate Professor, 1999 - 2000
- Department of Marketing, Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, 1988 - 1994
- University of Oregon, Graduate Teaching Fellow, 1984 - 1988
Courses Taught
- MKTG 3213 (1 Semester)
- MKTG 3323 (14 Semesters)
- MKTG 4553 (126 Semesters)
- MKTG 5553 (55 Semesters)
- MKTG 4093 (7 Semesters)
- BHON 4990 (7 Semesters)
- MKTG 4850 (1 Semester)
- MBA 5100 (13 Semesters)
- MSIS 5600 (7 Semesters)
- MKTG 5500 (1 Semester)
- BAN 5100 (3 Semesters)
- MBA 5300 (1 Semester)
- MKTG 5233 (17 Semesters)
- TCOM 5990 (1 Semester)
- BADM 4010 (3 Semesters)
- MBA 5500 (2 Semesters)
- BADM 4050 (1 Semester)
- BHON 4073 (2 Semesters)
- MKTG 4550 (1 Semester)
- MKTG 5220 (1 Semester)
Semester | Course | Section | Course Title |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 3213 | 61121 | Marketing (S) |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 3323 | 61122 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 61184 | International Marketing |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 69578 | International Marketing |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 69579 | International Marketing |
Fall 2024 | MKTG 5553 | 69739 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 40535 | International Marketing |
Summer 2024 | MKTG 5553 | 40536 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2024 | MKTG 4093 | 25214 | Current Topics International Business |
Spring 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 22913 | International Marketing |
Spring 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 24627 | International Marketing |
Spring 2024 | MKTG 4553 | 25218 | International Marketing |
Spring 2024 | MKTG 5553 | 22915 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 3323 | 61256 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 3323 | 61258 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 61329 | International Marketing |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 71648 | International Marketing |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 71649 | International Marketing |
Fall 2023 | MKTG 5553 | 71814 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 40601 | International Marketing |
Summer 2023 | MKTG 5553 | 40602 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 4093 | 26556 | Current Topics International Business |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 21371 | International Marketing |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 23385 | International Marketing |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 25494 | International Marketing |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 4553 | 26563 | International Marketing |
Spring 2023 | MKTG 5553 | 23387 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2022 | MKTG 4093 | 68946 | Current Topics International Business |
Fall 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 61503 | International Marketing |
Fall 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 63629 | International Marketing |
Fall 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 70673 | International Marketing |
Fall 2022 | MKTG 5553 | 63631 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 40676 | International Marketing |
Summer 2022 | MKTG 5553 | 40677 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 4093 | 28434 | Current Topics International Business |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 21552 | International Marketing |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 23847 | International Marketing |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 26705 | International Marketing |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 4553 | 28444 | International Marketing |
Spring 2022 | MKTG 5553 | 23849 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2021 | MKTG 4093 | 71247 | Current Topics International Business |
Fall 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 61716 | International Marketing |
Fall 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 64004 | International Marketing |
Fall 2021 | MKTG 5553 | 64006 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 40757 | International Marketing |
Summer 2021 | MKTG 5553 | 40758 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2021 | BHON 4990 | 31980 | Business Honors Thesis |
Spring 2021 | BHON 4990 | 31984 | Business Honors Thesis |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4093 | 30927 | Current Topics International Business |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4093 | 30929 | Current Topics International Business |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 21758 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 24316 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 28596 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 30937 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 30938 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 4553 | 30939 | International Marketing |
Spring 2021 | MKTG 5553 | 24318 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 61905 | International Marketing |
Fall 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 61906 | International Marketing |
Fall 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 64493 | International Marketing |
Fall 2020 | MKTG 5553 | 64495 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 40910 | International Marketing |
Summer 2020 | MKTG 5553 | 40911 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 22039 | International Marketing |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 24979 | International Marketing |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 30888 | International Marketing |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 4553 | 31208 | International Marketing |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 4850 | 30600 | Current Topics in International Business |
Spring 2020 | MKTG 5553 | 24981 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2019 | MBA 5100 | 70426 | Professional Development |
Fall 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 62263 | International Marketing |
Fall 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 62264 | International Marketing |
Fall 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 65186 | International Marketing |
Fall 2019 | MKTG 5553 | 65190 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2019 | MSIS 5600 | 71679 | Professional Development |
Summer 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 41067 | International Marketing |
Summer 2019 | MKTG 5553 | 41069 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2019 | BHON 4990 | 31381 | Business Honors Thesis |
Spring 2019 | MBA 5100 | 30777 | Professional Development |
Spring 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 22309 | International Marketing |
Spring 2019 | MKTG 4553 | 25830 | International Marketing |
Spring 2019 | MKTG 5500 | 31316 | Analytics |
Spring 2019 | MKTG 5553 | 25833 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2018 | BAN 5100 | 69985 | Professional Development in Business Analytics |
Fall 2018 | MBA 5100 | 69984 | Professional Development |
Fall 2018 | MBA 5300 | 71397 | Current Business Topics: International Marketing |
Fall 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 62486 | International Marketing |
Fall 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 62487 | International Marketing |
Fall 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 65819 | International Marketing |
Fall 2018 | MKTG 5553 | 65823 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2018 | MSIS 5600 | 68552 | Special Projects in Business Information Systems |
Summer 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 41232 | International Marketing |
Summer 2018 | MKTG 5553 | 41234 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2018 | MBA 5100 | 24064 | Professional Development |
Spring 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 22722 | International Marketing |
Spring 2018 | MKTG 4553 | 26869 | International Marketing |
Spring 2018 | MKTG 5553 | 26872 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2017 | BAN 5100 | 69980 | Professional Development in Business Analytics |
Fall 2017 | MBA 5100 | 69979 | Professional Development |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 3323 | 64135 | Consumer and Market Behavior: Honors |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 62906 | International Marketing |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 62907 | International Marketing |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 66928 | International Marketing |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 5233 | 66930 | Global Competitive Environment |
