Spears School of Business
Exec Dir-In-Resid
TULSA, OK 74103
Phone: 918-625-3160
- MBA, Dartmouth College, Business Management, 1996
- Ph D, University of Oklahoma, Microbiology, 1994
- MS, University of Oklahoma, Microbiology and Immunology, 1990
- BS, University of Oklahoma, Microbiology, 1987
- Riley Marlar, Niloufar Eghbali Zarch, Zheng Han, Dursun Delen, William Paiva, Matt Vassar, and Mohammad Mahdi Ghassemi. (2023). "The Impact of Scientific Publications on Clinical Care: A Case Study". IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI'23).
- Ru Wang, Zhuqi Miao, Tieming Liu, Mei Liu, Kristin Grdinovac, Xing Song, Ye Liang, Dursun Delen, and William Paiva. (2021). "Derivation and Validation of Essential Predictors and Risk Index for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Electronic Health Records". Journal of Clinical Medicine. (10), 5, 1473-1485.
- Zhuqi Miao, Shrieraam Sathyanarayanan, Elvena Fong, William Paiva, and Dursun Delen. (2018). "An assessment and cleaning framework for electronic health records data". Proceedings of the 2018 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.
- Akash Gupta, Scott Shepherd, and William Paiva. (2018). "Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods to Evaluate the Prognostic Accuracy of SIRS and qSOFA". Healthcare Informatics Research. (24), 2, 139-147.
- Jim Hess, Bavette Miller, William Paiva, Jeffrey Stroup, and Elvena Fong. (2018). "Comparison of Emergency Room Utilization for Non-Emergent Purposes Before and After the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act". Oklahoma State Medical Proceedings. (1), 2, 2475-8914.
- Saeed Piri, Dursun Delen, Tieming Liu, and William Paiva. (2018). "Development of a New Metric to Identify Rare Patterns in Association Analysis: The Case of Analyzing Diabetes Complications". Expert Systems with Applications. (94), 112-125.
- Pankush Kalgotra, Ramesh Sharda, and William Paiva. (2017). "Analysis of a Sequence of Events in Healthcare". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems. (2017), 2, 9-23.
- Cassondra Snow, Shrieraam Sathyanarayanan, William Paiva, and Kathleen Curtis. (2017). "Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease in Type II Diabetic Postmenopausal Women". Oklahoma State Medical Proceedings. (1), 1, 2475-8914.
- Kalgotra Pankush, Ramesh Sharda, Bryan I. Hammer, and William Paiva. (2016). "Can a Smartphone be a Personal Doctor? Diagnosing Heart Conditions on Smartphones". Proceedings of the Oklahoma State University Research Week.
- Heramb Joshi, Aditya Sharma, William Paiva, and Goutam Chakraborty. (2016). "Comparative Regional Analysis of Bacterial Pneumonia Readmission Patients in Medicare category". SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV. (Paper 7882-2016),
- Ravikrishna Kumar, Shrieraam Sathyanarayanan, William Paiva, and Goutam Chakraborty. (2016). "Predicting occurrence rate of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in pregnant women". SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV. (Paper 11681-2016),
- William Paiva and Philip Silverman. (1996). "Effects of F-encoded components and F-pilin domains on the synthesis and membrane insertion of TraA’-‘PhoA fusion proteins". Molecular Biology. (19), 6, 1277-1286.
- William Paiva, Trudy Grossman, and Philip Silverman. (1992). "Characterization of F-pillin as an inner membrance component of Escherichia coli K12". Journal of Biological Chemistry. (267), 36, 26191-26198.
- Donald C Graves, Xiu Li, and William Paiva. (1991). "Delayed-type hypersensitivity response in mice to Pneumocystis carinii". Journal of Protozoology. (38), 6, 49S-52S.
