Department of Management
PhD Coordinator
Joe Synar Chair
STILLWATER, OK 74078-4011
Phone: 405-744-8331
Bryan Edwards is the Joe Synar Chair and Professor of Management specializing in human resource management and organizational behavior. Dr. Edwards is an expert in selection, training, performance management, leadership, organizational development, and team effectiveness. His current research interests are training and development, performance management, and organizational change and development. Dr. Edwards currently serves on an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Material Handling Industry of America, Department of Defense, and other public and private agencies. Prior to coming to OSU, Dr. Edwards served on faculty at Tulane University and Auburn University.Education
- Ph D, Texas A&M University, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2003
- MS, University of South Alabama, Psychology, 1997
- BS, University of Alabama, Psychology, 1995
- Duygu Phillips, Bryan Edwards, and Matthew W. Rutherford. (2025). "Conformity or Differentiation: Optimal Distinctiveness through Mediating Channels. ". Journal of Business Research. (189),
- C M Logsdon, I Kondaurova, N Zhang, Bryan Edwards, H Mitchell, O Nasroui, Marjorie A Erdmann, H A Moath, P S Ardakani, E Wuensch, and D Popa. (2024). "Perceived Usefulness of Robotic Technology for Patient Fall Prevention". Chicago, IL: Journal of Workplace Health & Safety. 542-549.
- Kevin Heupel, Jorge Arteaga, Matthew W. Rutherford, and Bryan Edwards. (2024). "Feeding the hype cycle: Entrepreneurial swagger, passion, and inflated expectations". Journal of Business Venturing.
- Cynthia S. Wang, Alexis Washington, Edward Scott, Bryan Edwards, and Seth Smart. (2024). "Reducing turnover intentions of Black employees in the accounting profession: The roles of racial centrality, racial identity affirmation and supervisor closeness". Accounting, Organizations, and Society. 1873-6289.
- Marie S Mitchell, Andrea Hetrick, Rebecca R Greenbaum, Mary M Mawritz, and Bryan D Edwards. (2024). "Oh the anxiety! The anxiety of supervisor bottom-line mentality and mitigating effects of ethical leadership". Sage: Journal of Management. ISSN: 01492063.
- Clinton Purtell, Matthew W. Rutherford, Duygu, Bryan Edwards, and Jeff Pollack. "Pitch Envisaging: The Role of Narrative Transportation in Pitching Success". Journal of Business Venturing Insights. (Forthcoming).
- Cynthia Wang, Gillian Ku, Alexis Washington, Bryan Edwards, Edward Scott, and Adam Galinsky. (2024). "Increasing Black Employees' Social Identity Affirmation and Organizational Involvement: Reducing Social Uncertainty through Organizational and Individual Strategies". Informs.
- Kipp A. Krukowski, Nicole A. Flink, and Bryan Edwards. (2023). "Why are you selling your business? Understanding signaling effects of seller rationale at time of entrepreneurial exit". Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
- Erdmann Marjorie, Tomi Adewumi, and Bryan Edwards. (2022). "Evaluation of electronic portal messaging and embedded asynchronous care on physician-assisted smoking cessation quit attempts: A quality improvement randomized clinical trial". Journal of American Medical Association. .
- Alex J Scrimpshire, Bryan D Edwards, Durand H Crosby, and Scott Anderson. (2022). "Investigating the effects of high-involvement climate and public service motivation on engagement, performance, and meaningfulness in the public sector.". Somerville, MA: Journal of Managerial Psychology. 0268-3946.
- Julia Kirkland, Bryan Edwards, and Karen Flaherty. (2021). "The Effect of Honest and Humble Leadership on Salesperson Customer Orientation". Amsterdam: Journal of Business Research. (130), June, 49-58. 0148-2963.
- Winfred Arthur, Jr., Bryan D Edwards, Nathanal Keiser, Atoba Olabisi, and Inchul Cho. (2021). "An examination of the effectiveness of the predictor method-change approach to reducing subgroup differences.". Human Resource Management (Forthcoming).
- Duygu Phillips, Matthew W. Rutherford, and Bryan Edwards. (2020). "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings". (Forthcoming).
- Brian D Webster, Alexis S Washington, Joongseo Kim, Bryan D Edwards, and Marla B. Watkins. (2020). "Recruiting (Dis)Advantage: Male and female evaluations of sex-based targeted recruitment. ". Sex Roles.