Fall 2017 | MKTG 5553 | 66933 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2017 | MSIS 5600 | 70009 | Special Projects in Business Information Systems |
Summer 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 41380 | International Marketing |
Summer 2017 | MKTG 5233 | 41381 | Global Competitive Environment |
Summer 2017 | MKTG 5553 | 41382 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2017 | MBA 5100 | 24662 | Professional Development |
Spring 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 23140 | International Marketing |
Spring 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 23141 | International Marketing |
Spring 2017 | MKTG 4553 | 27859 | International Marketing |
Spring 2017 | MKTG 5233 | 27860 | Global Competitive Environment |
Spring 2017 | MKTG 5553 | 27862 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2016 | BAN 5100 | 68540 | Professional Development in Business Analytics |
Fall 2016 | MBA 5100 | 63076 | Professional Development |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 3323 | 64766 | Consumer and Market Behavior: Honors |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 63406 | International Marketing |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 63407 | International Marketing |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 68032 | International Marketing |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 5233 | 68034 | Global Competitive Environment |
Fall 2016 | MKTG 5553 | 68037 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2016 | MSIS 5600 | 63449 | Prof Develop for Technologists |
Summer 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Summer 2016 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Summer 2016 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Spring 2016 | MBA 5100 | 1 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Spring 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2016 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2016 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Spring 2016 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Fall 2015 | MBA 5100 | 351 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 3323 | 702 | CONSUMER & MARKET BHVR |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Fall 2015 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Summer 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Summer 2015 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Summer 2015 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Spring 2015 | BHON 4990 | 702 | BUSINESS HONORS THESIS |
Spring 2015 | MBA 5100 | 1 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Spring 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2015 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2015 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Spring 2015 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Fall 2014 | MBA 5100 | 351 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 3323 | 702 | CONSUMER & MARKET BHVR |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Fall 2014 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Summer 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Summer 2014 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Summer 2014 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Spring 2014 | BHON 4990 | 705 | BUSINESS HONORS THESIS |
Spring 2014 | MBA 5100 | 351 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Spring 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2014 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2014 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Spring 2014 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Fall 2013 | MBA 5100 | 351 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 3323 | 702 | CONSUMER & MARKET BHVR |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Fall 2013 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Spring 2013 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 3323 | 702 | CONSUMER & MARKET BHVR |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | INTERNATIONAL MKTG |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT |
Fall 2012 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | INTL MKTG STRATEGY |
Summer 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Summer 2012 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | Global Competitive Environment |
Summer 2012 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Spring 2012 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Spring 2012 | MKTG 5233 | 503 | Global Competitive Environment |
Spring 2012 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2012 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2011 | MKTG 3323 | 702 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Fall 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Fall 2011 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Summer 2011 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Spring 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Spring 2011 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Spring 2011 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2011 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2010 | MKTG 3323 | 4 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Fall 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 503 | International Marketing |
Fall 2010 | MKTG 5553 | 503 | International Marketing Strategy |
Summer 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 211 | International Marketing |
Summer 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 603 | International Marketing |
Summer 2010 | MKTG 5553 | 603 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Spring 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Spring 2010 | MKTG 4553 | 603 | International Marketing |
Spring 2010 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2010 | MKTG 5553 | 603 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2009 | MKTG 3323 | 4 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2009 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2009 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Fall 2009 | MKTG 4553 | 603 | International Marketing |
Summer 2009 | MKTG 4553 | 211 | International Marketing |
Spring 2009 | BADM 4010 | 822 | Business Projects |
Spring 2009 | MBA 5500 | 822 | Interdisciplinary Inquiry in Business Administration |
Spring 2009 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Spring 2009 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2009 | MKTG 5553 | 801 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2008 | MKTG 3323 | 4 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Fall 2008 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2008 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Summer 2008 | MKTG 4553 | 211 | International Marketing |
Summer 2008 | MKTG 4553 | 831 | International Marketing |
Spring 2008 | BHON 4990 | 702 | Business Honors Thesis |
Spring 2008 | MKTG 3323 | 002 | Consumer and Market Behavior |
Spring 2008 | MKTG 5553 | 001 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2008 | MKTG 5553 | 801 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2007 | BADM 4050 | 701 | Business Colloquium |
Fall 2007 | BHON 4073 | 701 | Literature in Business |
Fall 2007 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2007 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Summer 2007 | BADM 4010 | 811 | Business Projects |
Summer 2007 | MKTG 4553 | 211 | International Marketing |
Spring 2007 | BHON 4073 | 702 | Literature in Business |
Spring 2007 | BHON 4990 | 711 | Business Honors Thesis |
Spring 2007 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2006 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2006 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Fall 2006 | MKTG 4553 | 821 | International Marketing |
Summer 2006 | BADM 4010 | 811 | Business Projects |
Summer 2006 | MKTG 4550 | 600 | Problems in Marketing |
Summer 2006 | MKTG 5220 | 600 | Seminar in Marketing |
Spring 2006 | MKTG 5553 | 1 | International Marketing Strategy |
Spring 2006 | MKTG 5553 | 801 | International Marketing Strategy |
Fall 2005 | MBA 5500 | 822 | Role of Culture in International Marketing |
Fall 2005 | MKTG 4553 | 1 | International Marketing |
Fall 2005 | MKTG 4553 | 2 | International Marketing |
Fall 2005 | MKTG 4553 | 3 | International Marketing |
Fall 2005 | MKTG 4553 | 821 | International Marketing |