Department of Management Science & Information Systems
William S. Spears Chair in Business
Associate Professor
STILLWATER, OK 74078-4011
Phone: 405-744-4049
- Ph D, Iowa State University, Business and Technology, 2014
- MS, Iowa State University, Psychology, 2012
- MBA, Iowa State University, Business Administration, 2010
- Ph D, Iowa State University, Computer Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, 2009
- MS, Iowa State University, Information Assurance, Computer Engineering, 2005
- BA, Simpson College, Computer Science, 2002
- Caleb Krieger, Andy Luse, Ghazal Khani, and Rathindra Sarathy. "Is Seeing the Same as Doing? An Evaluation of Embodied Social Presence in Vicarious Metaverse Experiences". Decision Support Systems (Forthcoming).
- Bryan I. Hammer and Andy Luse. "Information Sharing as a Multidimensional, Dyadic Phenomenon: A Multilevel Study of Multiplex Relationships, Privacy, and Trust". Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Forthcoming).
- Ghazal Abdolhossein khani, Caleb Krieger, and Andy Luse. (2024). "Unveiling Virtual Worlds: Visualizing the Influence of Embodied Social Presence". Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- David Sikolia, Gabriel Bahr, and Andy Luse. "The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment in Information Security Compliance Intentions: A Replication". AIS Transactions on Replication Research (Forthcoming).
- Bryan I. Hammer, Andy Luse, and Paul Lowry. (2024). "Anchoring-and-Adjustment, Approach-Avoidance Disposition, and Information Sensitivity on Information Disclosure: A Longitudinally, Time-Ordered Experiment Using EEG in E-Commerce and Social Media". European Conference on Information Systems.
- Roseline Igah and Andy Luse. (2024). "Unravelling Biased Blocking in The Adoption of Payattitude NFC Electronic Payment in Nigeria: An Exploratory Analysis". Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference.
- Sripriya Vemula, Caleb Krieger, and Andy Luse. (2024). "Using Scientometrics to Analyze Scholarly Contribution of the MWAIS Conference". Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference.
- Gabriel Bahr, Bryan Hammer, and Andy Luse. (2024). "ICT4D and the Capability Approach: Understanding How Freedom of Expression on ICTs Affect Human Development at the Country-Level". Information Technology for Development.
- Qinhui Wang, Andy Luse, and Julie Rursch. (2024). "The Longitudinal Impact of IT Self-Efficacy and Interest on Intent to Major". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
- Ghazal Khani, Andy Luse, and Julie Rursch. (2023). "Momma Knows Best: Parental Impact on Intention to Major in IT". 18th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (MWAIS 2023).
- Qinhui Wang, Andy Luse, and Julie Rursch. (2023). "The Changing Nature of IT Career Determinants: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study". 18th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (MWAIS 2023).
- Andy Luse and Forough Shadbad. (2023). "Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics". Journal of Information Systems Education.
- Julie Rursch, M Ryan, and Andy Luse. (2023). "Inclusion of Digital Entrance and Exit Tickets into an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Engineering Experiential Lab to Enhance Student Learning and Increase Self-assessment". 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).
- Caleb Krieger, Andy Luse, and Corey W. Baham. (2023). "Using Virtual Laboratories to Teach Realistic Hands- On IoT Training in Remote Settings". Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
- Nan Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2023). "An Empirical Comparison of Malicious Insiders and Benign Insiders". Journal of Computer Information Systems.
- Shu Schiller, Fiona Nah, Andy Luse, and Keng Siau. (2023). "Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus: Dyadic Collaboration in the Metaverse". Internet Research.
- Forough Shadbad, Gabriel Bahr, Andy Luse, and Bryan I. Hammer. (2023). "Inclusion of Gamification Elements in the Context of Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value". AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction. (15), 2,
- Forough Shadbad, Gabriel Bahr, Andy Luse, and Bryan I. Hammer. (2023). "Best of Both Worlds: The Inclusion of Gamified Elements in Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value". Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56).
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2022). "The Impact of Self-Perceived Facial Attractiveness on Webcam Use". Journal of Computer Information Systems.
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2022). "Learned Helplessness Attributional Scale (LHAS): Development and Validation of an Attributional Style Measure". Journal of Business Research.
- Andy Luse. (2022). "Does Technology Thwart Gender Stereotypes: An Impression Formation-based Examination of the Differential Influence of Technology across Gender and Message". Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
- Caleb Krieger and Andy Luse. (2022). "Utilizing a Virtual Internet Testbed and Private Cloud to Teach Organizational Cloud Integration". 17th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (MWAIS 2022).
