Department of Management
Aso Prof/Dept Head
Phone: 405-744-7729
James Pappas is an Associate Professor in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on strategy making from the middle management level in organizations as well as management control systems. His work has been published in Journal of Management Studies, Industrial Marketing Management, Healthcare Management Review and the Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. Before coming to Oklahoma State University, he worked at State Street Bank and Trust, Mayo Medical Center, Arthur Andersen, and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Pappas is currently serving as the Department Head of Management.Education
- Ph D, University of Massachusetts; Amherst, Strategic Management, 2001
- Other, University of Washington, 1992
- MBA, University of Washington, 1991
- BA, Tufts University, Economics, 1987
- Karen Flaherty, James Pappas, and Lee Allison. (2014). "The Influence of an Optimal Control System on Salesperson Performance". Industrial Marketing Management. (43), 2, 304-311.
- Karen Flaherty and James Pappas. (2012). "Control Mechanisms, Idea Transfer, and Performance in Sales Organizations". Industrial Marketing Management. (41(5)),
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2009). "Expanding the Sales Professional’s Role: A Strategic Re-orientation?". Industrial Marketing Management.
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2008). "The Effect of Trust on Customer Contact Person Strategic Behavior and Supervisor-Rated Sales Performance in a Service Environment". Journal of Business Research. (61), 9, 894-902.
- James Pappas and B. Wooldridge. (2007). "Middle Managers’ Divergent Strategic Influence: An Investigation of Network Centrality and Perceptual Deviance". Journal of Management Studies.
- James Pappas, Karen Flaherty, and S. Hunt. (2007). "The Joint Influence of Control Strategies and Market Turbulence on Strategic Performance in Sales-Driven Organizations". Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management.
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2005). ""Informal Controls at Work: Affecting Behavior Amidst Uncertainty,” in Floyd et al (eds.), Innovating Strategy Process, part of the Strategic Management Society Handbook Series". London: Blackwell Publishers.
- Tim Degroot, James Pappas, Karen Flaherty, and D, Kern. (2005). "A Meta-Analysis to Review the Effects of Organizational Control". Proceedings of the Academy of Management.
- D. Kern, James Pappas, Tim Degroot, and Karen Flaherty. (2005). "A Meta-Analytic Review of Formal Operational Control Systems". Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Conference.
- James Pappas, J. Gooty, and Karen Flaherty. (2005). "A Multilevel Test of Managerial Trustworthiness: Antecedents and Consequences". Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Conference.
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2005). "The Moderating Role of Individual-Difference Variables in Compensation Research". Journal of Managerial Psychology. (21), 1, 19-35.
- Blaine Lawlor, James Pappas, and B. Wooldridge. (2005). "The Knowledgeable Middle Manager: An Exploratory Study on Social and Intellectual Capital". Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting.
- Karen Flaherty and James Pappas. (2004). "Job Selection among Salespeople: A Bounded Reality Perspective". Industrial Marketing Management. (33), 4, 325-332.
- James Pappas, B. Wooldridge, and Karen Flaherty. (2004). "Knowledge, Social Structure, and Strategic Activities". Healthcare Management Review. (29), 1, 8-16.
- James Pappas. (2004). "Middle Managers' Strategic Influence: Investigating Network Centrality and Perceptual Deviance". Proceedings of the Academy of Management.
- James Pappas, Karen Flaherty, and B. Wooldridge. (2004). "Tapping into Hospital Champions – Strategic Middle Managers". Health Care Management Review.
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2003). "Achieving Strategic Consensus in the Hospital Setting: A Middle Management Perspective". Hospital Topics. (81), Winter, 15-22.
- Karen Flaherty, James Pappas, and A. Sallee. (2003). "Social Networks and Strategic Knowledge: A Study of the Strategic Activities of Frontline Employees". American Marketing Association Winter Educators Conference Proceedings.
- James Pappas and Karen Flaherty. (2003). "The Impact of Control Systems on Role Conflict and Management Behavior: Moving Toward a Theory of Strategic Renewal". Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Mini Conference.
- James Pappas, B. Wooldridge, and Karen Flaherty. (2002). "How Middle Managers Help Build New Capabilities: Lessons Learned Using Social Network Analysis". Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
- James Pappas and B. Wooldridge. (2002). "Social Networks and Strategic Knowledge: A Study of Strategic Renewal from a Mid-Level Perspective". Proceedings of the Academy of Management.
- Karen Flaherty and James Pappas. (2002). "The Influence of Career Stage on Job Attitudes". Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. (22), Summer, 135-143.
- Karen Flaherty and James Pappas. (2002). "Using Career Stage Theory to Predict Turnover Intentions Among Salespeople". Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. (10), Summer, 48-57.
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Management Department, Oklahoma State University, Department Head, July 2014
- Management Department, Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, August 2007
- Management Department, Oklahoma State University, Interim Department Head, August 2013 - June 2014
- Management Department, Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. Coordinator, August 2007 - July 2013
- Management Department, Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, August 2001 - July 2007
- Partners Healthcare System, Boston, MA, Senior Financial Analyst, March 1996 - May 1997
- Andersen Worldwide, LLP; Seattle, WA, Senior Consultant - Operations Reengineering, April 1995 - February 1996
- Mayo Medical Center; Rochester, MN, Administrator, Department of Cardiology, June 1992 - March 1995
- State Street Bank and Trust; Boston, MA, Management Accountant - Foreign Currency, June 1987 - July 1989