Department of Management Science & Information Systems
Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems
Phone: 405-744-7156
PhD from Florida State University. Retired Air Force Lt Col with a background in information technology and security. Published in MIS Quarterly, Decision Support Systems and many other journals and conference proceedings. Actively involved in student recruitment efforts.Education
- Ph D, Florida State University, Information and Management Sciences, 1998
- MS, Air Force Institute of Technology, Information Resource Management, 1992
- MA, The Troy State University, Public Administration, 1990
- BA, Flagler College, History and Secondary Education, 1985
- Madhav Sharma, David Biros, Corey W. Baham, and Jacob Biros. (2024). "What went wrong? Identifying Risk Factors for Popular Negative Consequences in AI". AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interface (Forthcoming).
- Nan Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2023). "An Empirical Comparison of Malicious Insiders and Benign Insiders". Journal of Computer Information Systems.
- David Sikolia, David Biros, and Tianjian Zhang. (2023). "How Effective are SETA Programs Anyway? Learning and Forgetting in Security Awareness Training". Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice.
- Obi Ogbanufi, Robert Crossler, and David Biros. (2023). "The Valued Coexistence of Protection Motivation and Stewardship in Information Security Behaviors". Computers and Security. (124), 102960,
- Bryan Marshall, Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad, Michael Curry, and David Biros. (2022). "Do Measures of Security Compliance Intent Equal Non-Compliance Scenario Agreement?". Proceedings of the 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy.
- Andrew Bowman, Madhav Sharma, and David Biros. (2022). "Too good for Malware: Investigating Effects of Entitlement on Cybersecurity Threat Assessment and Piracy Behavior". Proceedings of the 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy.
- Madhav Sharma and David Biros. (2021). "AI and Its Implications for Organizations". Information Technology in Organisations and Societies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from AI to Technostress, Emerald Publishing. 1-24. 978-1-83909-0.
- Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros. (2021). "Does Technostress Triger Insider Threat? A conceptual Model and Mitigation Solutions". Information Technlogy in Organisations and Societies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from AI to Technostress. Emerald Publishing . 61-85. 978-1-83909-0.
- Obi Ogbanufe, Robert Crossler, and David Biros. (2021). "Exploring Stewardship: A Precursor to Voluntary Security Behaviors". Computers and Security . (109), 102397,
- Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros. (2021). "Understanding Employee Information Security Policy Compliance from Role Theory Perspective". Journal of Computer Information Systems. (61),
- Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros. (2020). "Technostress and its Influence on Employee Information Security Policy Compliance". Information Technology & People. 0959-3845.
- Amir Zadeh, Anand Jeyaraj, and David Biros. (2020). "Characterizing Cybersecurity Threats to Organizations in Support of Risk Mitigation Decisions". e-Service Journal. (12), 2, 1-34.
- Madhav Sharma and David Biros. (2020). "Effects of Abilities of Data Analyst Teams and AI Development". Proceedings of the America Conference on Information Systems. 978-1-7336325-4-6.
- David Biros. (2020). "The Challenges of New Information Technology on Security, Privacy and Ethics". Journal of the Midwest AIS. (2020), 2, 5.
- Fletcher H. Glancy, David Biros, Nan Peter Liang, and Andy Luse. (2020). "Classification of Malicious Insiders and the Association of the Forms of Attack". Journal of Criminal Psychology. (10), 3, 243-247. 2009-3829.
- Jacob Young, David Biros, Ryan Schuetzler, Tyler Smith, Paul Stephens, Rhonda Syler, and Shawn Zheng. (2020). "When Programs Collide: A Panel Report on the Competing Interests of Analytics and Security". Communications of the AIS. (46), 1529-3181.
- Madhav Sharma, David Biros, Surya Ayyalasomayajula, and Nikunj Dalal. (2020). "Teaching Programming to the Post-Millennial Generation: Pedagogic Considerations for an IS Course". Journal of Information Systems Education. (31), 2, 10.
- Joseph Thomas and David Biros. (2020). "An Empirical Evaluation of Interpersonal Deception Theory In A Real-World, High-Stakes Environment". Journal of Criminal Psychology. (10), 3, 14. 2009-3829.
- David Biros, Madhav Sharma, and Jacob Biros. (2019). "Vulnerability and Risk Mitigation in AI and Machine Learning". Cutter Business Technology Journal . (32), 8,
- Madhav Sharma and David Biros. (2019). "The Dark Side of the Internet of Things". Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice.
