Department of Management
Associate Professor of Management
Phone: 405-744-9000
Matt Bowler served on the faculty at The University of North Texas and is an Associate Professor of Management in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Prior to his academic career he worked as a field manager for a relief organization in Guatemala. Dr. Bowler's research interests include social networks, leadership, OCB and deviance. His research has been published in journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management and Human Resource Management Review among others.Education
- Ph D, University of Kentucky, Business Administration, 2002
- MBA, Missouri State University, 1998
- BS, Missouri State University, Entrepreneurial Management, 1997
- Don Kluemper and Matt Bowler. "How leaders perceive employee deviance: Blaming victims while excusing favorites.". Washington, DC: Journal of Applied Psychology (Forthcoming).
- Matt Bowler, Jeffrey Paul, Mark Gavin, and Toby Joplin. (2018). "Understanding Trust Transference between Leaders, Followers, and Coworkers: Testing Two Three-Way Interactions". Pittsburg, KS: Journal of Managerial Issues. (30), 3,
- Matt Bowler, Jeffrey Paul, and J.R.B. Halbesleben. (2017). "LMX and attributions of organizational citizenship behavior motives: When is citizenship perceived as brownnosing?". Journal of Business and Psychology. 1-41.
- M.L. Frazier and Matt Bowler. (2015). "Voice climate, supervisor undermining, and work outcomes: A group-level examination". Journal of Management.
- Matt Bowler, Robert Dahlstrom, Matthew T. Seevers, and Steven J. Skinner. (2013). "The Ties That Buy: The Role of Interfirm Social Contagion Across Customer Accounts". Armonk, NY: Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. (31), 1, 7-20. 0885-3134.
- T. A. Voelker and Matt Bowler. (2011). "Structural antecedents to learning: The impact of interactive group participation on examination performance". Small Business Administration Journal. (11), 12-29.
- Matt Bowler, J.R.B. Halbesleben, and Jeffrey Paul. (2010). "If You’re Close with the Leader, You Must be a Brownnose: The Role of Leader-Member Relationships in Follower, Leader, and Coworker Attributions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Motives". Maryland Heights MO: Human Resource Management Review.
- Matt Bowler. (2009). "Boundary Conditions of Trust Transference Between Leaders, Followers, and Coworkers". Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
- Jeffrey Paul, Matt Bowler, and Mark Gavin. (2009). "Boundary Conditions of Trust Transference Between Leaders, Followers, and Coworkers". Ashville, NC: Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
- J.R.B. Halbesleben, Matt Bowler, M.C. Bolino, and W. Turnley. (2009). "Organizational Concern, Prosocial Values, or Impression Management? How Supervisors Attribute Motives to Organizational Citizenship Behavior". Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
- V. Goodwin, Matt Bowler, and J.L. Whittington. (2009). "A Social Network Perspective on LMX Relationships: Accounting for the Instrumental Value of Leader and Follower Networks". Tucson AZ: Journal of Management. (35), 954-980.
- Matt Bowler and J.R. Halbesleben. (2008). "Direct and Indirect Attribution Effects of LMX Relationships: Self, Leader, and Coworker Attributions of OCB Motives". St. Pete Beach, FL: Proceedings of the Southern Management Association 2008 Annual Meetings.
- J.R.B. Halbesleben and Matt Bowler. (2007). "Burnout and Job Performance Ratings: The Mediating Role of Motivation". Journal of Applied Psychology. (92), 1, 93-106.
- Matt Bowler, J.R.B. Halbesleben, M. Snodnick, M.T. Seevers, and Laura Little. "The Moderating Effect of Network Centrality on Motive to Perform Interpersonal Citizenship". Journal of Management Issues. (13), 2, 95-104.
- Matt Bowler. (2006). "Organizational Goals Versus the Dominant Coalition: A Critical View of the Value of Organizational Citizenship Behavior". Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. (7), 258-273.
- W.C. McDowell, N.G. Boyd, and Matt Bowler. (2006). "Over Reward and the Imposter Phenomenon". Journal of Managerial Issues. (19), 1, 95-110.
- Matt Bowler and D.J. Brass. (2006). "Relational Correlates of Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior: A Social Network Perspective on Organizational Citizenship Behavior". Journal of Applied Psychology. (91), 70-82.
- M.E. Watson, T. Minzenmayer, and Matt Bowler. (2006). "Type-A Personality Characteristics and The Effect on Individual and Team Academic Performance". Journal of Applied Social Psychology. (36), 1110-1128.
- Matt Bowler, T.A. Voelker, V. Goodwin, and J.L. Whittington. (2006). "Asking for Influence: Advice Seeking as an Ingratiation Tactic". Proceedings of the Southern Management Association 2006 Annual meeting.
- Matt Bowler. (2005). ""Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors," in A Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review of Good Sodier Activity in Organizations ". Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. 399-414.
- J.D. Shaw, M.K. Duffy, A. Mitra, D.E. Lockhart, and Matt Bowler. (2003). "Reactions to Merit Pay Increases: A Longitudinal Test of a Signal Sensitivity Perspective". Journal of Applied Psychology. (88), 3,
- Matt Bowler, S.B Droege, and J.R. Anderson. (2003). "Social Network Ties and Strategic Renewal: Promotion of Strategic Initiatives by Middle-Level Actors". Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. (5), 1, 24.
- Matt Bowler. (2003). "Trust and Organizational Information Flow". Journal of Business and Management. (9), 1, 45.
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Old Matt’s Vacation Rental LLC, Owner, 2012
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor of Management, July 2010
- Oklahoma State University, Don R. Brattain Professor of Management, July 2012 - June 2016
- Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor of Management, July 1 2006 - June 2010
- University of North Texas, Assistant Professor of Management, August 1 2002 - June 30 2006
- University of Kentucky, Teaching/Research Assistant, August 1 1999 - June 30 2002
- HELPS International, Assistant Field Director, Guatemala City, Guatemala , 1998 - 1999