- Transform Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence
BioData World Congress 2018
Terrapinn Ltd
Basel, Switzerland - November 28 2018 - Clinical Decision Algorithm For Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy In Rural Markets Where
Adequate Imaging Technology Is Not Available - Identifying Clinical Variables Critical
For Effective Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction
Harold Hamm Research Symposium
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center
Oklahoma City, OK - November 16 2018 - Transforming Rural and Native American Health Through Care Delivery and Information
Technology Solutions
Indian Health Services Information Systems Conference
Indian Health Services
Albuquerque, NM - November 14 2018 - Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Artificial Intelligence
Life Science Summit West
ExL Events, a Division of Questex, LLC
San Francisco, CA - November 6 2018 - Developing Solutions For Diabetic Microvascular Complications Through Artificial Intelligence
2nd International Conference on Diabetes and Its Complications
United Scientific Group
Houston, TX - October 22 2018 - Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Artificial Intelligence
Cerner Health Conference
Cerner Corporation
Kansas City, KS - October 10 2018 - Transforming Rural and Native American Health
35th Annual Primary Care Update
Oklahoma State University
Tulsa, OK - October 2 2018 - Transforming Rural and Native American Health
Community Health Centers of Arkansas Annual Conference
Community Health Centers of Arkansas
Little Rock, AR - September 27 2018 - Leveraging Clinical Lab Data to Build Proprietary Diagnostic Products
American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Conference
American Association of Clinical Chemistry
Chicago, IL - July 30 2018 - Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Health Analytics Conference
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA - May 23 2018 - Transform Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence
European Artificial Intelligence Summit
ExL Events
London, England - March 5 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and It's Role in Transforming Healthcare
Dallas Health IT Summit
Healthcare Inforamtics Institute
Dallas, TX - December 14 2017 - Digital Data Will Transform The Delivery of Health and Dental Services...Are you ready?
Dentsply Key Opinion Leader Conference
Sirona Dentsply
Los Cabos, Mexico - July 21 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Data: Transforming Healthcare Delivery in Rural
AI in Healthcare Summit
Insight X Network
Boston, MA - January 19 2017 - A Clinical Decision Support System for Primary Care Providers to Detect Diabetes
HDCC Research Symposium
October 2016 - Can a Smartphone be a Personal Doctor? Diagnosing Heart Conditions on Smartphones
Research Week
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater - February 2016
Awards and Honors
- Patterson Foundation Chair (2014)
- Venture Capital Pioneer Award (2008)
- Innovator of the Year (2006)
- Oklahoma 40 under 40 (2004)
Contracts, Grants, and Sponsored Research
- Leveraging deep active-transfer learning to identify low-resource mobility functioning
information in public clinical notes
February 19 2022 - November 30 2023 - Future of Work: Collaborative human-machine interfaces with impact to future nursing
October 1 2000 - October 1 2023 - Curbing obesity in Adair and Muskogee counties
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
September 29 2018 - September 28 2023 - Predict for America Health Information Technology (HIT) Fellowship
George Kaiser Family Foundation
July 1 2019 - June 30 2022 - Testing and Development of Predictive Analytic Tools to Address Sepsis
Wolters Kluwer, Inc.
December 31 2018 - December 31 2020 - Validating a clinical decision support algorithm developed with big data to diagnose,
stage, prevent, and monitor a patient’s diabetic retinopathy
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology
July 1 2018 - June 30 2020 - Integration of Behavioral Health into Primary Care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
July 1 2017 - June 30 2020 - Development of Predictive tools for the management of COPD, CHF, and diabetes
Google, Inc
January 24 2017 - April 23 2020 - Center for Health Systems Innovation Rural Oklahoma Network Establishment and Execution
The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation
January 9 2017 - January 8 2020 - Oklahoma State University Rural Clinic Efficiency Program: A Collaborative Model to
Strengthen Health Care in Rural Oklahoma
Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation
May 7 2017 - April 30 2018 - CIRCA - Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity
March 1 2017 - March 31 2018
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, Tulsa, OK, Executive Director, Center For Health Systems Innovation (CHSI), February 1 2014
- Oklahoma Life Science Fund, Tulsa, OK, Partner, July 2000
- PreferUS Healthcare, Shanghai, China, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, January 2012 - January 2014
- Sevin Rosen Funds, Dallas, TX, Partner, January 2006 - January 2013
- Paiva-Fredricksen Group, Darien CT, Founder and Managing Director, February 1999 - February 2000
- Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath (PRTM), Stamford CT, Manager, June 1996 - January 1999
- JP Morgan, New York, NY, Summer Associate Intern, June 1995 - July 1995
- Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, May 1991 - September 1994
Courses Taught
- BADM 2010 (1 Semester)
- EEE 4653 (1 Semester)
- EEE 5653 (1 Semester)
Semester | Course | Section | Course Title |
Fall 2015 | BADM 2010 | C31 | SPECIAL TOPICS |
Fall 2010 | EEE 4653 | 1 | Venture Capital |
Fall 2010 | EEE 5653 | 1 | Venture Capital |
Non-Credit Instruction Taught
- Enid Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, July 24 2017
- Geary-Hinton Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, July 11 2017
- Stillwater Frontier Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, June 29 2017
- North Oklahoma City Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, June 26 2017
- Oklahoma City Sunrise Club: Health Analytics Information, June 15 2017
- Ponca City Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, June 13 2017
- Edmond Rotary Club: Health Analytics Information, June 12 2017