- Toby Joplin, Rebecca Greenbaum, Craig Wallace, and Bryan D Edwards. "Employee entitlement, engagement, and performance: The moderating effect of ethical leadership". Journal of Business Ethics (Forthcoming).
- Wm Camron Casper, Bryan Edwards, Craig Wallace, and Ronald R Landis. "Selecting response anchors with equal intervals for summated rating scales". Journal of Applied Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Brian Webster and Bryan Edwards. " Does holding a second job viewed as a calling impact one’s work at the primary job? ". Journal of Vocational Behavior (Forthcoming).
- Brian Webster, Bryan Edwards, and Mickey B. Smith. "Is holding two jobs too much? An examination of dual jobholders". Journal of Business and Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Kristin Cullen, Brian Webster, Bryan Edwards, and Phillip Braddy. (2018). "Why so negative? The cumulative effect of organizational change on employees". European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, M. S. Christian, Jeffrey Paul, M.J. Burke, and Gabi M Eissa. (2016). "Change the referent? A meta-analytic investigation of direct and referent-shift consensus models for organizational climate". Journal of Management. (40), 1-24.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, and W. Dyer. (2014). "Organizational well-being: A dual focus on performance and well-being". Talent Management Excellence Essentials.
- B.L. Perdomo, L.A. Jones-Farmer, Bryan Edwards, and D. Svyantek. (2014). "The robustness of ME/I evaluations to among-group dependence". Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. (21), 40-53.
- Bryan Edwards, A.M. Franco-Watkins, K.L. Cullen, and J. Walsh. (2014). "Unifying the challenge-hindrance and sociocognitive models of stress". International Journal of Stress Management. (21), 162-185.
- K.L. Cullen, Bryan Edwards, W.C. Casper, and K. Gue. (2014). "Employees' adaptability and perceptions of change-related uncertainty: Implications for perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, and performance". Journal of Business and Psychology. (29), 269-280.
- Bryan Edwards, Christopher Warren, Travis Tubré, and Michael Zyphur. (2013). "The validity of narcissism and driving anger in predicting aggressive driving in a sample of young drivers". Human Performance. (26), 191-210.
- Ana M. Franco-Watkins, Bryan Edwards, and Roy Acuff. (2013). "Effort and fairness in bargaining". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. (26), 79-90.
- E. R. Dahlen, Bryan Edwards, T. C. Tubré, M. J. Zyphur, and C. Warren. (2012). "Taking a look behind the wheel: An investigation into the personality predictors of aggressive". Accident, Analysis, and Prevention. (45), 1-9.
- Bryan Edwards, W. Arthur, Jr., and L. L. Bruce. (2012). "The three-option format for knowledgeand ability multiple-choice tests: A case for why it should be more commonly used in personnel testing ". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. (20), 65-81.
- Bryan Edwards and Craig Wallace. (2011). "Managing confrontation: Holding others accountable for poor performance". IPMA-HR News. 8-11.
- M. S. Fleisher, D. J. Woehr, Bryan Edwards, and K. L. Cullen. (2011). "Assessing withinperson personality variability via frequency estimation: More evidence of a new measurement approach". Journal of Research in Personality. (45), 535-548.
- M.S. Christian, Bryan Edwards, and J.C. Bradley. (2010). "On the Nature of Situational Judgment Tests: Constructs Assessed and a Meta-Analysis of their Criterion-Related Validities". Personnel Psychology. (63), 83-117.
- Bryan Edwards. (2010). "Review of "Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research" by Timothy A. Brown". Organizational Research Methods. (13), 214-217.
- R. Landis, Bryan Edwards, and J. Cortina. (2009). ""Correlated Residuals Among Items in the Estimation of Measurement Models," in C.E. Lance & R.J. Vandenberg (eds.), Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urgan Legends: Doctrine, Verity, and Fable in the Organizational and Social Sciences". New York: Routledge. 195-214.
- D. Finch, Bryan Edwards, and Craig Wallace. (2009). "Multiple Hurdle Selection Strategies: Simulating the Effects on Adverse Impact and Predictive Efficiency for Various Predictor Combinations". Journal of Applied Psychology. (94), 318-340.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, Todd Arnold, Lance Frazier, and D.M. Finch. (2009). "Work Stressors, Role-Based Performance, and the Moderating Role of Organizational Support". Journal of Applied Psychology. (94), 1, 254-262.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, A. Shull, and D.M. Finch. (2009). "An Examination of the Tendency to Suppress and Reappraise Emotions on Task-Related Job Performance". Human Performance. (22), 23-43.
