School of Marketing & International Business
Associate Professor
TULSA, OK 74106
Phone: 918-594-8165
- Other, Duke University, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2015
- Ph D, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada, Social Psychology, 2012
- BA, Brock University, Ontario, Canada, Psychology, 2006
- Steven Shepherd, Rowena Crabbe, Tanya L. Chartrand, Aaron C. Kay, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons. (2024). "When and Why Anti-Egalitarianism Impacts Resistance to Supporting Black-Owned Businesses". Psychological Science (Forthcoming).
- Steven Shepherd and Alysson E. Light. "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: When and How Perceived Vulnerability Decreases Foreseeability and Responsibility for Causing Harm in the Marketplace". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (Forthcoming).
- Simone Tang, Aaron C. Kay, and Steven Shepherd. "Morality as Social Glue: When and Why Ingroup Members Are Judged More Harshly Than Outgroup Members for the Same Moral Transgressions". European Journal of Social Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Nora Moran and Steven Shepherd. "Responsibilization During Crisis: Perceptions of Responsibility for Service Employee Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic". Journal of Services Marketing (Forthcoming).
- Steven Shepherd, Lauren C Howe, Nathan B Warren, Kathryn R Mercurio, and Troy H. Campbell. "Expressing Dual Concern in Criticism for Wrongdoing: The Persuasive Power of Criticizing with Care". Journal of Business Ethics (Forthcoming).
- Steven Shepherd, Hesam Teymouri Athar, and Sahel Zaboli. "On the Political Right, the Customer is Always Right: Political Ideology, Entitlement, and Complaining". Journal of Consumer Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Renaud Lunardo, Mathieu Alemany Oliver, and Steven Shepherd. (2023). "How Believing in Brand Conspiracies Shapes Relationships with Brands". Journal of Business Research. (159), 113729.
- Matthew L. Stanley, Steven Shepherd, and Aaron C. Kay. "Heroization and Ironic Funneling Effects". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Steven Shepherd, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons. (2021). "Sincere, Not Sinful: Political Ideology and the Unique Role of Brand Sincerity in Shaping Heterosexual and LGBTQ Consumers’ Views of LGBTQ Ads". Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. (6), 2,
- Steven Shepherd and Ted Matherly. (2021). "Racialization of Peer-to-Peer Transactions: Inequality and Barriers to Legitimacy". Journal of Consumer Affairs. (55),
- Steven Shepherd, David K Sherman, Alair MacLean, and Aaron C Kay. (2021). "The Challenges of Military Veterans in Their Transition to the Workplace: A Call for Integrating Basic and Applied Psychological Science". Perspectives on Psychological Science. (16), 3,
- Jae Yun Kim, Troy H Campbell, Steven Shepherd, and Aaron C Kay. (2020). "Understanding Contemporary Forms of Exploitation: Attributions of Passion Serve to Legitimize the Poor Treatment of Workers". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (118), 1, 121-148.
- Jamel Khenfer, Olivier Trendel, and Steven Shepherd. (2020). "Customer Empowerment in the Face of Perceived Incompetence: Effect on Preference for Anthropomorphized Brands". Journal of Business Research. (118), 1-11.
- Steven Shepherd and Troy H Campbell. (2020). "The Effect of Egocentric Taste Judgments on Stereotyping of Welfare Recipients and Attitudes Toward Welfare Policy". Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. (39), 1,
- Steven Shepherd and Gavan J Fitzsimons. (2020). "Special Edition Packaging and its Negative Effects on Search and the Shopping Experience". Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. (28), 2, 156-272.
- Steven Shepherd and Aaron C Kay. (2019). "“’Jesus, Take the Wheel’: The Appeal of Spiritual Products in Satiating Concerns about Randomness". Journal of Marketing Management. (35), 5-6,
- Steven Shepherd, Aaron C Kay, and Kurt Gray. (2019). "Military Veterans are Morally Typecast as Heroic but Unfeeling: Implications for Veteran Employment". Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. (153), 73-88.
- Steven Shepherd, Justin Friesen, Kristin Laurin, Danielle Gaucher, and Aaron Kay. (2018). "System Justification: Experimental Evidence, its Contextual Nature, and Implications for Social Change.". British Journal of Social Psychology.
