Spears School of Business
Professor, Dept. of Marketing & International Business
Associate Dean, Spears School of Business
William S. Spears Chair in Business Administration
STILLWATER, OK 74078-4011
Phone: 405-744-5064
- Ph D, University of Utah, Marketing, 2001
- MBA, Minnesota State University, Marketing, 1994
- BS, Minnesota State University, Marketing, 1991
- Amy Greiner Fehl, Marlys Mason, and Mariann Gyorke. "Consumption Solidarity: Healing Cultural Trauma Following Marketplace Violence". Journal of Consumer Research (Forthcoming).
- Marlys Mason, , , and . "Social Traps and Wicked Problem of Single-Use Plastics: A Marketing, Policy and Citizen-Consumer Perspective". Journal of Consumer Affairs (Forthcoming).
- Marlys Mason, Anthony Beudaert, and Jean-Philippe Nau. "The Social Model and Consumers with Disability: Contributions, Criticisms, and Call for New Perspectivestical Review and Research Agenda". Journal of Marketing Management (Forthcoming).
- Amy Greiner Fehl and Marlys Mason. "Collective Consumption after Community Tragedies: Public Space for Communal Healing". Edward Elgar Publishing (Forthcoming).
- Amy Fehl Griener and Marlys Mason. (2022). "Consumer Solidarity in the Wake of the Paris Marketplace Attacks". 2022 Advances in Consumers Research.
- Christopher Newman, Marlys Mason, and Jeff Langenderfer. (2021). "The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis Legalization: Potential Benefits and Regulatory Perspectives". Journal of Consumer Affairs.
- Marlys Mason. (2020). "Conceptualizing Service Captivity: When Power Shifts to Providers". .
- Marlys Mason. (2020). "Marketplace Violence and Community Resiliency: Individual and Collective Transformation Following the Paris November 2015 Terrorist Attacks". .
- Marlys J Mason, Wendy Boland, and Ingrid Martin. (2020). "In Search of Well Being: Factors Influencing the Movement Toward and Away From Maladaptive Consumption". Journal of Consumer Affairs.
- Steven W. Rayburn, Marlys Mason, and Maarten Volkers. (2020). "Service Captivity: No Voice, No Choice, No Power". Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. (39), 2, 155-168.
- Darrell Bartholomew and Marlys Mason. (2019). "Facebook Rituals: Identifying Rituals of Social Networking Sites Using Structural Ritualization Theory". Journal of Consumer Behaviour. (19), 2, 142-150.
- Marlys Mason and Ingrid Martin. (2018). "Overconsumption in a Connected World: Online Gaming and Maladaptive Behavior". Acadmey of Marketing Science Global Conference Proceedings.
- Marlys Mason and Alejandra Rodriguez. (2018). "The Consumer's Journey From Adaptive to Maladaptive Consumption ". 2018 American Marketing Association Marketing & Public Policy COnfrence Proceedings.
- Katheryn Pounders and Marlys Mason. (2018). "Embodiment, Illness, and Gender: The Intersected and Disrupted Identities of Young Women with Breast Cancer". Research in Consumer Behavior Consumer Culture Theory. (19), 111-122.
- Kathrynn Pounders and Marlys Mason. (2017). "Embodiment and Gender Identity: The Case of Young Women with Breast Cancer". Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research: North America Advances in Consumer Research. (45),
- Marlys Mason and Darrell Bartholomew. (2016). "Maladaptive Consumption and Harm in Online Gaming". American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference.
- Kristin Scott, Marlys Mason, and James Mason. (2015). "I'm Not a Smoker: Constructing Protected Prototypes for Risk Behavior". Journal of Business Research. (68), 10, 2198-2206.
- Josh Wiener and Marlys Mason. (2015). "Social Marketing and Public Support for Policies Restricting Risk Behavior,” in The Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing". The Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing. Praeger (ABC-CLIO) Publishing: Santa Barbara, CA: .
- Marlys Mason and . (2015). "“Health Shocks, Identity and Consumer Vulnerability,” in Vulnerable Consumers: Conditions, Contexts and Characteristics". Routledge; K. Hamilton, S. Dunnett, and M. Piacentini, eds, . 145-156.
- Josh Wiener and Marlys Mason. (2014). ""Public Support for Regulating the Public," The Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing,". D. Stewart Ed. . (3), 239-270.
- Teresa Pavia and Marlys Mason. (2014). "Vulnerability and Physical, Cognitive, and Behavioral Impairment Model Extensions and Open Questions Product Involvement". Journal of Macromarketing. (34), 4, 471-485.