- Tianjian Zhang, Taha Havakhor, and David Biros. "Does Cybersecurity Slow Down Digitization? A Quasi-Experiment of Security Breach Notification Laws". International Conference on Information Systems (Forthcoming).
- Madhav Sharma and David Biros. (2019). "Building Trust in Wearables for Health Behavior". Journal of the Midwest Association of Information Systems. (2019), 2, 8.
- Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros. (2019). "Developing an Unintentional Information Security Misbehavior Scale (UISMS)". Proceeding of the 14th Midwest Association on Information System Conference.
- Forough Nasirpouri Shadbad and David Biros. (2018). "Work Overload and Insiders’ Risk Taking Behaviors as Threats to Cyber Security". Kennesaw GA: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice.
- David Biros, Nan Peter Liang, and Andy Luse. (2017). "Taxonomy of Malicious Insiders: A Proof of Concept Study". Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Fletcher H. Glancy and David Biros. (2017). "Computer Concepts and Applications for Business". Dubuque, Iowa: Great River Learning. 9781680754971.
- Nan Peter Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2016). "An Empirical Validation of Malicious Insider Characteristics”, Journal of Management Information Systems". Journal of Management Information Systems. (33), 2, 361-392.
- Nan Peter Liang, David Biros, and Andy Luse. (2016). "Malicious Insiders: Who Might be the Ephialtes in Your Organization". Journal for the Colloquium of Information System Security Education. (4), 1, 145-161.
- David Sikolia and David Biros. (2016). "Motivating Employees to Comply with Information Security Policies". Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems. (2), 2, 16.
- Nan Peter Liang and David Biros. (2016). "Validating Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders: Proof of Concept Study". Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS).
- David Biros and N. Liang. (2015). "Identifying Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders". Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law.
- J.Y. Thomas and David Biros. (2015). "Theoretical Validation of IDT in Real-World, High-Stakes Deceptive Speech". 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS) Symposium on Rapid Screening Technologies, Deception Detection, and Credibility Assessment.
- C.M. Fuller, D.P. Twitchell, David Biros, and Rick Wilson. (2015). "Real-World Deception and the Impact of Severity". Journal of Computer Information Systems. (55), 2, 59-67.
- David Sikolia, David Biros, Mark Weiser, and Marlys Mason. (2013). "Trustworthiness of Grounded Theory Methodology Research in Information Systems". Proceedings of the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
- Ramesh Sharda and David Biros. (2013). "Taking Research to Practice in Technology: Development of an Ammunition Multimedia Encyclopedia". Decision Line. (44), 1,
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, Judee Burgoon, and Jay F. Nunamaker. (2013). "An Examination and Validation of Linguistic Constructs for Studying High-Stakes Deception". Group Decision and Negotiation. (22), 1, 117-134.
- Jason R. Nichols, David Biros, Ramesh Sharda, and Upton Shimp. (2012). "The Emergence of Organizational Process Liability as a Future Direction for Research on Technology Acceptance". International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology . (2), 4, http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/ijsodit.2012100101.
- Jason R. Nichols, David Biros, and Mark Weiser. (2012). "Towards Alignment Between Communities of Practice and Knowledge-Based Decision Support". Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. (7), 2,
- David Sikolia, David Biros, and Mark Weiser. (2011). "A Financial Case for RFID in Grain Transport and Storage". 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.
- Supavich Pengnate, Ramesh Sharda, David Biros, Michael Hass, and U. Shimp. (2011). "Mobile AME: A Handheld Application to Support Decision Making for Ammunition Personnel". Annals of Information Systems. (13), 2011, 319-336.
- Christie M. Fuller, David Biros, and Dursun Delen. (2011). "An Investigation of Data and Text Mining Methods for Real World Deception Detection". Expert Systems with Applications. (38), 7, 8392-8398.
- Christie Fuller, Dursun Delen, and David Biros. (2011). "Data and Text Mining methods applied to the task of Detecting Deception in Real World Crime Investigation Records". Expert Systems with Applications.
- David Biros and J Thomas. (2011). "A Conceptual Model of Real World, High Stakes Deception Detection". Proceedings of the 44nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- J Lucca, Ramesh Sharda, J Ruffner, U Shimp, David Biros, and A Clower. (2011). "Ammunition Multimedia Encyclopedia (AME): A Case Study". Proceedings of the 44nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- Michael Hass, David Biros, and j Thomas. (2011). "Employing Deception Detection Methods in Trustworthiness Assessment Research". Proceedings of the 44nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- David Sikolia, David Biros, and Mark Weiser. (2010). "A Business Case for RFID in Grain Storage". 41st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.
