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Oklahoma State University



School of Entrepreneurship
Professor of Entrepreneurship, Spears School of Business

Phone: 405-744-7798


Dr. Kristen (Kincy) Madison is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and holds the Student Ventures Chair in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. Prior to joining the faculty at OSU, she was an Assistant Professor and an affiliate of the Center of Family Enterprise Research at Mississippi State University. She received her Ph.D. in Organizations and Strategy from the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Madison is a family business scholar, with much of her research investigating the influence of family-related characteristics on family firm performance and on the treatment and perceptions of nonfamily employees. Her research has been published in top entrepreneurship journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Family Business Review, and others. Dr. Madison has received numerous accolades for her research, including the National Federation of Independent Business Award for Excellence in Research on the General Topic of Entrepreneurship, the Best Article Award in Family Business Review, the Research Scholar Award from the Family Owned Business Institute, and the Outstanding Entrepreneurial Scholar Award from the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University.

She serves on the editorial review boards of Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Family Business Review, and Journal of Family Business Strategy. Her exceptional service to the field has been awarded with the Excellent Reviewer Award from Family Business Review in three different years. Dr. Madison served as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Southern Management Association and in leadership roles in their Entrepreneurship and Family Business Track. She currently serves on the Entrepreneurship Division Research Committee of Academy of Management to help promote and acknowledge research excellence in the field of entrepreneurship.


  • Ph D, University of Tennessee, Organizations & Strategy, 2014
  • MS, Auburn University, Human Resources Management, 1996
  • BS, Auburn University, Business Administration, 1995


  • Duygu Phillips, Kristen Madison, Sandra Wolf, Andreas Hack, and Franz W Kellermanns. "Signaling the family firm brand in recruitment materials: The role of category-based cognitive processing on applicant attraction". Journal of Business Research (Forthcoming).
  • Joshua J Daspit, Kristen Madison, Mattias Nordqvist, and Philipp Sieger. "Advancing family firm research: The importance of multilevel considerations". Family Business Review (Forthcoming).
  • Kristen Madison and Kristen K Shanine. "He-said, she-said: A family science and gendered perspective of communication in small family businesses". Journal of Small Business Management (Forthcoming).
  • Kristen K Shanine, Kristen Madison, James G Combs, and Kimberly A Eddleston. (2023). "Parenting the Successor: It Starts at Home and Leaves and Enduring Impact on the Family Business". Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. (47), 4, 1093-1131.
  • Robert V Randolph, Benjamin N Alexander, Kristen Madison, and Francesco Barbera. (2022). "When Family Business Meets Social Enterprise: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda". Family Business Review. (35), 3, 219-245.
  • Kristen Madison, Curt B. Moore, Joshua J. Daspit, and Joyce Komakech Nabisaalu. (2022). "The Influence of Women on SME Innovation in Emerging Markets". Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (16), 2, 281-313.
  • Hanqing Fang, James J Chrisman, Joshua J Daspit, and Kristen Madison. (2022). "Do Nonfamily Managers Enhance Family Firm Performance?". Small Business Economics. (58), 3, 1459-1474.
  • James J Chrisman, Kristen Madison, and Taewoo Kim. (2021). "A Dynamic Framework of Noneconomic Goals and Inter-Family Agency Complexities in Multi-Family Firms". Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. (45), 4, 906-930.
  • Kristen Madison, Kimberly A Eddleston, Franz W Kellermanns, and Gary N Powell. (2021). "Kinship and Gender in Family Firms: New Insights into Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior". Family Business Review. (34), 3, 270-295.
  • Kristen Madison, Joshua J. Dasipt, and Emily Garrigues Marett. (2021). "Does knowing 'who knows what' matter for family firm innovation? Insights from transactive memory systems theory". Family Business Review. (34), 2, 168-192.
  • William Tabor, Kristen Madison, Laura E Marler, and Franz W Kellermanns. (2020). "The effects of spiritual leadership in family firms: A conservation of resources perspective". Journal of Business Ethics. (163), 4, 729-743.
  • W. Tabor, Kristen Madison, J. J. Daspit, and D. T. Holt. (2019). "The Heterogeneity of Family Firm Ethical Cultures: Current Insights and Future Directions. In The Palgrave Handbook of Heterogeneity among Family Firms ". Palgrave Macmillan: .
  • W. Tabor, J. J. Chrisman, Kristen Madison, and J. M. Vardaman. (2018). "Nonfamily members in family firms: A review and future research agenda.". Family Business Review. (31), 1, 54-79.
  • Kristen Madison, J. J. Daspit, K. Turner, and F. W. Kellermanns. (2018). "Family firm human resource practices: Investigating the effects of professionalization and bifurcation bias on performance". Journal of Business Research. (84), 327-336.
  • J. J. Daspit, Kristen Madison, T. Barnett, and R. G. Long. (2018). "The emergence of bifurcation bias from unbalanced families: Examining HR practices in the family firm using circumplex theory.". Human Resource Management Review. (28), 1, 18-32.
  • B. Mathias, S. Soloman, and Kristen Madison. (2017). "After the harvest: A stewardship perspective on entrepreneurship and philanthropy". Journal of Business Venturing. (32), 4, 385-404.
  • Kristen Madison, Z. Li, and D. T. Holt. (2017). "Agency Theory in Family Firm Research: Accomplishments and Opportunities. In The Routledge Companion to Family Business". Routledge: . 45-69.
  • Kristen Madison, F. W. Kellermanns, and T. P. Munyon. (2017). "Coexisting agency and stewardship governance in family firms: An empirical investigation of individual-level and firm-level effects.". Family Business Review. (30), 4, 347-368.
  • D. T. Holt, Kristen Madison, and F. W. Kellermanns. (2017). "Variance in family members’ assessments: The importance of dispersion modeling in family firm research". Family Business Review. (30), 1, 61-83.
  • J. Linlin, Kristen Madison, F. W. Kellermanns, T. R. Crook, and J. Xi. (2017). "Entrepreneurial team composition characteristics and new venture performance: A meta-analysis.". Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (41), 5, 743-771.
  • O. Ahlers, A. Hack, Kristen Madison, M. Wright, and F. W. Kellermanns. (2016). "Is it all about money? Affective commitment and the difference between family and non-family sellers in buyouts.". British Journal of Management. (28), 2, 159-179.
  • Kristen Madison, D. T. Holt, F. W. Kellermanns, and A. L. Ranft. (2016). "Viewing family firm behavior and governance through the lens of agency and stewardship theories.". Family Business Review. (29), 1, 65-93.
  • Kristen Madison. (2014). "Attribution theory in the organizational sciences: The road traveled and the path ahead.". Academy of Management Perspectives. (28), 2, 128-146.
  • Kristen Madison, R. R. Runyan, and J. L. Swinney. (2014). "Strategic posture and performance: Revealing differences between family and nonfamily firms". Journal of Family Business Strategy. (5), 3, 239-251.
  • Kristen Madison and F. W. Kellermanns. (2013). "Is the spiritual bond bound by blood? An exploratory study of spiritual leadership in family firms.". Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. (10), 2, 159-182.
  • Kristen Madison, A. A. Armenakis, H. S. Field, and D. R. Norris. (2012). "Other organizations are doing it, why shouldn’t we? A look at downsizing and organizational identity through an institutional theory lens.". Journal of Change Management. (12), 2, 165-188.