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2021). "Who Turned the Lights Out? Using Home Automation to Teach IoT". Proceedings of the 2021 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research.
- Siddharth Baswani, Anthony Townsend, and Andy Luse. (2021). "Company-Sponsored Online Co-Creation and Financial Incentives: The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Participation Intention". International Journal of Electronic Commerce. (25), 4, 394-415.
- Andy Luse. (2021). "Using a Virtual Lab Network Testbed to Facilitate Real-World Hands-on Learning in a Networking Course". British Journal of Educational Technology. (52), 3, 1244-1261.
- Andy Luse. (2021). "Instruction in 802.11 Technology in Online Virtual Labs". IEEE Transactions on Education.
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2021). "Gophish: Implementing a Real-World Phishing Exercise to Teach Social Engineering". Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research & Practice. (2020), 2, 1-11.
- Behrooz Davazdahemami, Bryan I. Hammer, Pankush Kalgotra, and Andy Luse. (2020). "From General to Situational Privacy Concerns: A New Mechanism to Explain Information Disclosure in Social Networks". Communications of the Association for Information Systems. (47), 652-677.
- Pankush Kalgotra, Ramesh Sharda, and Andy Luse. (2020). "Which Similarity Measure to Use in Network Analysis: Impact of Sample Size on Phi Correlation Coefficient and Ochiai Index". International Journal of Information Management. (55), December 2020,
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2020). "This Isn’t Your Parent’s TV Show…Oh Wait, It Is". Drake Management Review. (10), 1, 1-11.
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2020). "Wearables in the Workplace: Examination Using a Privacy Boundary Model". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems. (2020), 2, 7-15.
- Fletcher H. Glancy, David Biros, Nan Peter Liang, and Andy Luse. (2020). "Classification of Malicious Insiders and the Association of the Forms of Attack". Journal of Criminal Psychology. (10), 3, 243-247. 2009-3829.
- Andy Luse. (2020). "This Isn’t Your Parent’s TV Show…Oh Wait, It Is". 15th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (MWAIS 2020).
- Andy Luse. "The Group Level Contextual Support of IT Self-Efficacy on Individual's Choice to Major in IT: A Multilevel Examination of the Rising Tide Raises All Boats Axiom". 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2018). "Safely Using Real-World Data for Teaching Statistics: A Comparison of Student Performance and Perceived Realism between Dataset Types". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems. (2018), 1, 11-22.
- Andy Luse, A.M. Townsend, and B. Mennecke. (2018). "The Blocking Effect of Preconceived Bias". Decision Support Systems.
- Julie Rursch, P. Pfister, Andy Luse, and T. Tran. (2018). "The Constantly Evolving Freshman Engineering Course: The Case of the DualShock4 Game Controller to Increase Engagement with Laboratory Exercises for an Introductory Problem Solving Course". 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.
- Behrooz Davazdahemami, Bryan I. Hammer, Andy Luse, and Pankush Kalgotra. (2018). "The Role of Parallelism in Resolving the Privacy Paradox of Information Disclosure in Social Networks". International Conference on Information Systems.
- Behrooz Davazdahemami, Andy Luse, K. Scheibe, and A.M. Townsend. (2018). "Training, Self-Efficacy, and Performance; a Replication Study". AIS Transactions on Replication Research.
- Amjad Al Marzooq, Andy Luse, and James R. Burkman. (2018). "Windows ME: Using Antiquated Software to Learn about Security". New York, NY: IEEE Potentials. 0278-6648).
- Andy Luse and James R. Burkman. (2017). "An Evaluation of Scales Used for Measuring Attribution". Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference.
- Andy Luse and Bryan I. Hammer. (2017). "High School Introductory Programming on Raspberry Pi Made From Scratch". International Journal of People-Oriented Programming. (6), 2,
- David Biros, Nan Peter Liang, and Andy Luse. (2017). "Taxonomy of Malicious Insiders: A Proof of Concept Study". Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Pankush Kalgotra, Andy Luse, and Ramesh Sharda. (2017). "Take Control of Interruptions in Your Life: Lessons from Routine Activity Theory of Criminology". Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 5668-5677. 978-0-9981331-0-2.
- Nan Peter Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2016). "An Empirical Validation of Malicious Insider Characteristics”, Journal of Management Information Systems". Journal of Management Information Systems. (33), 2, 361-392.