- Craig Wallace and Bryan Edwards. (2008). "Insights into Attracting and Retaining Talent from Generation Y". Alexandria, VA: IPMA-HR News..
- Bryan Edwards, D. Bell, S.T. Arthur, and A.D. Decuir. (2008). "Relationships Between Facets of Job Satisfaction and Task and Contextual Performance". Applied Psychology: An International Review. (57), 441-465.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, S.P. Mondore, and D.M. Finch. (2008). "The Interactive Effects of Litigation Intentions and Procedural Justice Climate on Employee-Employer Litigation Charges". Journal of Managerial Issues. (20), 313-326.
- W. Arthur, S.T. Bell, and Bryan Edwards. (2007). "An Empirical Comparison of the Criterion-Related Validities of Additive and Referent-Shift Operationalizations of Team Efficacy". Organizational Research Methods. (10), 35-58.
- Bryan Edwards and W. Arthur. (2007). "An Examination of Factors Contributing to a Reduction in Race-Based Subgroup Differences on a Constructed Response Paper-and-Pencil Test of Scholastic Achievement". Journal of Applied Psychology. (92), 794-801.
- Bryan Edwards and D.J. Woehr. (2007). "Examination and Evaluation of Frequency Estimation-Based Personality Measurement". Personality and Individual Differences. (43), 803-814.
- Bryan Edwards and Craig Wallace. (2007). "What you don't know can hurt you: Staying up-to-date with the legal landscape". Alexandria, VA: IPMA-HR News..
- Bryan Edwards, E.A. Day, W. Arthur, and S.T. Bell. (2006). "Relationships Among Team Ability Composition, Team Mental Models, and Team Performance". Journal of Applied Psychology. (91), 727-736.
- Craig Wallace, Bryan Edwards, S. Mondore, and E. Page. (2006). "The Interactive Effects of Litigation Intentions and Procedural Justice Climate on Employee-Employer Litigation Charges". Proceedings of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology..
- E.A. Day, W. Arthur, S.T. Bell, Bryan Edwards, W. Bennett, J.L. Mendoza, and T.C. Tubré. (2005). "Ability-Based Pairing Strategies in the Team-Based Training of a Complex Skill: Does the Intelligence of your Training Partner Matter?". Intelligence. (31), 39-65.
- W. Arthur, S.T. Bell, Bryan Edwards, E.A. Day, T.C. Tubré, and A.H. Tubré. (2005). "Convergence of Self-Report and Archival Crash Involvement Data: A Two-Year Longitudinal Follow-Up". Human Factors. (47), 303-313.
- W. Arthur, Bryan Edwards, S.T. Bell, A. Villado, and W. Bennett. (2005). "Team Task Analysis: Identifying Tasks and Jobs that are Team-Based". Human Factors. (47), 654-669.
- E.A. Day, W. Arthur, B. Miyashiro, Bryan Edwards, T.C. Tubré, and A.H. Tubré. (2004). "Criterion-Related Validity of Different Statistical Operationalizations of Group General Cognitive Ability as a Function of Task-Type: Comparing the Mean, Maximum, and Minimum". Journal of Applied Social Psychology. (34), 1521-1549.
- E.A. Day, W. Arthur, Bryan Edwards, and S.T. Bell. (2003). "Relating Ability and Personality to the Efficacy and Performance of Dyadic Teams". Santa Monica, CA: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting..
- W. Arthur, Bryan Edwards, and G.V. Barrett. (2002). "Multiple-Choice and Constructed Response Tests of Ability: Race-Based Subgroup Performance Differences on Alternative Paper-and-Pencil Test Formats". Personnel Psychology. (55), 985-1008.
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, Professor, July 2020
- Oklahoma State University, PhD Coordinator, January 2019
- Eastin Center for Talent Development, Spears School of Business, Associate Director for Research, July 1 2016
- Oklahoma State University, Joe Synar Chair, July 2012
- Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor of Management, 2011 - 2020
- Eastin Center for Talent Development, Spears School of Business, Executive Director, 2013 - February 2016
- Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor of Management, July 2009 - 2011
- Department of Psychology, Auburn University, Assistant Professor, 2006 - 2009
- Department of Psychology, Tulane University, Assistant Professor, 2003 - 2006