School of Entrepreneurship
STILLWATER, OK 74078-4011
Phone: 405-744-5064
- Ph D, Texas Tech University, Management, 2005
- MS, Texas Tech University, Interdisciplinary, 1997
- BA, Texas Tech University, Interdisciplinary, 1994
- Duygu Phillips, Curt Moore, and Matthew W. Rutherford. "Legitimating language and emotional tone in antenarratives: A cultural entrepreneurship perspective". Journal of Business Research.
- Stephen E Lanivich, Nancy H McIntyre, and Curt Moore. (2024). "The Effects of Neurodiversity on Cognitive Attributes of Early-Stage Entrepreneurs". International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. (30), 4, 979-1000.
- Duygu Phillips, Per L. Bylund, Matthew W. Rutherford, and Curt Moore. (2023). "Cryptocurrency Legitimation Through Rhetorical Strategies: An Institutional Entrepreneurship Approach". Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. (35), 1-2, 187-208.
- G. Tyge Payne, Lori Truedell, Curt Moore, Oleg Petrenko, and Nathan Hayes. (2023). "Ambiguous Signals and Information Asymmetry in the Initial Public Offering Process: Examining Ownership Concentration, Process Time, and Underpricing". Group & Organization Management. (48), 5, 1467-1502.
- Curt Moore, Karen Nicholas, and . (2023). "An Introduction to the Use of Social Network Analysis in Family Business Research. In Keith H. Brigham & G. Tyge Payne (Eds.), The Field Guide to Family Business Research.". Edward Elgar Publishing (Forthcoming).
- Curt Moore and G. Tyge Payne. (2022). "External governance mechanisms: Linking Forces to Behaviors. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. ". Oxford University Press. (20),
- Kristen Madison, Curt B. Moore, Joshua J. Daspit, and Joyce Komakech Nabisaalu. (2022). "The Influence of Women on SME Innovation in Emerging Markets". Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (16), 2, 281-313.
- Curt Moore, Nancy H McIntyre, and Stephen E Lanivich. (2019). "ADHD-Related Neurodiversity and the Entrepreneurial Mindset". Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. (45), 1, 64-91.
- Jeffry A Chandler, G. P, Curt Moore, and Keith H Brigham. (2019). "Family Involvement signals in Initial Public Offerings". Journal of Family Business Strategy. (10), 1, 8-16.
- M.A. Zachary, Curt Moore, and G.A. Ballinger. (2019). "Anything but normal: The challenges, solutions, and practical considerations of analyzing non-normal multilevel data. In LeBreton, J. M. & Humphrey, S. E. (Eds.), The handbook for multilevel theory, measurement, and analysis.". Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
- Curt Moore, G. Tyge Payne, Igor Filatotchev, and Edward J Zajac. (2019). "The Cost Of Status: When Social And Economic Interests Collide". Organization Science. (30), 5, 869-884.
- Curt Moore, Nancy H McIntyre, and Stephen E Lanivich. (2019). "ADHD and the Entrepreneurial Mindset". .
- Duygu Phillips, Matthew W. Rutherford, and Curt Moore. (2019). "New Venture Legitimacy Diffusion: The Role of Storytelling and Social Networks". Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Robert E Evert, G. Tyge Payne, Curt Moore, and Michael S McLeod. (2018). "Top Management Team Characteristics and Organizational Virtue Orientation: An Empirical Examination of IPO Firms". Business Ethics Quarterly. (28), 4, 427-461.
- Curt Moore, G. T. Payne, C. W. Autry, and S. E. Griffis. (2018). "Project Complexity and Bonding Social Capital in Network Organizations". Group and Organization Management. (43), 6, 936-970.
- M. Zachary, G. T. Payne, Curt Moore, and J. Sexton. (2017). "Time to Recalibrate? Exploring Entrepreneurial Orientation of Family Business Before, During, and After an Environmental Jolt". Journal of Management and Enterprise Development. (16), 1/2, 57-79.
- M. S. McLeod, Curt Moore, G. T. Payne, J. Sexton, and R. E. Evert. (2016). "Organizational Virtue and Stakeholder Interdependence: An Empirical Examination of Financial Intermediaries and IPO Firms". Journal of Business Ethics.
- Curt Moore, G. T. Payne, R. G. Bell, and J. L. Davis. (2015). "Institutional Distance and Cross-Border Venture Capital Investment Flows". Journal of Small Business Management. (53), 2, 482-500.
- T. W. Moss, G. T. Payne, and Curt Moore. (2014). "Strategic Consistency of Exploration and Exploitation in Family Businesses.". Family Business Review. (27), 1, 51-71.