- D. Laux, Andy Luse, and B. Mennecke. (2016). "Collaboration, Connectedness, and Community: An examination of the factors Influencing Student Persistence in Virtual Communities". Computers in Human Behavior. (57), 452-464.
- Andy Luse. (2016). "When Size Does Matter: Identifying Multilevel Factors Contributing to IT Major Choice". Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference.
- Daniel Wang, Andy Luse, and James R. Burkman. (2016). "Dynamic Visualization of Time-Based Changes to Data Generated by The Real Time Conversation Project". Cedar Falls, Iowa: American Journal of Undergraduate Research. (13), 4, 59-68. 1536-4585 2375-8732.
- Nan Peter Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2016). "Malicious Insiders: Who Might be the Ephialtes in Your Organization". Journal for the Colloquium of Information System Security Education. (4), 1, 145-161.
- Andy Luse. (2015). "Estimating Random Effects in Multilevel Structural Equation Models Using Mplus". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
- P. Carlson, A. Peters, S.B. Gilbert, J.M. Vance, and Andy Luse. (2015). "Virtual Training: Learning Transfer of Assembly Tasks". Arles, France: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. (21), 6, 770-782.
- Andy Luse. (2015). "Estimating Random Effects in Multilevel Structural Equations Models". Ames, IA: 9th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference. (2015), 2, 31-52.
- S. Schiller, B. Mennecke, F. Nah, and Andy Luse. (2014). "Institutional Boundaries and Trust of Virtual Teams in Collaborative Design: An Experimental Study in a Virtual World Environment". Computers in Human Behavior. (35), 565-577.
- Andy Luse and B. Mennecke. (2014). "IT Can Matter: Co-Evolution Fostering IT Competitive Advantage". Management Research Review. (37), 6, 574-588.
- Y. Wang, A. Townsend, B. Mennecke, and Andy Luse. (2014). "Understanding the Moderating Roles of Types of Recommender Systems and Products on Customer Behavioral Intention to Use Recommender Systems". Information Systems and e-Business Management. 1-31.
- Andy Luse, J. Rursch, and D. Jaobson. (2014). "Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling and Social Cognitive Career Theory to Identify Factors in Choice of IT as a Major". ACM Transactions on Computing Education. (14), 3, 1-19.
- Andy Luse, Brian Mennecke, Anthony Townsend, and Doug Jacobson. (2014). "Employing Interactive Maps to Increase User Utilization of Visualization Mechanisms for Network Security Management". Journal of Information Systems Security. (8), 3, 61-85. 1551-0123.
- Andy Luse, B. Mennecke, and J. Triplett. (2013). "The Changing Nature of User Attitudes Toward Virtual World Technology: A Longitudinal Study". Computers in Human Behavior. (29), 3, 1122-1132.
- Andy Luse, B. Mennecke, A.M. Townsend, and S. DeMarie. (2013). "Strategic Information Systems Security: Definition and Theoretical Model". Chicago, IL: The Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Andy Luse, James C. McElroy, Anthony M. Townsend, and Samuel DeMarie. (2013). "Personality and Cognitive Style as Predictors of Preference for Working in Virtual Teams". Computers in Human Behavior. (29), 4, 1825–1832. 0747-5632.
- Andy Luse, B. Mennecke, and A.M. Townsend. (2013). "Experience Richness: Effects of Training Method on Individual Technology Acceptance". Maui, HI: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- L. Smarandescu, A. Peters, B. Mennecke, and Andy Luse. (2013). "Mesmerized: The Effect of Moving Digital Displays on Food Preference". New Orleans, LA: The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Awards and Honors
- MWAIS Best Student Paper Award (2024)
- MWAIS Best Student Paper Award (2023)
- Regents Distinguished Teaching Award (2022)
- Greiner Undergraduate Teaching Award (2022)
- Spears Award for Innovation in Pedagogy (2021)
- Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award (2021)
- MSIS 2016 Department Faculty Award (2016)
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2016)
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, William S. Spears Chair in Business, 2023
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, June 2019
- Oklahoma State University, William S. Spears Professorship in Business, 2021 - 2023
- Oklahoma State University, William S. Spears Fellow in Business, 2019 - 2021
- Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, August 2013 - June 2019
- Iowa State University, Systems Support Specialist, January 2005 - July 2013
- IBM Corporation, Rochester, MN, Software Engineering Intern, May 2005 - August 2005
- Rockwell Collins Inc., Software Development intern, May 2004 - August 2004
- National Security Agency, SNEIP Intern, May 2003 - August 2003
- EFCO Corporation, Application Development intern, May 2002 - August 2002