  • Name-familiness, narcissistic communication and cognitive legitimacy
    Academy of Management
  • A family firm research discussion with lifetime achievement award winners Mike Hitt and Tom Lumpkin
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
    Delray Beach, Florida - 2023
  • From a personal health crisis to a family business health crisis
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
  • A multilevel analysis of nonfamily employee innovation in family firms
    Theories of Family Enterprise
  • He-said, she said: A family science and gendered perspective of communication in small family businesses
    Theories of Family Enterprise
  • Characteristics of entrepreneurial teams and new venture emergence: A study of the role of skillsets throughout the emergence process
    Academy of Management
  • My past, present, and future family business endeavors
    Department of Management Speaker Series
    University of Memphis
  • Trends in family business research
    Department of Management Speaker Series
    University of Valencia
    Spain - 2022
  • East vs West: Learning about Family Firms in Asia & North America
    Family Firms from the World Event
    EDEM Escuela De Empresarios
    Valencia, Spain - 2022
  • Distinctiveness legitimates? Examining the parallel nature of distinctiveness and conformity
    Southern Management Association
  • Nonfamily employee innovation in family firms: A multilevel analysis
    Southern Management Association
  • Signaling the family firm brand in recruitment: Novel insights into applicant attraction
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
    Virtual - 2021
  • Employee innovation: A moderated mediated model of management support, employee selection practices, employee-firm fit, and firm type
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
    Florida (canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic) - 2020
  • Generation to generation: Does the founding family's communication pattern imprint on the family firm?
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
    Spain (canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic) - 2020
  • A transactive memory systems approach to knowledge complementarity and family firm innovation
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
    Bergamo, Italy - 2019
  • Family Business Heterogeneity: A Discussion of Variance among Family Firms
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
    Bergamo, Italy - 2019
  • The effects of predecessor parenting style on successors and employees in the family firm
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
    Bergamo, Italy - 2019
  • Management Teaching Professional Development Workshop: Flipped and Partially Flipped Classrooms
    Southern Management Association
  • Linking the entrepreneur’s childhood communication patterns to the innovativeness of their ventures
    Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference
  • Defining the multi-family firm: Types, characteristics, competitive advantages, and strategies
    Southern Management Association
  • The effects of spiritual leadership on work-family conflict and organizational commitment in the family firm
    Southern Management Association
  • Family and nonfamily employees in the family firm: A quest to understand varied treatment and perceptions.
    University of Bergamo
  • ‘Bridging the Gap’ between family and nonfamily knowledge: A dispersion model of complementary resources and innovation.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • Creating efficiency in family firm knowledge exploitation: The influences of complementary knowledge and social resources.
    IFERA Research Development Workshop
  • (Un)intended effects of professionalization: An investigation of bifurcation bias in family firms.
    Academy of Management
  • After the harvest: Entrepreneurship and inequality.
    Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference
  • Family firm governance through strategic cronyism: Inviting nonfamily managers to the party.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • The influence of the founding family's communication patterns on the family firm.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • Navigating the Academic Job Market.
    Mid-south Management Research Consortium
  • Paradoxical synergy: The positive effect of socioemotional wealth on family firm performance.
    Theories of the Family Enterprise Conference
  • Relational demography and status in family firms: Who responds to the CEO’s altruistic leadership?
    Academy of Management
  • The impact of integrated agency-stewardship governance structures in family firms.
    Academy of Management
  • Separate, but equal: An empirical assessment of the effect of bifurcation bias on family firm performance.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • Theoretical and empirical concerns regarding shared sentiments in family firms.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • My Work Experience as an HR Generalist, Specialist, and Consultant
    Society for Human Resource Management
  • The Influence of Bifurcation Bias on the Performance of the Professionalized Family Firm.
    Southern Management Association
  • The impact of formal and informal human resource practices on family firm performance.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • Family Firm Succession: The influence of shared sentiments throughout a multi-level multi-phase process.
    Theories of the Family Enterprise Conference
  • Socioemotional wealth and family firm performance: Economic gains from pursuing noneconomic goals.
    Academy of Management
  • Merging two intersections: Exploring the role of spiritual leadership within family firms.
    Family Enterprise Research Conference
  • Governance and performance: Revealing differences between family and nonfamily employees of the family business.
    International Family Enterprise Research Academy
  • Trends and Directions in Family Firm Research: A Discussion of Theory, Phenomena, and Methodology.
    Panel, Southern Management Association
  • Considering geography: A novel approach to measuring geographically dispersed teams.
    Southern Management Association
  • Explaining family firm performance through psychological and situational stewardship factors.
    Academy of Management
  • Is the spiritual bond bound by blood? An exploratory study of spiritual leadership in family firms.
    Academy of Management
  • Professional Development Workshop: Exploring approaches to understanding the spiritual/religious entrepreneur.
    Academy of Management
  • Dividing the pie: Effects of reward allocation method on cooperative behavior and team performance.
    Southern Management Association
  • Strategic posture and performance: Revealing differences between family and nonfamily firms.
    Southern Management Association