- Steven Shepherd and Aaron Kay. (2018). "Guns as a Source of Order and Chaos: Compensatory Control and the Psychological (Dis)Utility of Guns for Liberals and Conservatives". Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. (3), 1, 16-26.
- Steven Shepherd and Devon Proudfoot. (2017). "“System Justification,” in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, ed. F. Moghaddam". Sage Publications, Inc..
- Steven Shepherd, R.P. Eibach, and A.C. Kay. (2017). "’One Nation Under God’: The System-Justifying Function of Symbolically Aligning God and Government". Politcal Psychology. (38), 5, 703-720.
- Steven Shepherd. (2016). "“Compensatory Institutional Trust: A ‘Dark Side’ of Trust,” in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust". Springer; E. Shockley, T. M. S. Neal, Pytik Zillig, L. M. & Bornstein, B. H.(Eds.).
- Steven Shepherd, Aaron Kay, and Richard Eibach. (2015). "Achieving Existential Security Through Symbolically Fusing Secular and Religious Sources of Control and Order,” in Handbook of Personal Security". Taylor & Francis: Psychology Press: ed. A. Wichman, P. Carroll, & B. Arkin (Eds.), Taylor & Francis: Psychology Press.
- Steven Shepherd, Gavan Fitzsimons, and Tanya Chartrand. (2015). "When Brands Reflect our Ideal World: The Values and Brand Preference of Consumers who Support vs. Reject Society’s Dominant Ideology". Journal of Consumer Research. (42), 1, 76-92.
- Jillian Banfield, Steven Shepherd, and Aaron Kay. (2014). "Consequences of System Defense Motivations for Individuals’ Willingness to Act Sustainably,” in Multiple Selves: Angels, Demons, and Sustainable Behavior". London: Psychology Press: ed. H. van Trijp, London: Psychology Press.
- Simone Tang, Steven Shepherd, and Aaron Kay. (2014). "Do Difficult Decisions Motivate Belief in Fate? A Test in the Context of the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election". Psychological Science. (25), 4, 1046-1048.
- Steven Shepherd and Aaron Kay. (2014). "When Government Confidence Undermines Public Involvement in Modern Disasters". Social Cognition. (32), 3, 206-216.
- Steven Shepherd and Aaron Kay. (2012). "On the Perpetuation of Ignorance: System Dependence, System Justification, and the Motivated Avoidance of Socio-Political Information". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (102), 2, 264-280.
- Steven Shepherd, Aaron Kay, Mark Landau, and Lucas Keefer. (2011). "Evidence for the Specificity of Control Motivations in Worldview Defense: Distinguishing Compensatory Control from Uncertainty Management and Terror Management Processes". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (47), 5, 949-958.
- Kristin Laurin, Aaron Kay, and Steven Shepherd. (2011). "Self-Stereotyping as a Route to System Justification". Social Cognition. (29), 2, 360-375.
- Danu Stinson, Christine Logel, Steven Shepherd, and Mark Zanna. (2011). "Re-Writing the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Social Rejection: Self-affirmation Improves Relational Security and Social Behavior up to Two Months Later". Psychological Science. (22), 9, 1145-1149.
- Aaron Kay, Steven Shepherd, Craig Blatz, Sook Chua, and Adam Galinsky. (2010). "For God (or) Country: The Hydraulic Relation between Government Instability and Belief in Religious Sources of Control". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (99), 5, 725-739.
- Kristin Laurin, Steven Shepherd, and Aaron Kay. (2010). "Restricted Emigration, System Inescapability, and Defense of the Status Quo: System-Justifying Consequences of Restricted Exit Opportunities". Psychological Science. (21), 8, 1075-1082.
- Steven Shepherd and Kathryn Belicki. (2008). "Trait Forgiveness and Traitedness within the HEXACO Model of Personality". Personality and Individual Differences. (45), 5, 389-394.
Awards and Honors
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2024)
- Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award (2023)
- William S. Spears Professorship in Business (2021)
- William S. Spears Fellow (2019)
- Best Paper Award (2017)
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2015)
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, July 2021
- Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, Spears School of Business, June 2015 - June 2021
- Duke University, Instructor, 2014 - 2015
- Duke University, Teaching Assistant, 2012
- University of Waterloo, Teaching Assistant, 2008 - 2012
- Brock University, Teaching Assistant/Seminar Instructor, 2004 - 2007