- G. T. Payne, Curt Moore, R. G. Bell, and M. Zachary. (2013). "Signaling Organizational Virtue: An Examination of Virtue Rhetoric, Country-Level Corruption and IPO Performance of Foreign IPOs from Emerging and Developed Economies". Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (7), 3, 230-251.
- E. Gedajlovic, B. Honig, Curt Moore, G. T. Payne, and M. Wright. (2013). "Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: A Schema and Research Agenda". Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (37), 3, 455-478.
- Curt Moore, R. G. Bell, I. Filatotchev, and A. A. Rasheed. (2012). "Foreign IPO Capital Market Choice: Understanding the Institutional Fit of Corporate Governance". Strategic Management Journal. (33), 914-937.
- R. G. Bell, Curt Moore, and I. Filatotchev. (2012). "Strategic and Institutional Effects on Foreign IPO performance: Examining the Impact of Country of Origin, Corporate Page Governance, and Host Country Effects". Journal of Business Venturing. (27), 2, 197-2616.
- G. T. Payne, Curt Moore, S. E. Griffis, and C. W. Autry. (2011). "Multilevel Challenges and Opportunities in Social Capital Research". Journal of Management. (37), 2, 491-520.
- Curt Moore, R. G. Bell, and I. Filatotchev. (2010). "Institutions and Foreign IPO Firms: The Effects of “Home” and “Host” Country Institutions on Performance". Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (34), 3, 469-490.
- G. T. Payne, J. L. Davis, Curt Moore, and R. G. Bell. (2009). "The Deal Structuring Stage of the Venture Capitalist Decision-Making Process: Exploring Confidence, Control, Financing Levels, and Financing Structures". Journal of Small Business Management. (47), 2, 154-179.
- R. G. Bell, Curt Moore, and H. A. Al-Shammari. (2008). "Country of Origin and Foreign IPO Legitimacy: Understanding the Role of Geographic Scope and Insider Ownership". Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (31), 1, 197-216.
- H. S. Alhorr, Curt Moore, and G. Payne. (2008). "The Impact of Economic Integration on Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments: Evidence from the European Union". Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (32), 5, 897-917.
- N. R. Sanders, A. Locke, Curt Moore, and C. W. Autry. (2007). "A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Understanding Outsourcing Arrangements". Journal of Supply Chain Management. (43), 4, 3-15.
- Curt Moore, C. W. Autry, and B. Macy. (2007). "Interpreneurship: How the Process of Combining Relational Resources and Entrepreneurial Resources Drives Competitive Advantage. In G. T. Lumpkin & Jerome A. Katz (Eds.) Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth". Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth; G. T. Lumpkin & Jerome A. Katz (Eds.),. (10), 65-102.
- B. Macy, G. F. Farias, J. F. Rosa, and Curt Moore. (2006). "Built to Change: High Performance Work Systems and Self-Directed Work Teams—A Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Field Study. In William A Passmore & Richard W. Woodman (Eds.), Research in Organizational Change and Development". Research in Organizational Change and Development; William A Passmore & Richard W. Woodman (Eds.): . (16), 337-416.
Editorial and Review Activities
- Group & Organization Management
Associate Editor
July 2020 - Journal of Business Venturing
Editorial Board Member
March 2020 - Family Business Review
Editorial Board Member
January 2016 - International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Editorial Board Member
2011 - Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Ad Hoc Reviewer
January 2011 - Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice
Ad Hoc Reviewer
January 2010 - Group and Organization Management
Editorial Board Member
2013 - 2020 - Journal of Business Venturing
Ad Hoc Reviewer
2011 - 2020 - Scholar Development Global Affiliates Subcommittee, Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship
2013 - 2015 - Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice on Social Capital and Entrepreneurship
Special Issue Editor
2010 - 2013 - Southern Management Association, Strategy Division
2010 - SMA, Entrepreneurship Division
2009 - 2010
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, Professor, 2021
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, Spears School of Business, 2018 - 2021
- West Virginia University, Associate Professor, College of Business & Economics, 2014 - 2017
- Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor, Rawls College of Business, 2012 - 2014
- Texas Christian University, Assistant Professor, Neeley School of Business, 2006 - 2012
- Texas Tech University, Visiting Assistant Professor, 2004 - 2006
- Moore Investment Company, President/CEO, 1992 - 2005
- HMG Visions, Inc., President/CEO, 1996 - 2004
- Charter Medical Corporation, New Business Development, 1992 - 1997
- Neuropsychological Services, IQ testing and reporting, 1995 - 1996
- Norman Shulman, Ed.D. Licensed Psychologist, Marketing and contract negotiation, 1995 - 1996