Editorial and Review Activities

  • Journal of Family Business Strategy
    Editorial Board Member
    February 2021
  • Journal of Business Venturing
    Editorial Board Member
    January 2020
  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
    Editorial Board Member
    June 2018
  • Family Business Review
    Editorial Board Member
    January 2017
  • Journal of Small Business Management
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2023 - 2024
  • Family Business Review
    Special Issue Editor
    July 2021 - March 2024
  • Small Business Economics
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2020 - 2020
  • Journal of Family Business Strategy
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2013 - 2020
  • Journal of Management Studies
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2017 - 2019
  • Journal of Business Research
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2016 - 2019
  • Journal of Business Venturing
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2015 - 2019
  • Journal of Small Business Management
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2018 - 2018
  • International Journal of Management Reviews
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2016 - 2017
  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2014 - 2017
  • Human Resource Management Review
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
  • Family Business Review
    Ad Hoc Reviewer
    2014 - 2016
  • Human Resource Management
    Ad Hoc Reviewer

Awards and Honors

  • Award for Best Unpublished Research Paper (2023)
  • Award for James J. Chrisman Contribution to Theory (2023)
  • Award for Excellent Reviewer (2020)
  • Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurial Scholar (2020)
  • Award for Excellent Reviewer (2019)
  • Award for Best Article (2018)
  • Award for Best Unpublished Research Paper (2018)
  • Award for Best Conference Poster (2017)
  • Award for Excellent Reviewer (2017)
  • Summer Research Grant (2017)
  • Award for Excellence in Research on the General Topic of Entrepreneurship (2016)
  • Competitive Summer Research Grant (2016)
  • Summer Research Grant (2016)
  • Award for Best-in-Track Doctoral Student Paper in Entrepreneurship/Innovation (2015)
  • Summer Research Grant (2015)
  • Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI) Research Scholar Grant (2012)

Academic, Military, and Professional Positions

  • Oklahoma State University, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Spears School of Business, June 2023
  • Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Spears School of Business, June 2020 - June 2023
  • Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Spears School of Business, August 2018 - June 2020
  • Mississippi State University, Assistant Professor of Management, August 2014 - May 2018
  • University of Tennessee, Graduate Assistant of Management, August 2010 - May 2014
  • Grand Valley State University, Research Scholar, Family Owned Business Institute, 2012 - 2013
  • Heil Environmental, Human Resources Consultant, 2005 - 2011
  • Family Dollar Stores, Inc., Human Resources Manager, 2006 - 2008
  • The Krystal Company, Human Resources Manager, 1998 - 2005
  • Rehabilitation Services of Columbus, Inc., Human Resources Generalist, 1997 - 1998

Courses Taught

  • EEE 2023 (11 Semesters)
  • EEE 3033 (8 Semesters)
  • BADM 4050 (1 Semester)
  • BADM 4093 (1 Semester)
  • BADM 5093 (1 Semester)
  • EEE 4090 (1 Semester)