- David Sikolia, David Biros, Mark Weiser, and Nicholas Romano. (2010). "Trust in Mobile Banking: The Effect of Culture". Atlanta, Georgia: Proceedings of the 5th Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS). see: http://aisel.aisnet.org/mwais2010/4.
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, and Rick Wilson. (2009). "Decision Support for Determining Veracity via Linguistic Based Cues". Decision Support Systems. (46), 695-703.
- Subramanian Iyer, Ramesh Sharda, David Biros, J. Lucca, and U. Shimp. (2009). "Organization of Lessons Learned Knowledge: A Taxonomy of Implementation". International Journal of Knowledge Management. (5), 3, 1-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-60960-555-1.ch013.
- Michael Hass, Jason R. Nichols, David Biros, Mark Weiser, James R. Burkman, and J. Thomas. (2009). "Motivating Knowledge Sharing in Diverse Organizational Contexts: An Argument for Reopening the Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Debate". Proceeding of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Supavich Pengnate, Ramesh Sharda, David Biros, and Michael Hass. (2009). "Mobile AME: A handheld application to support decision making for ammunition personnel". San Francisco, CA: of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- David Biros. (2009). "A Case-Based Exploration of Task/Technology Fit in an Applied Knowledge Management Context". Knowledge Management and E-Learning.
- Christie Fuller, D. Twitchell, and David Biros. (2009). "Deception and the Impact of Complexity on a Group Decision Making Task". Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- J.F. George, David Biros, J.K. Burgoon, J.F. Nunamaker, and J.M. Crews. (2008). "The Role of E-Training in Protecting Information Assets Against Deception Attacks". MISQ Executive. (7), 2, 1540-1960 .
- J. George, David Biros, J. Burgoon, J. Nunamaker, J. Cao, M. Lin, K. Marett, and J. Crews. (2008). "Defeating Deception Through E-Training". MIS Quarterly Executive. (7), 2,
- David Biros, David Sikolia, and Michael Hass. (2008). "The Perceived Dichotomy Between Current Green IT Initiatives and Information Security". Cutter IT Journal. (21), 2,
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, and Dursun Delen. (2008). "Exploration of Feature Selection and Advanced Classification Models for High-Stakes Deception Detection". Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Mark Weiser and David Biros. (2007). "Managing Digital Forensic Knowledge: An Applied Approach". Proceedings of the 5th Australian Digital Forensics Conference.
- J.K. Burgoon, J.F. Nunamaker, J.F. George, M. Adkins, J. Kruse, and David Biros. (2007). "“Detecting Deception in the Military Infosphere: Improving and Integrating Detection Capabilities with Automated Tools”. In C. Wang et al., (Eds.), Information Security Research: New Methods for Protecting Against Cyber Threats ". Indianapolis, IN: Wiley: C. Wang et al., (Eds.), Information Security Research: New Methods for Protecting Against Cyber Threats . 606-627.
- S. Barnes, David Biros, Mark Weiser, and Nicholas Romano. (2007). "Integrating Information Security in Systems Analysis and Design Classrooms". Information Security Curriculum Development Conference.
- S.D. Barnes and David Biros. (2007). "An Exploratory Study of Computer Mediated Communications on Cyber Stalking Severity". Journal of Digital Forensics, Security, and Law. (2), 3, 7-27. 1558-7215.
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, and M.J. Imperial. (2007). "Knowledge Retention in Information Assurance Computer Based Training: A Comparative Study of Two Courses for Network User Training". Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Security Conference.
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, M. Adkins, J.K. Burgoon, J.F. Nunamaker, and S. Coulan. (2006). ""Detecting Deception in Person-of-Interest Statements,” in Mehrotra et al. (eds.), IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics, LCNS 3975". Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 504-509.
- Mark Weiser, David Biros, and G Mosier. (2006). "Development of a National Repository of Digital Forensic Intelligence". Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. 1 (2), 5-17.