- Marlys Mason, J.F. Tanner, M. Piacentini, and et al.. (2013). "Advancing a Participatory Approach for Youth Risk Behavior: Foundations, Distinctions, and Research Directions". Journal of Business Research. (66), 8, 1231-1245.
- David Sikolia, David Biros, Mark Weiser, and Marlys Mason. (2013). "Trustworthiness of Grounded Theory Methodology Research in Information Systems". Proceedings of the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
- and Marlys Mason. (2012). "Inclusion, Exclusion and Identity in Families Living with Childhood Disability". Consumption, Markets, and Culture. (15), 1, 87-115.
- Stacey Baker and Marlys Mason. (2011). "Advancing The Process Theory of Consumer Vulnerability and Resiliency, in Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-Being". Taylor and Francis, D. Mick, S. Pettigrew and C. Pechmann (eds.) Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-Being.
- Marlys Mason and Debra L. Debra. (2011). "Unintended Consequences of Health Supplement Information Regulations: The Importance of Recognizing Consumer Motivation". Journal of Consumer Affairs. (45), 2, 201-223.
- Marlys Mason and John Tanner. (2011). "Youth and Risky Consumption: Moving Toward a Transformative Approach". Journal of Research for Consumers. (19),
- Garrett Coble, Marlys Mason, and Josh Wiener. (2008). "A Window of Opportunity: The Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood and Smoking Behavior". Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference.
- James Mason and Marlys Mason. (2008). "Teens and Anti-Tobacco Messages: Examining Reactance in Trial Users," in Latin American Advances in Consumer Research". Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research. (2), 7.
- Marlys Mason, D. Scammon, and Xiang Fang. (2007). "The Impact of Product Claims and Disclosures in the Dietary Supplement Industry". Journal of Consumer Affairs. (41), 74-99.
- D. Scammon and Marlys Mason. (2006). ""Marketing and Society: What has Marketing Thought Contributed and What Does the Future Hold?" in Explorations in Marketing and Society". Cincinnati OH: Thomson Publishers.
- Marlys Mason and T.L. Pavia. (2006). "When the Family System Includes Disability: Adaptation in the Marketplace, Roles and Identity". Journal of Marketing Management. (22), 1009-1030.
- Xiang Fang and Marlys Mason. (2005). "Does Affect Influence the Processing of Risk Disclosure?". Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Annual Conference.
- T. Pavia and Marlys Mason. (2004). "The Reflexive Relationship Between Consumer Behavior and Adaptive Coping". Journal of Consumer Research. (31), September, 441-455.
- Marlys Mason, D. Scammon, and R. Hueffner. (2002). "Does Health Status Matter? Examining the Experiences of the Chronically Ill in Medicaid Managed Care". Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. (21), Spring, 53-65.
- Marlys Mason and T. Pavia. (2001). "Exploring Water Consumption Using a Continuum Perspective: The Case of the American West". Academy of Marketing Science Review. (1), 10,
- Marlys Mason and D. Scammon. (2000). "Health Claims and Disclaimers: Extended Boundaries and Research Opportunities in Consumer Interpretation". Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. (19), Spring,
- Marlys Mason. (1998). "Drugs or Dietary Supplements: FDA Enforcement of DSHEA". Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. (17), Fall,
Editorial and Review Activities
- Journal of Consumer Affairs
Editorial Board Member
January 2017 - December 2025 - Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Associate Editor
January 2017 - December 2025 - Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Editorial Board Member
January 2006 - December 2025 - International Journal of Advertising
Editorial Board Member
January 2010 - December 2020
Awards and Honors
- Faculty Fellow in Social Science Research Applied to Hazards (2004)
- Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2004)
- Professor of the Month (2002)
- David Eccles Doctoral Research Scholar Award (2000)
- Marriner Eccles Graduate Research Fellowship in Political Economy (2000)
Academic, Military, and Professional Positions
- Oklahoma State University, Professor, Dept. of Marketing & International Business, July 2023
- University of Lorraine, France, Visiting Professor, March 2023
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Dean, Spears School of Business, July 2017
- Oklahoma State University, William S. Spears Chair in Business Administration, 2017
- Oklahoma State University, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, 2007 - June 30 2023
- Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julo Garavito, Bogata, Columbia, Visiting Professor, July 2017
- CIMBA - Consortium for International Studies, Italy, Visiting Professor, January 2009 - April 2009
- Department of Marketing, Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor, 2001 - 2007
- Department of Marketing, University of Utah, Visiting Lecturer, 2000 - 2001