- Christie Fuller, David Biros, D.P. Twitchell, J.K. Burgoon, and M. Adkins. (2006). "An Analysis of Text-Based Deception Detection Tools". Proceedings of the Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Mark Weiser, David Biros, and G. Mosier. (2006). "Building a National Forensics Case Repository for Forensic Intelligence". Journal of Digital Forensics, Security, and Law. (1), 2,
- David Biros, D.P. Twitchell, N. Forsgren, J.K. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2006). "Automated Determination of the Veracity of Interview Statements from People of Interest to an Operational Security Force". Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- David Biros, K. Marett, and B.T. Langhels. (2006). "Vigilance and Error Detection in an Automated Command and Control Environment". Kona, HI: Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- David Biros, D.P. Twitchell, N. Forsgren, J.K. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2005). "Assessing the Veracity of Criminal and Detainee Statements: A Real-World Study". Washington, D.C.: Proceedings of the Mitre Conference on Intelligent Systems.
- David Biros, J.F. George, and R.W. Zmud. (2005). "Inside the Fence: Sensitizing Employees to Deception in Information Technology". MIS Quarterly Executive. (4), 1,
- David Biros, J. Sakamoto, M. Adkins, J. Kruse, J. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2005). "A Quasi-Experiment to Determine the Impact of a Computer Based Deception Detection Training System: The Use of Agent99 Trainer in the U.S. Military". Kona, HI: Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- David Biros, Michael Hass, J.F. George, K. Weirs, D. Twitchell, M Adkins, J.K. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2005). "Task Performance Under Deceptive Conditions: Using Military Scenarios in Deception Detection Research". Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Science.
- K. Marett, David Biros, and M.L. Knode. (2004). "“Self-Efficacy, Training Effectiveness, and Deception Detection: A Longitudinal Study of Lie Detection Training.” In Chen, H. et al. (eds), IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics". Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 187-200.
- J.F. George, David Biros, M. Adkins, J.K. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2004). "“Testing Various Modes of Computer-Based Training for Deception Detection.” In Chen, H. et al. (eds), IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics". Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 411-417.
- David Biros, M. Daly, and G. Gunsch. (2004). "Task Load and Automation Use in an Uncertain Environment". Group Decision and Negotiations. (13), 2,
- J.F. George, David Biros, J.K. Burgoon, and J.F. Nunamaker. (2003). "“Training Professionals to Detect Deception.” In Chen, H. et al. (eds), IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics". Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 366-370.
- David Biros, J. George, and R.W. Zmud. (2002). "Inducing Sensitivity to Deception". MIS Quarterly. (26), 2, 119-144. 0276-7783.
Editorial and Review Activities
- Electronic Markets
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
- Group Decision and Negotiation
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
- Invited Manuscript Reviewer
- Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law
Editor or Co-Editor
January 2013 - JAIS
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
May 2012 - Journal of Management Information Systems
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
January 2012 - Institutional and Economic Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
December 2008 - Conference on Computer Forensics, Security, and Law
Associate Editor
2006 - Journal of Digital Forensics, Security, and Law
Associate Editor
2006 - MIS Quarterly
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
2005 - Journal of the Midwest AIS
Special Issue Editor
January 17 2020 - July 31 2020 - Conference Proceedings of the Big XII+
2018 - Conference Proceeding of the Digital Forensics, Security and Law
2013 - Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law
Associate Editor
2007 - 2012 - Invited Manuscript Reviewer
2006 - Midwest AIS Conference Proceedings
2006 - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Invited Manuscript Reviewer
2003 - 2005
Awards and Honors
- Best Paper Award (2019)
- Best Paper Award (2016)
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2016)
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2009)
- MSIS Faculty Award (2007)
- 2001 Outstanding Senior Military Officer (2001)
- Air Force Inspector General “Outstanding Performer (2000)
- Instructor of the Year, 335th Training Squadron (1993)
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Management Science and Information Systems, Oklahoma State University, Fleming Companies Inc. Professorship in Technology Management, July 2017
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, July 1 2010
- Edith Cowen University, Australia, Adjunct Professor, October 2007
- Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, August 15 2005 - June 30 2010
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Adjunct Professor, June 2002 - August 2005
- US Air Force, Pentagon, Chief Information Assurance Officer, AF-CIO, June 2002 - August 2005
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of Information Resource Management, August 1998 - June 2002
- University of Dayton, Adjunct Professor, March 1999 - December 2001
- Central Michigan University, Adjunct Professor, May 1999 - November 2001
- 335th Training Squadron, 81st Training Wing, Chief, Information Management Courses, January 1993 - July 1995